A book I am writing here is the first 4 chapters
13 years, 2 months & 20 days ago

22nd Dec 2011 10:06
More coming soon~
The Death Toll Chronicles Book One: The Past
Chapter One: The Beginning?? Date: May 14th, 1896
Emiliee sighed as she looked up at the moon "Tis a
beautiful night Alisha?" Alisha meowed then looked at
Emiliee with her bright green eyes.?? Emiliee picked her cat
up "Let's go home..." On her way home she felt kind of
dizzy and sat down "Why am I so dizzy?" Emiliee thought.??
Alisha then stood up on her two hind legs and morphed into
a woman with black hair in a white dress.?? "On the twelfth
of the bell toll the spell shall be lifted on me and go to
you for three thousand years!" Laughed the witch. The
church bell started to toll and slowly Emiliee began to
change.?? Freaked out she looked down and saw a weird
symbol.?? All Emiliee could hear was the weird witch mumble
a weird language then blacked out.?? The next morning
Emiliee woke up at her house and felt hungry and
exhausted.?? She went down stairs grabbed some milk then
started chugging it out of the glass container.?? Day by day
Emiliee began to change more, she would purr when she was
content then having patches of fur all over her, with an
occasional meow here and there.?? Twelve days past and
Emiliee was no longer human she had turned completely
feline.?? "Wha....What happened to me?" Emiliee thought
starring at a stream of fish as soon as one went by she
pawed at it and began to eat the raw flopping fish.?? The
soon set and the moon was full and bright Emiliee turned
human a hunter near by saw her "WITCH!! A WITCH!!" He cried
in alarm and Emiliee was then shot by a arrow piercing her
heart by the hunter.?? Emiliee looked at him "Please tell my
daughters not to mourn for me they are safe from all evil.??
With an evil laugh the Witch came to Emiliee "Your
daughters will have the curse of the Death Toll and may
they die a slow and painful death!!" Emiliee passed away on
August 30th 1898.
Chapter 2: Unexpected Visitor August 30th, 2009
"MAN! I CAN'T SLEEP!" Riven said angrily as she sat up in
bed pushing her dark burgundy hair out of her eyes.?? "I
wonder what time it is." she thought leaning over to glance
at the clock. "FOUR O CLOCK!?" She screamed "Two more hours
and I have school!!" Riven face planted in her pillow with
a heavy sigh then came a knock downstairs.?? "Who could that
be at this hour..?" Riven walked down stairs in her robe
and opened the door and nothing there.?? Riven rolled her
eyes and started to walk back up stairs then a knock came
again tired of this game she opened the door once again and
nothing.?? Just as she shut the door a cold hand grabbed her
and she started screaming.?? Her dad laughed "I got you!"
smiling down at his little girl. "DAD!! Don't do that!" She
ran upstairs and slammed the door. Very tired it was time
for school and Riven slothed her way outside and waited for
the bus. She looked up and saw her best friend Adam Shank
walking out he saw her waved then headed towards her.??
"Poor Adam..... He's the laughing stock of the whole
school! Even though hes dating the most popular and
gorgeous girl in the whole school. But sadly people still
laugh at him" Riven thought.?? The bus came and Adam
generously let Riven in first since it was Adam is a
gentlemen and believes all girls should go first.?? Riven
saw her best friend Leehas head slumped down into her note
book and soft sobbing, "what happened Leeha? Why are you
crying?" Riven asked curiously.?? "Oh! Riven!! Someone came
to my house and an old lady grabbed me and said something
about a curse! then she just disappeared in front of my
eyes! It was so scary Riven!" Leeha burst into tears even
more. "Who was it!?" Riven asked scared "I....I....I don't
know I never seen her before!"
