Foxfire Pond rewards.
8 years, 10 months & 29 days ago
15th Feb 2016 12:41 15.2.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Cherry Macaron
Favolos has rewarded you with 114 BP
16.2.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Meat Pie
Twigsen gained 2 coordination stat
17.2.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Low Fat Strawberry Muffin
Twigsen gained 1 music stat
18.2.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Love Letter Cookie
Favolos has rewarded you with 177 BP!
18.2.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Pistachio Macaron
Favolos has rewarded you with 137 BP!
19.2.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Fasoro Biscuit
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Blue
20.2.2016:Twigsen fed Favolos Low Fat Apple Muffin
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Native
21.2.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Ketchup Muffin
Twigsen gained 1 health stat
22.2.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Test Your Strength Pearl
Favolos has rewarded you with 154 BP!
23.2.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Test Your Strength Potato
Favolos has rewarded you with 13 Olympic Pts!
23.2.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Pistachio Macaron
Twigsen gained 1 strength stat
24.2.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Test Your Strength Potato
Favolos has rewarded you with 140 BP!
25.2.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Carrot
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed into a Rainbow Kidlet
26.2.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Blood Donut
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Blue
27.2.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Sliced White Bread
Favolos has rewarded you with 133 BP!
28.2.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Breadfruit
Favolos has rewarded you with 15 Olympic Pts!
29.2.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Breadfruit
Favolos has rewarded you with 111 BP!
1.3.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Apple Pie
Twigsen gained 1 health stat
2.3.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Digital Candycane
Twigsen gained 1 sports stat
3.3.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Test Your Strength Potato
Twigsen gained 1 defence stat
4.3.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Watermelon Sugar Cube
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Blue
5.3.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Amethyst Calla Lily
Twigsen gained 1 stamina stat
5.3.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Green Eye Appetiser
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Yellow
7.3.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Dark Blue Pearl
Favolos has rewarded you with 13 Olympic Pts!
8.3.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Blue Gumball
Twigsen gained 1 sports stat
9.3.2106: Twigsen fed Favolos Blue Candycane
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Native
10.3.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Test Your Strength Pearl
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Yellow
11.3.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Crabapple
Favolos has rewarded you with 177 RP!
12.3.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Frozen Strawberry
Twigsen gained 1 coordination stat
13.3.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Ice Cupcake
Favolos has rewarded you with 222 BP!
14.3.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Ginger
Twigsen gained 1 coordination stat
14.3.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Rowan
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Yellow
15.3.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Juneberry
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Yellow
15.3.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Cherry Pie
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Red
16.3.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Sugar Donut
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Blue
17.3.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Orange Chocolate Zetlian
Favolos has rewarded you with 598 MP!
18.3.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Ice Cream Pie
Favolos has rewarded you with 105 BP!
19.3.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Purple Heart Lolly
Favolos has rewarded you with 193 RP!
20.3.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Fiddlehead
Favolos has rewarded you with 13 Olympic Pts!
21.3.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Thunder Potato
Twigsen gained 2 balance stat
22.3.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Rowan
Favolos has rewarded you with 8 Olympic Pts!
23.3.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Black Beans
Twigsen gained 1 defence stat
25.3.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Starry Gumball
Favolos was just about to eat Limoose but is now full
You now have a Limoose in your Inventory
26.3.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Thunder Potato
Favolos has rewarded you with 139 BP!
28.3.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Drake Potato
Favolos has rewarded you with 150 BP!
29.3.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Vampire Potato
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Blue
30.3.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Orange Chocolate Gumball
Favolos has rewarded you with 156 BP!
31.3.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Milk Chocolate Gumball
Twigsen gained 1 speed stat
1.4.2016:Twigsen fed Favolos Fried Chicken and Fries
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Yellow
1.4.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Rowan
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Green
2.4.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Test Your Strength Pearl
Twigsen gained 2 stamina stat
3.4.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Test Your Strength Potato
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Green
3.4.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Test Your Strength Potato
Twigsen gained 1 defence stat
4.4.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Test Your Strength Pearl
Twigsen gained 1 math stat
5.4.3026: Twigsen fed Favolos Orange Chocolate Zetlian
Favolos has rewarded you with 145 BP!
