something for my grampa
9 years & 6 days ago
8th Jan 2016 05:47 so my grampa whose kidney's are failing him went to the hospital yesterday to talk about dialysis options, he has decided that he does not want to go on dialysis and would rather die. He has days to weeks left, after hearing this I wrote him this so you knows how much he means to me. Its not meant to change his mind but rather to show him no matter what he chooses I will always love him. I just wanted to share it with you guys
You were there when I first came into this world
When I took my first steps, and said my first words
You cuddled and kissed me when I was sad
Laughed and joked with me when I was happy
Scolded me when I got angry and lashed out
And always let me know I was loved
I remember how you fooled me with all your jokes
Do you remember that punching game...I sure did and ouch
So exactly how long is a Chinese name again...oh wait yes, yes it is
I remember all the times you picked me up
all those countless times you drove me.
Have I thanked you for that?
You cut hair for a living and I was proud of that
you always knew how to make my hair beautiful
Plus you made an impact on all the peoples whose hair you had cut.
You could make anyone you just met want to be friends with you in seconds
you were always the life of the party, in fact you were the party
I was there for you when amber died
I was there for you when gramma passed on
I am here for you now
I know you won???t be here in full when I find that someone
But I promise to find someone you would be proud of
You won???t be here for the birth of my children
But I promise to love them the same way you loved me
You well not be here when I am finally skinny again
But I won???t stop till I know you are smiling from where ever you might be
You won???t see me grow anymore
But I well become the best person ever
Thank you grampa for being there for me
For fighting for as long as you did
For showing me love
For making me laugh
And for cherishing every moment we spend together
I well never forget you.