PC of my whole Gallery
13 years, 9 months & 5 days ago

31st May 2011 11:45
Total Value- 329 million 918k
PC Includes 3 minipets which are attatched to my pet.
Vampire Tasi Potion x3- 5 million
Leprechaun Tasi Potion x4- 5 million
Minipet Dakota Potion- 3 million
Blitzen Costume- 400k x64
Kamilah Costume- 500k x2
Leprechaun Costume- 800k
Midnight Costume- 450k x4
Minipet Costume- 800k
Sleepy Costume- 800k
Sparkle Costume- 750k
Toddler Costume- 500k x4
Vaapire Costume- 800k
Werewolf Costume- 500k
Blood Soaked Wig- 800k x8
Frozen Wig- 50k x4
Horns Wig- 150k x3
Liberty Wig- 150k x3
Rainbow Wig- 500k x3
Santa Wig- 25k x5
Seasonal Wig- 50k x4
Stoneage Wig- 50k x3
Vampire Horns Wig- 450k x6
Vampire Wig- 500k x7
Blitzen Pearl- 15k x3
Cotton Candy Pearl- 30k
Cowboy Pearl- 30k
Fire Fairy Pearl- 50k
Graveyard Pearl- 90k x28
Kamilah Pearl- 30k x51
Killer Pearl- 200k
Mini Pearl- 20k x13
Pirate Pearl- 20k x33
Thanksgiving Pearl- 20k x2
Vacation Pearl- 200k x2
Vampire Pearl- 80k x8
Werewolf Pearl- 90k x19
Advent Wreath Book- 20k
Bed Time Book- 115k
Midnight Book- 30k x2
Mini Book- 35k x 13
Pilgrim Book- 60k x41
Pixie Book- 300k
Rudolf Book- 15k x4
Summer Vacation Book- 800k x3
Bedtime Stories- 30k x42
Candy Music- 70k x2
Easter Music- 30k x3
Firework Sounds- 100k x4
Gobbling Gobbles- 40k x27
Golden Desert Hits- 20k x18
Halloween Hits- 4 million x10
Howling hits- 20k x7
Midnight Music- 40k x12
Mini Disk- 20k x54
Punk Music- 30k
Rainbow Tunes- 70k x36
Rudolf Christmas Carols- 20k x136
Summer Hits 2010- 800k x8
Thunder Noise- 25k x12
Vampire Attack Music- 40k
Beach Party- 250k x3
Bed Time Monsters- 70k x2
Belly Dancing- 30k x14
Deadly Treat- 40k x2
Earth Fairy- 2 million x2
Fireworks- 400k x3
First Thanksgiving- 100k x6
Honey I Shrunk the DVD- 25k x17
Midnight Sunrise- 30k
Werewolf- 20k x11
Ata- 70k x2
Bugsy- 30k
Chibi- 50k
Filondor- 1.5 million
Beach- 500k
Leprechaun- 400k
Moneybag- 1 million x3
Peiko- 450k
Prancer- 30k x2
Punk- 250k
Boo Trading Card- 200k x74
Candy Floss Trading Card- 500k x4
Grinch Trading Card- 90k x2
Hasani Trading Card- 600k x5
Lotus Trading Card- 500k x3
Naunet Trading Card- 500k x3
Nutcracker Trading Crad- 90k x23
Punk Xoi Trading Card- 500k x2
Christmas Pudding Male Costume- 450k
Crikey Female Costume- 150k
Devil Male Costume- 600k x3
Drummer Female Costume- 300k x4
Drummer Male Costume- 350k
Elf Male Costume- 70k x12
Goblin Female Costume- 800k x2
Grim Reaper Male Costume- 800k x2
Mental Female Costume- 150k
Mental Male Costume- 70k
Mistletoe Male Costume- 400k
Pumpkin Male Costume- 700k
Santa Female Costume- 800k
Santa Male Costume- 700k x2
Skeleton Female Costume- 800k
Teenage Witch Female Costume- 800k