5.4.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Test Your Strength Potato
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed into a Pixie Renat
6.4.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Test Your Strength Potato
Favolos has rewarded you with 6 Olympic Pts!
7.4.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Test Your Strength Potato
Twigsen gained 1 defence stat
9.4.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Blackcurrant Lollypop
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Snow
9.4.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Satyr Potato
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Red
10.4.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Test Your Strength Pearl
Twigsen gained 1 language stat
11.4.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Bivalve Mollusks
Favolos has rewarded you with 184 RP!
12.4.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos White Calla Lily
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed into a Purple Kidlet
12.4.2106: Twigsen fed Favolos Mini Lime Pies
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Yellow
13.4.2016:Twigsen fed Favolos Test Your Strength Potato
Favolos has rewarded you with 6 Olympic Pts!
14.4.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Red Pearl
Favolos has rewarded you with 5 Olympic Pts!
14.4.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Coconut Pie
Favolos has rewarded you with 126 RP!
16.4.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Frozen Pear
Twigsen gained 1 balance stat
17.4.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Mini Plum Pies
Favolos has rewarded you with 127 BP!
18.4.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Strawberry Ice Cream
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Red
19.4.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Starry Gumball
Twigsen gained 1 speed stat
20.4.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Milk Chocolate Gumball
Twigsen gained 1 level stat
21.4.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Orange Chocolate Zetlian
Twigsen gained 2 balance stat
22.4.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Drake Potato
Twigsen gained 1 speed stat
24.4.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Drake Potato
Favolos has rewarded you with 210 RP!
24.4.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Vampire Potato
Twigsen gained 1 speed stat
24.4.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Milk Chocolate Feliz
Twigsen gained 1 health stat
25.4.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Drake Potato
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Yellow
26.4.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Drake Potato
Favolos has rewarded you with 202 BP!
27.4.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos White Chocolate Addow
Favolos has rewarded you with 12 Olympic Pts!
28.4.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Chocolate Hearts
Favolos has rewarded you with 209 BP!
30.4.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Cherry Pie
Favolos has rewarded you with 219 BP!
1.5.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Sugar Cube
Twigsen gained 1 health stat
2.5.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Thunder Potato
Favolos has rewarded you with 135 RP!
3.5.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Vampire Potato
Twigsen gained 1 health stat
3.5.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Cupid Cupcake
Twigsen gained 1 speed stat
4.5.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Trash Potato
Favolos has rewarded you with 239 BP!
4.5.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Merman Cupcake
Favolos has rewarded you with 160 BP!
5.5.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Vampire Potato
Twigsen gained 1 coordination stat
6.5.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Vampire Potato
Twigsen gained 1 science stat
7.5.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Merman Cupcake
Favolos was just about to eat Chepiz but is now full
You now have a Chepiz in your Inventory
9.5.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Purple Hyacinth
Favolos has rewarded you with 5 Olympic Pts!
10.5.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Thunder Potato
Favolos has rewarded you with 126 BP!
11.5.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Red Gummy Renat
Twigsen gained 2 coordination stat
12.5.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Chocolate Hearts
Twigsen gained 1 geography stat
13.5.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Salmon Begonia
Favolos has rewarded you with 4,350 MP!
14.5.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Frozen Pear
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Orange
15.5.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Test Your Strength Potato
Favolos has rewarded you with 180 BP!
16.5.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Test Your Strength Pearl
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Red
17.5.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Ice Cupcake
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Blue
18.5.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Frozen Cherries
Favolos has rewarded you with 115 BP!
19.5.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Grass Jelly Beans
Favolos has rewarded you with 130 BP!
