2016 GOALS
9 years & 3 days ago
24th Dec 2015 04:28 The most inspiring time to make goals would of course be Christmas!LET'S DO THIS!PET GOALS
[ ]Get an Extra Pet GB x2
[ ]Get a Party Snookle:
[ ]Snookle Maker
[ ]Party Costume(Temple perhaps?)
[ ]Get a Zombie Lati
[ ]Lati Maker
[ ]Lati Poison
[X]Collect all hair dyes
[X]Collect all lipsticks
[ ]Collect all basic colour contacts
[ ]Collect all basic colour eye make-up
[ ]Collect all basic colour face make-up
[ ]Woodland Wig
[x]Aquarius Tail
[ ]Wonderland TC x2
[ ]Gemini TC x2
[ ]Arctic TC x1
[x]Collect at least half of the wigs
Total: 122 wigs
Progress: 32/61
[X]Collect enough clothes for wardrobe fairy wig
[X]Collect enough clothes for wardrobe fairy wings
[x]Missing Clothing GB
[ ]Double Crystals GB
MP GOALS Store in bank, DO NOT SPEND!
[x]Get 1 mil MP
[X]Get 5 mil MP
[ ]Get 10 mil MP
[ ]Get 20 mil MP
[ ]Get 50 mil MP
[x]UN Certificate so I can be part of the Edible Mara-users Community
[x]Complete Premium Hair Treasure Map
0 Mp Challenge
9 years & 28 days ago
29th Nov 2015 00:02 Includes dailies and shop earnings, subtracted with pet trades on that day, but not including mp earned from trades Resets every 00:00:00 MST Day 1 84,180
Note: Traded Blitzen Figaro for Princess Chibs
Day 2 166, 268
Day 3 902, 549
Day 4 593, 711 + 9,946