Undying Festival 2016
8 years, 3 months & 5 days ago
8th Oct 2016 10:38 [x] Vera Wig
[x] Split Vera Wig
Glowing Eggs
[x] Daisy Glowing Egg
[x] Autumn Glowing Egg
[x] Undying Festival 2016 Stamp
[x] Silky Cobweb Songs
[x] Undead Bones
[x] Haunted Spirit Charm
[x] Haunted Daisy Plushie
[x] Daisy Scarecrow
[x] Daisy Pinecone Craft
[x] Daisy Potato
[X] Undying Pancakes
[x] Halloween Daisy Burger
[x] Golden Apple Cider
[x] Tiramisu Gelato
[X] Strawberry Gelato
[x] Stracciatella Gelato
[x] Pistachio Gelato
[x] Mango Gelato
11th October 2016 - I have collected all of the available prizes!