23.5.2016:Twigsen fed Favolos Chicken Wings
Twigsen gained 1 speed stat
24.5.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Cream Pearl
Favolos has rewarded you with 1,600 MP!
25.5.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Injured Cupcake
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Red
27.5.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Flat Fish
Favolos has rewarded you with 13 Olympic Pts!
28.5.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Pear Sugar Cube
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Snow
29.5.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Frozen Cherries
Twigsen gained 1 defence stat
29.5.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Green Gummy Feliz
Favolos has rewarded you with 14 Olympic Pts!
30.5.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Rock Gumball
Twigsen gained 1 speed stat
30.5.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Medlar
Twigsen gained 1 coordination stat
31.5.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Vampire Potato
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Green
31.5.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Test Your Strength Pearl
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Purple
1.6.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Loquat
Favolos has rewarded you with 196 RP!
2.6.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Mini Pies
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Yellow
3.6.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Dark Chocolate Knutt
Favolos has rewarded you with 191 BP!
4.6.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Sausage Roll
Favolos has rewarded you with 232 BP!
5.6.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Bat Candy
Favolos has rewarded you with 2,596 MP!
5.6.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Chocolate Ice Cream
Favolos has rewarded you with 203 BP!
6.6.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Pear
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Killer
7.6.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Test Your Strength Pearl
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed into a Cowboy Yakubi
8.6.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Ghost Floaties
Twigsen gained 1 balance stat
9.6.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Wormy Apple
Favolos has rewarded you with 210 BP!
10.6.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Test Your Strength Pearl
Favolos has rewarded you with 244 BP!
10.6.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Artichoke
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Green
11.6.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Calico Candycane
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Blue
13.6.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Desert Cake
Favolos has rewarded you with 207 BP!
13.6.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Mint Chocolate Doyle
Favolos has rewarded you with 15 Olympic Pts!
14.6.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Strawberry Jam Toast
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Yellow
15.6.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Giant Lemon
Favolos has rewarded you with 204 BP!
16.6.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Blueberries
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed into a Camouflage Flab
17.6.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Chocolate Pie
Twigsen gained 1 stamina stat
18.6.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Brain Cookies
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Red
19.6.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Test Your Strength Pearl
Twigsen gained 1 level stat
20.6.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Mint Chocolate Azul
Twigsen gained 1 defence stat
21.6.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos White Chocolate Doyle
Twigsen gained 1 speed stat
22.6.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Juneberry
Favolos has rewarded you with 11 Olympic Pts!
22.6.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Test Your Strength Potato
Favolos has rewarded you with 156 BP!
23.6.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Chocolate Sugarcone
Favolos has rewarded you with 10 Olympic Pts!
24.6.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Satyr Potato
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Polar
24.6.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Grilled Fish Burger
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Frostfire
26.6.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Dark Chocolate Newth
Favolos has rewarded you with 207 BP!
26.6.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Milk Chocolate Gumball
Favolos has rewarded you with 139 BP!
27.6.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Gift Wrapped Chocolate Heart
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Green
29.6.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Raspberry Lollypop
Twigsen gained 1 balance stat
30.6.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Frozen Pear
Favolos has rewarded you with 225 RP!
1.7.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Asparagus
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Hero
2.7.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Dark Chocolate Murfin
Favolos has rewarded you with 158 BP!
3.7.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Frozen Pear
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Blue
4.7.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Desert Cake
Favolos has rewarded you with 142 RP!
6.7.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Frozen Pear
Twigsen gained 1 history stat
6.7.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Frozen Pear
Twigsen gained 1 strength stat
7.7.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Persimmon
Twigsen gained 1 music stat
8.7.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Frozen Pear
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Redpanda
9.7.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Purple Sugar Cube
Favolos has rewarded you with 126 RP!
10.7.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Sliced White Bread
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Blue
Twigsen fed Favolos Periwinkle Hyacinth
Favolos has rewarded you with 2,532 MP!
