plz read!!!!!!
15 years, 6 months & 27 days ago
18th Jun 2009 12:57 i really don't care if u are a newbie and u don't have very much mp or if i have an item u have always wanted (unless u are a very good friend of mine) ok so don't ask. I DON'T CARE!!!! ok, got it good. i am soo sick of random people maramailing me about how poor they are or that it's there dream to have this or that. i REALLY hate the most newbies that maramailing me saying: i am soo poor will u burry me with gifts! NO NO NO! gosh i am soooooooo sick of it. So STOP IT! otherwise u and me will get along great just don't beg, complain or sob to me!
attention all club members
15 years, 8 months & 10 days ago
5th May 2009 12:11 i need someone to take care of the club a little bit while i am gone during the summer, i won't need ur help the whole summer but, i will need your help a lot. if i choose u, u will be in charge of everything but, the shop pricing. while i am gone u will not be able to change the layout unless u are updating the contests or something like that. don't i repeat don't change the layout background!!!! u will get banned from the club if u do. anyhow the way i will choose is u post that u are willing to take care of the club and responsible for any people leaving the club. then, i will choose someone out of all the posts that i trust. plz include why u should be choosen by the way. i will maramail u if u get choosen. if someone leaves u will imediatly have to find someone else to take there place. u will have two days to do so. if u don't get them in that amount of time don't sweat it. u will have two more days to get it done. if u don't i won't be mad. actually u don't have to get someone to replace them but, i would appriciate it. i know there are a lot of rules but, i need them so i can trust the club will be just as good if not better while i am gone.