I am not judging marapet members...
15 years & 16 days ago
12th Dec 2009 12:01 I only posted some of these blog entries because i was only trying to let people know what i want for a friend.
I am not affending anyone its just that people who aren`t a bronze account and higher tend to be give me give me
But if any of you think that then thats mean towards me
But i am saying i accept everyone for who they are not for their looks ttyl
My goals on marapets.....
15 years & 16 days ago
12th Dec 2009 11:39 1. Get a job
2. Enter a beauty contest
3. OVER 100 Marapals
4. Over 1million marapoints and baspinar points
And join clubs,parties,auctions and so much more..
if i have the time and am not busy
My 5 most important policies......
15 years & 16 days ago
12th Dec 2009 11:03 1. Is to complete all my goals(that i will post later on my blog).
2. To have over 50 friends and over 300 clothing in wardrobe.
3. Finally have over 1,000,000mp in my bank
My person has 300,000mp inthe bank and 4,182mp in my shop till
Pets for trade....
15 years & 16 days ago
12th Dec 2009 10:28 I only have 1 pet but i am going to make more PETS and get enchanted plushies to make them that species than i will put some for trade. MARAMAIL ON MARAPETS for any questions
How to be my friend.....
15 years & 16 days ago
12th Dec 2009 10:20 1.You must not ask for any of my pets unless they are on trade
2. Only ask me to send you something if you actually need it and is lower than 50,000mp
3. Must request me and has to be a bronze account and higher
4. And you actually do have to want to be friends with me
if your new to website theres an exception for rule number 2 and 3
by the way i also add people with cool names so thats just to let you know ttyl!