13.7.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Elderberries
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Green
13.7.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Vampire Potato
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out....
Twigsen changed colour to Blue
15.7.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Frozen Potato
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Blue
16.7.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Drake Potato
Favolos has rewarded you with 8 Olympic Pts!
19.7.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Frozen Pear
Favolos has rewarded you with 12 Olympic Pts!
20.7.2016:Twigsen fed Favolos Ketchup Rolls
Favolos has rewarded you with 10 Olympic Pts!
20.7.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Amethyst Calla Lily
Favolos has rewarded you with 207 BP!
21.7.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Medlar
Favolos has rewarded you with 13 Olympic Pts!
21.7.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Mini Pies
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Red
23.7.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Mini Plum Pies
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Spacefairy
24.7.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Gold Sugar Cube
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Blue
24.7.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Frozen Cabbage
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Red
25.7.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Frozen Saladleaf
Favolos has rewarded you with 226 BP!
26.7.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Purple Sugar Cube
Favolos has rewarded you with 112 BP!
27.7.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Frozen Pear
Favolos has rewarded you with 638 MP!
Twigsen fed Favolos Bronze Sugar Cube
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Green
28.7.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Pink Sugar Cube
Favolos has rewarded you with 102 RP!
29.7.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Fig
Twigsen gained 1 health stat
30.7.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Frozen Pear
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Red
31.7.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Yellow Rose
Favolos has rewarded you with 869 RP!
2.8.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Nectarine
Twigsen gained 1 health stat
3.8.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Goji Berries
Twigsen gained 1 defence stat
3.8.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Jar of Plasma
Favolos has rewarded you with 229 BP!
4.8.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Grapes
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Yellow
5.8.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Quince
Twigsen gained 1 coordination stat
5.8.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Mozzarella Dippers
Favolos has rewarded you with 8 Olympic Pts!
7.8.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Satyr Potato
Twigsen gained 1 geography stat
7.8.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Vampire Potato
Twigsen gained 1 coordination stat
8.8.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Fig
Favolos has rewarded you with 134 RP!
8.8.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Water Apple
Favolos has rewarded you with 240 RP!
9.8.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Jar of Pond Water
Twigsen gained 1 speed stat
9.8.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Giant Chaya
Favolos has rewarded you with 3,692 MP!
11.8.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Jar of Pond Water
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Green
11.8.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Jar of Dirt
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed into a Grey Kaala
12.8.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Test Your Strength Potato
Twigsen gained 1 defence stat
13.8.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Merman Cupcake
Favolos has rewarded you with 108 RP!
13.8.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Sugar Cube
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Green
14.8.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Lotus
Favolos has rewarded you with 10 Olympic Pts!
14.8.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Mini Lime Pies
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed into a Red Crindol
15.8.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Mini Cherry Pies
Twigsen gained 1 defence stat
16.8.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Jar of Ribbons
Favolos has rewarded you with 1,628 MP!
16.8.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Jar of Pond Water
Twigsen gained 1 level stat
17.8.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Rowan
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Green
18.8.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Taco Waffle
Twigsen gained 1 strength stat
19.8.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Pear
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Red
19.8.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Trash Potato
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Orange
20.8.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Mini Plum Pies
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed into a Rainbow Feliz
21.8.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Trash Potato
Twigsen gained 1 strength stat
21.8.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Trash Potato
Twigsen gained 1 speed stat
22.8.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Chicken Thigh
Favolos has rewarded you with 543 MP!
22.8.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Loquat
Favolos has rewarded you with 247 RP!
23.8.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Drake Potato
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Blue
24.8.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Test Your Strength Potato
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Purple
24.8.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Hawthorn
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Silver
25.8.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Honeydew
Twigsen gained 1 level stat
26.8.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Quince
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Red
27.8.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Blood Orange
Twigsen gained 1 stamina stat
28.8.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Trash Potato
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Pink
29.8.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Skeleton Potato
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Yellow
29.8.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Giant Sugar Beet
Twigsen gained 1 strength stat
30.8.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Mini Lime Pies
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Green
31.8.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Trash Potato
Twigsen gained 1 sports stat
1.9.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Test Your Strength Pearl
Favolos has rewarded you with 2,627 BP!
