NEW CLUB (I forgot to make a blog about this)
4 years, 5 months & 14 days ago
1st Aug 2020 19:49 As you can tell by the title, I have joined a new club. (Technically, I got invited.) It's a roleplaying club and I'm one of the staff. It is called 'Crystal Cove' which sounds pretty cool. The name Crystal Cove makes me think of Cerulean Cave from Pokemon. (If anyone who knows Pokemon, I'm sure you know what I mean.) The Leader is Wintergem (Winter for short) and the staff members are me, hamsterlover1232 and YellowFern (Nicknames are Roar, Hamster and Fern). Everyone interested in roleplaying should join this club. Anyone on any roleplaying level is allowed. If you are interested, you can MM me to join.
4 years, 6 months & 3 days ago
13th Jul 2020 22:02 So you might or might not know that I have a gallery of candles that I have been collecting. When they've been there for a few days or a few weeks, I will be adding them to my Wonder Shop for a low price.
(Though I'm not going to collect every single candle, just get the ones I can find or purchase and put those in my shop/give to my pets/donate.)