Undying Fairy Female Costume- 800k x4
Vampire Female Costume- 700k x2
Vampire Male Costume- 500k
Werewolf Male Costume- 700k x2
Devil Female Costume- 1 million
Grim Reaper Female Costume- 800k
Jack Frost Male Costume- 700k
Advent Tree Instructions 1- 450k
Advent Tree Instructions 10- 450k
Advent Tree Instructions 7- 450k
Advent Tree Instructions 9- 600k
Chocolate Beach Cake- 150k x4
Christmas Eye Make Up- 20k x139
Christmas Stamp- 15k x17
Desert Booster- 200k
Easter Eggs Book- 30k x26
Female Skating Shoes- 70k x3
Firework Potato- 50k x2
Floating Music- 200k x133 (Value may be incorrect and so not added to total value)
Fried Egg Plushie- 400k
Fur Blouse- 40k x3
Kamilah Sword- 15k x29
Kamilah Wand- 70k x27
Lace Shirt- 70k x2
Male Skating Shoes- 70k x18
Mini Booster- 400k x2
Mini Shield- 110k x3
Mini Shoes- 130k
Mini Skirt- 210k x2
Mini Stamp- 20k x 15
Mini Sword- 60k x8
Skull Candy Dispenser- 1k x167
Pumpkin Candy Dispenser- .5k x491
Rainy Sword- 350k x2
Rainy Shield- 450k x3
Red Cabbage- 25k x100
Royal Boots- 150k
Royal Shoes- 120k
Royal Top- 60k x2
Rudolf Potato- 7k x64
Vacation Gumball- 90k x2
Vampire Shoes- 30k
Vampire Vintage Shirt- 60k x6
Weather Stamp- 40k x22
Werewolf Stamp- 30k x12
Zoosh Gauntlet- 20k x4
Blood Shoes- 200k x9
Firework Wand- 500k x3
Flower Shirt- 300k
Male Eye Shoes- 40k x7
Mini Tights Skirt- 120k
New Years Stamp- 300k x3
Pinto- 350k
Reon- 480k
Winter Hoody- 240k
Wizard Wig- 80k x3
Chibs Male Costume- 800k x2
Daemon Trading Card- 4 million x2
Trailer Male Costume- 1.5 million
Lush Lake Stamp- 900k
Swondor Trading Card- 1.5 million
Royal Male Costume- 1 million x2
Teenage Witch Male Costume- 700k
Mutant Viotto Plushie- 1 million
Black Forest Cake- 150k
Chains Shorts- 60k x2
Death Top- 110k
Royal Wedding Female Costume- 1.5 million
Santa Stockings- 120k
Winter Jacket- 350k x2
Winter Skirt- 130k x2
Winter Top- 160k x2
Ghost Candy Dispenser- 1k x169
Spider Candy Dispenser- 1k x114
Fire Cracker Shield- 45k x12
Firework- 75k x10
Rainy Wand- 50k x4
Light Fairy Book- 1.3 million
Mad Scientist Costume- 250k
Pumpkin Knives- 100k
Sun Sword- 90k
Angel Wig- 600k
Krick Trading Card- 800k
Book of Explosions- 300k x3
Electric Shield- 80k
Firework Costume- 1 million
Mad Scientist wand- 40k
Rocket- 70k x2
Scrooge- 500k x4
Sumo Sally Pass- 1.5 million
Dantiz- 800k
Fat Costume- 1 million
Experimental Potato- 20k
Halloween Book- 80k x7
Rainy Book- 30k
Singing in the Rain- 35k
Aladdin- 25k
Arabic Songs- 15k
Boris- 40k x10
Crazy Science Book- 15k
Firework Booster- 250k
Genie Costume- 350k
Snowman Dance- 1 million
Staff of the light fairy- 150k
Female War Boots- 20 million x2
Vampire Skirt- 500k
Mad Scientist Wig- 200k
Hero Costume- 1.5 million