1.9.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Wormy Apple
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out...
Twigsen changed coloour to Blue
2.9.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Red Sugar Cube
Twigsen gained 1 coordination stat
3.9.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Quince
Favolos has rewarded you with 8 Olympic Pts!
4.9.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Loquat
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Blue
5.9.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Juneberry
Twigsen gained 1 stamina stat
6.9.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Mini Pies
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Green
7.9.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Mini Lime Pies
Twigsen gained 1 defence stat
8.9.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Loquat
Twigsen gained 1 stamina stat
9.9.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Jar of Dirt
Twigsen gained 1 coordination stat
10.9.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Jar of Dirt
Favolos has rewarded you with 6 Olympic Pts!
11.9.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Jar of Pond Water
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Dark
11.9.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Test Your Strength Pearl
Favolos has rewarded you with 2,730 MP!
12.9.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Jar of Pond Water
Twigsen gained 1 balance stat
13.9.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Trash Potato
Twigsen gained 1 strength stat
13.9.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Mini Cherry Pies
Twigsen gained 1 level stat
14.9.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Jar of Pond Water
Favolos has rewarded you with 198 BP!
16.9.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Giant Plum
Twigsen gained 1 sports stat
17.9.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Mini Lime Pies
Favolos has rewarded you with 9 Olympic Pts!
17.9.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Trash Potato
Twigsen gained 1 strength stat
18.9.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Test Your Strength Potato
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Green
19.9.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Mini Plum Pies
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Yellow
20.9.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Mini Plum Pies
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Red
20.9.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Jar of Dirt
Favolos has rewarded you with 3,050 MP!
21.9.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Trash Potato
Favolos has rewarded you with 111 BP!
22.9.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Honeydew
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Yellow
22.9.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Quince
Favolos has rewarded you with 155 BP!
24.9.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Piece of Broccoli
Twigsen gained 1 math stat
24.9.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Mini Custard Pies
Favolos has rewarded you with 2,934 MP!
25.9.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Test Your Strenght Pearl
Favolos has rewarded you with 17 Olympic Points!
25.9.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Jar of Dirt
Twigsen gained 1 defence stat
26.9.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Jar of Dirt
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Yellow
26.9.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Jar of Pond Water
Favolos has rewarded you with 2,522 MP!
27.9.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Jar of Dirt
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Frostfire
28.9.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Test Your Strength Potato
Twigsen gained 1 music stat
28.9.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Chocolate Mice
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Red
29.92016: Twigsen fed Favolos Jar of Dirt
Favolos has rewarded you with 1,927 MP!
30.9.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Trash Potato
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Blue
1.10.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Trash Potato
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Blue
2.10.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Mini Custard Pies
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Green
2.10.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Fish Heads
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Snow
3.10.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Jar of Dirt
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Blue
4.10.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Rock Gumball
Favolos has rewarded you with 108 BP!
5.10.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Mini Pies
Twigsen gained 2 math stat
6.10.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Jar of Dirt
Twigsen gained 1 art stat
7.10.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Test Your Strength Potato
Favolos has rewarded you with 1,166 MP!
8.10.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Test Your Strength Potato
Favolos has rewarded you with 221 BP!
9.10.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Thunder Potato
Twigsen gained 1 sports stat
10.10.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Mini Cherry Pies
Favolos has rewarded you with 3,257 MP!
11.10.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Trash Potato
Twigsen gained 1 health stat
12.10.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Mini Custard Pies
Favolos has rewarded you with 1,805 BP!