Chapter 3: Leeha's Gone!?? September 2, 2009
Riven was sitting next to Leeha, just three days ago no one
knew that it was going to happened.?? It was all over the
news, papers, and school. Leeha was surely gone, kidnapped
people believe but Riven thinks something worse had
happened.?? Riven could not sleep she was sick to her
stomach which made her toss and turn all night remembering
about what Leeha said about the mysterious woman at her
door.?? The next morning Riven got a phone call from Adam he
was crying then he took a deep breath "Riven......They
found Leeha.....She's dead!! A woman found her, near the
creek the one where we used to play, until they closed it
down due to many kids drowning.?? She drowned Riven... Shes
gone..."?? Riven dropped the phone in shock and her eyes
began to tear up then collapsed and cried for her best
friend.?? Riven could hear Adam on the other end of the
phone yelling for her but Riven couldn't answer she was
just crying to hard. A few days later Riven looked over the
casket which held her best friend. Her soft rosy cheeks now
pale her long luscious red hair turning white, and her
beautiful green eyes with no color.?? Riven cried but knew
her friend was in a better place she felt Adam hug her
tightly and helped her to her seat.?? After the funeral Adam
and Riven looked down at the grave stone both of them spoke
at once "Here lies Leeha Born May 5th 1994 Died: August
30th 2009. Riven and Adam sat down and had a couple of ice
cream sodas they were both still feeling sad but knew they
had each other and both agreed not to let anything happened
to one another.
Chapter 4: Resurrection May 15th, 1899??
"Legend tells that my mother was murdered for black magic.
I have found away to revive her but... Ineed your help
Daemeon" A black cloaked figure whispered.?? "Who are you?
From your voice you are a female?" Daemeon replied "Do not
fear me Daemeon if you help me find my mothers book I will
spare you." The mysterious woman answered.?? "My fair lady I
will help you but I do not know your name and yet you know
mine?" Daemeon asked nervously. "My name...My name? Oh
yes.. you should know my name tis Essence." Essence said
happily. "Very well Essence I will show you, your mothers
grave that is." He replied back.?? It was a cold winter and
hard to travel the snow was so deep that it was just over
the ankles.?? Five days pass and they came to a stop and
looked up at a huge tomb with a large seal on the door.
"This is it." Daemeon said. Essence poked at the tombs door
"Well? How do ye open thus?" she asked. "Use the black
magic, speak the words of the Death Toll curse." Daemeon
answered. Just as Essence was about to speak she heard a
yell from the distance. "Well if it isn't my twin sister
Celestial how are you today?" Essence snapped. "Essence you
can't open that tomb you and I both know what will happened
if you do it wil-"?? "ENOUGH!" Essence angrily interrupted
"I will open that tomb I will get the book mother used! I
will show all of Jamestown that mother is back and came to
smite them all for making her suffer! Even if I have to
kill you to get it!" Essence yelled. "No! I won't let you
resurrect mother!" Celestial screamed. Celestial grabbed
her pig tail which soon morphed into a gold bow with a
lightning arrow and shot it at Essence missing by a few
inches the arrow hit the tomb door and pulled Celestial in.
Celestial woke up in a pitch black room with nothing there
she tried to have her eyes adjust but they just wouldn't.??
Her long blond hair now covered with dirt made it look
gross. "Hello!!" she called "Someone help me!" Just then a
dark figure moved around in the shadows with a arrow in her
heart came to her. "Why... My daughter Celestial however
did you get in here?"?? "mo...mom?!" Celestials eyes widen
then she collapsed and passed out once again. Days went by
and Celestial woke up next to a warm fire and a young man
cooking some bacon "Hiya! Want some bacon? My names Derek
whats yours? I found you passed out and you looked cold."
Derek smiled as he asked.??"Celes....Celestial" she answered
tiredly "Cute name.." He told her. They ate dinner and
Celestial told him everything about her twin sister Essence
and how she wanted to enslave mankind he listened carefully
then agreed to help her but that changed when the tomb was
open and there was nothing there.?? It had happened Emiliee
was alive again to avenge her death all across Jamestown.