About pets names
17 years & 5 days ago
30th Dec 2007 19:14 For those who ask, there was an event on here where one of the things you had to do was adopt pets from the pound. Although, I did later take most of them through the portal and changed their appearance, I did not name the following because they were adopted. The adopted ones I did not name were: Barli, Cannot, Cheetahoxo, CoffeeTime, Nog, Scorchion306109, Thebluewave, prisonC. So, I have no clue why they were named that.
The pets I created and named are: Buccaneer, D'agger, J'asper, Triggrr, __SnowFire__.
Advent Calendar
17 years & 11 days ago
24th Dec 2007 18:50 I was just thinking what great gifts we have been receiving from the advent calendar this year. Thanks!!!
17 years, 1 month & 23 days ago
11th Nov 2007 18:11 Thanks for the RIP Trading Card prize! The Halloween events were fun and creative!
Pet Peeves
17 years, 1 month & 24 days ago
10th Nov 2007 14:30 1. Everyone can make grammar (and for some of you who correct others, it IS spelled grammAr, not grammer) mistakes occasionally. But those people who don't know the difference between "your" and "you're" are annoying. The word "your" shows ownership or possession. It can be YOUR house, or YOUR car, but you certainly can NOT own "YOUR GOING", you can not own "YOUR WELCOME." It HAS to be "YOU ARE GOING" or "YOU'RE GOING", and YOU ARE WELCOME, OR YOU'RE WELCOME." One word which is commonly spelled wrong is separate. For some reason most people think it is sepErate. Actually, it isn't even pronounced sepERate. It is pronounced sepUHrate.
2. People in the forums who think they are superior to newbies or show impatience toward them. They make themselves look bad bragging about themselves, or criticizing someone because they are new.
3. People in the forums who try to dictate to or boss others around telling them what they can or can not ask about. They bully and harass people. If you aren't a moderator or staff, it isn't your place to tell anyone what to do or what to say. For example: Those who go to the errors forum to complain, bully or harass others because they don't like to read errors. If they don't want to read about errors in the errors forum, all they have to do is simply go to a different forum. It is sort of ridiculous. That is the same as going to the avatar forum to complain about people talking about avatars. There is no way you can sift through all the forums without the benefit of a search button to find out what is already being discussed as it changes constantly.
4. People who state they will tell you like it is, and if you can't take it that is your problem. What actually happens is they tell you their OPINION, and that does NOT make them right about you. What I witness happening is them trying to use rudeness and intimidation as an attempt to manipulate, control others.
17 years, 1 month & 25 days ago
9th Nov 2007 10:51 This summer has been hard because we lost our sister to bone cancer. I want to thank those of you who have left such kind messages in my mm.
I am collecting a bit of everything so all donations are accepted. My goal is to eventually get all the clothes, shoes, costumes, plushies, books, cds, dvds, pearls.... Ok, so that will certainly take me forever. The pet I want most now is the fire ercuw, or failing that...an ercuw.