13.10.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Mini Pies
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Blue
14.10.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Mini Cherry Pies
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed into a Sponge Reese
15.10.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Test Your Strength Pearl
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Red
16.10.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Test Your Strength Pearl
Twigsen gained 1 speed stat
17.10.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Trash Potato
Twigsen gained 1 speed stat
18.10.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Skeleton Potato
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Yellow
19.10.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Skeleton Potato
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Cheese
20.10.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Test Your Strength Pearl
Favolos has rewarded you with 4,950 MP!
22.10.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Mini Pies
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Green
23.10.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Giant Corn
Twigsen gained 1 language stat
24.10.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Skeleton Potato
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Blue
25.10.2016: Lileaf fed Favolos Mini Pies
Lileaf gained 1 strength stat
25.10.2016: Lileaf fed Favolos Frozen Potato
Favolos has rewarded you with 1,036 MP!
26.10.2016: Lileaf fed Favolos Thunder Potato
Favolos has rewarded you with 156 BP!
26.10.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Mini Pies
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Red
28.10.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Hawthorn
Twigsen gained 1 defence stat
29.10.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Rotten Potato
Twigsen gained 1 speed stat
30.10.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Test Your Strength Potato
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Mental
31.10.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Twox
Twigsen gained 1 speed stat
1.11.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Blue Eye Cookie
Twigsen gained 1 speed stat
2.11.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Mini Pies
Twigsen gained 1 coordination stat
2.11.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Frozen Potato
Favolos has rewarded you with 2,139 MP!
4.11.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Marshmallow Ghosts
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Yellow
5.11.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Test Your Strength Pearl
Favolos has rewarded you with 134 BP!
5.11.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Spider Biscuits
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Blue
6.11.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Trash Potato
Favolos has rewarded you with 186 BP!
7.11.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Mini Custard Pies
Favolos has rewarded you with 146 BP!
8.11.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Mini Lime Pies
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Dragon
8.11.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Test Your Strength Potato
Twigsen gained 1 coordination stat
9.11.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Test Your Strength Pearl
Twigsen gained 1 level stat
10.11.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Test Your Strength Pearl
Favolos has rewarded you with 135 BP!
15.11.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Mini Lime Pies
Favolos has rewarded you with 203 RP!
16.11.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Wet Potato
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Red
17.11.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Cornsalad
Twigsen gained 1 coordination stat
18.11.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Giant Arnuts
Twigsen gained 1 coordination stat
19.11.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Frozen Pear
Favolos has rewarded you with 5 Olympic Pts!
20.11.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Alfalfa Sprouts
Favolos has rewarded you with 142 BP!
21.11.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Frozen Pear
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Green
22.11.2016:Twigsen fed Favolos Mini Lime Pies
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Yellow
23.11.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Raisins
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Red
24.11.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Frozen Potato
Twigsen gained 1 defence stat
25.11.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Giant Chokeberry
Twigsen gained 1 stamina stat
25.11.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Giant Radicchio
Twigsen gained 1 stamina stat
26.11.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Olives
Favolos has rewarded you with 15 Olympic Pts!
27.11.2016:Twigsen fed Favolos Test Your Strength Pearl
Twigsen gained 1 speed stat
28.11.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Frozen Potato
Twigsen gained 1 history stat
28.11.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Giant Chokeberry
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Green
29.11.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Mashua
Twigsen gained 1 coordination stat
30.11.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Skeleton Potato
Favolos has rewarded you with 188 BP!
1.12.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Beef
Favolos has rewarded you with 166 RP!
7.12.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Borage
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed into a Black Gonk
13.12.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Harpy Potato
Twigsen gained 1 language stat
14.12.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Mini Custard Pies
Twigsen gained 1 coordination stat
16.12.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Bloody Yule Log
Favolos also ate Twigsen and spat them out..
Twigsen changed colour to Blue
18.12.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Raspberry Lollypop
Twigsen gained 1 strength stat
21.12.2016: Twigsen fed Favolos Mini Pies
Twigsen gained 1 balance stat