Ice Fairy Prize
4 years, 10 months & 17 days ago
27th Feb 2020 02:53 Congratulations! You guessed the Ice Fairy's Mystery Item and were selected as one of the 3 winners of a Time Machine Token.
my first one
blizten lvl 1 - red rofling pen - 172mp
lvl 2 - white chocolate bolimo - 183 mp
lvl 3 - dark choco zetlian and red pucu cracker - 13k ~ mp
lvl 4 biala potato - 9252mp
lvl 5 - green hair dye - 652
lvl 6 - spiral wardrobe - 738
lvl 7 - enchanted silver bolimo plushie 25k
lvl 8 - Blue Shilpy Plate - was sent a plate by EckotheGecko
lvl 9 - fancy osafo plushie - 872mp
lvl 10 - trading card stamp - 4551 mp
lvl 11 - Coral D battery - 13,746 mp
lvl 12 - tantua ice sculpture - 174,999 mp
lvl 13 - ocean layer smoothie - 1587 mp
lvl 14 - summer dress (8,731mp) and angel pearl (30,000 bp but already had one in attic so used that one.)
lvl 15 - Full Feliz Health tonic - 2898 bp
lvl 16 - sudoku game - 4995 mp
lvl 17 - lemon gumball lolly - 8685 mp
lvl 18 - phanty book - 8867mp
lvl 19 - boneless ham - 10,336 mp
lvl 20 - Musical Fairy glowing egg - 199,507 mp
lvl 21 - pink doomed - 43876mp
lvl 22 - scout chibs photo - 68,515mp
lvl 23 - free cell game - 197,697 mp
lvl 24 - white knutt photo - 49,986 mp
lvl 25 - skater dakota photo - 339,441 mp
(mission of the week so earn 375k mp
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