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  1. xsw
    19th May 2011 19:51
    13 years, 4 months & 16 days ago
  2. Site & Club Layouuts! (:
    10th May 2011 21:01
    13 years, 4 months & 25 days ago
  3. Pixel Contest..
    22nd Oct 2010 22:08
    13 years, 11 months & 13 days ago
  4. My Mara Will
    21st Aug 2009 15:37
    15 years, 1 month & 14 days ago
  5. All About My Phanty
    29th Jul 2009 23:47
    15 years, 2 months & 7 days ago
  6. My Friends I Have Made And Loved
    12th Jul 2009 14:40
    15 years, 2 months & 24 days ago
  7. The Secret
    11th May 2009 18:27
    15 years, 4 months & 24 days ago
  8. Sign My Blog!
    9th Apr 2009 20:43
    15 years, 5 months & 27 days ago
My Friends I Have Made And Loved
15 years, 2 months & 24 days ago
12th Jul 2009 14:40

I know sometimes we fight but you where the first friend i made on here and my first BFF!

What can I say we both like parks LOL!

Well you tottally bring the funnies to the party

I love ur randomness too and im also glade we are like random twins

I dont know you very well but ur very nice

Oh ya me and you have a lot of history of fights and food fights

When I joined maraleaders you where soooooooo nice to me and introduced me to everyone

The leader of maraleaders and leaders of AWESOMENESS!

Oh Yah! She brings thea nicness to all ur heartswub.gif

OH MY GAAAWWWDDD! You donate so much to my fates donations 70 FLIPPN K! and your so nice so i hope everyone treats u with respect if not ill kill em with ur kindness and a #5 pistel gunwub.gif

Your soooooooooooooooooooooooo nice wicey picey wincey LICEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEY!


Bubbles A.K.A. Ally:
We always have something funny to talk about thats what I like abour yooou. And one thing I LOVE You and Jess (Jessponylover) Fight ovar who loves me more

Jess-Always nice and fights w/ Ally about who loves me more I LOVE IT!

If I forgot you mail me and ill add you if we are good friends

The Secret
15 years, 4 months & 24 days ago
11th May 2009 18:27

I just made it 5-11-09 I just finished the cover
I will also put it on my site
Chapter 1
???So what did you do over the summer???? asked James???s best friend Amy, ???Oh I just went camping, read a book. You???? ???Basically the same as you.??? ???Hey did you hear someone started a rumor over the summer saying you had some B-I-G secret when it came to me I just said ???Yah right James is my best friend he would???ve told me if he had a secret.??? At that moment James thought he was gonna explode when he heard that someone knew his secret. ???HEY! James what???s wrong???? Asked Amy. ???Amy someone knows my secret I???m sorry for not telling you but It???s a B-I-G secret lets hope its not Jacki who knows my secret I mean she???s the meanest girl in 5th grade.??? Said James,sadly. ???Jacki what would she do with your secret? And by the way she???s not mean well not to me but maybe to you she is.??? ???J-A-C-K-I! Search a dictionary and you will get this:
Jacki (ja-ck-e)
A mean girl who is only mean to people who are nice and not mean like her.
Jacki gave Chris a swrily.
Jacki yells at her parents.
???Yells??? there???s the verb???
???Stop being mean Ja-???
And right at that moment before Amy could finish her sentence Jacki was standing right in front of them hitting her hand w/ her fist.
???So James heard about your secret. Got anything to say before the whole school knows it???? Said Jacki very happy.
???So it was you who knew my secret wasn???t it!???
Yelled James.
???Maybe and maybe not.???
Chapter 2
???Hey Amy can me and Jacki talk privately???? Whispered James. ???Sure.??? Answered Amy. Then Amy walked away,waving at the same time,but very slowly. ???Like I said 5 seconds ago I know your secret.??? Said Jacki with confidence. ???Don???t tell Amy, PLEASE!??? Begged James. But it was too late Jacki was running down the hall trying to get to Amy to tell her James secret. And James was right behind Jacki trying to stop her. But of course the principal was heading toward the bathroom and on her way she saw them running in thr halls. She made them stop and come over to her and she gave them a big speech about why running in the halls is bad and what can happen if your running to fast but all they heard was
???BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH??? For about 10 min. But she talked too long and she peed her pants but the weird part is when she started screaming like a maniac and running everywhere that the teachers came out and told her to calm down and breath one of them even asked if she ???Wanted her mommy??? but the principal was kind of acting like a kid because her response was ???Yes???.
While that was going on James and Jacki just shrugged and ran. ???Good thing we got out of there fast I had a feeling it was going to get ugly soon.
Chapter 3
???HEY, WHAT DID YOU DO THAT FOR EH??????? Yelled James. ???Well at some point she???s gonna know your secret, Right???? Said Jacki with a bit of sass. ???I choose later!??? Replied James. ???Does later count as the assembly later today, you know the assembly we have every year right before we leave? When we say what fun things we did over the summer.??? Said Jacki with WAY too much attitude. ???Jacki why do you want to expose my secret to the whole school???? Wondered James. ???Remember the accident during summer? When you put paint all over my bed and then painted me black well it???s payback time!???
Exclaimed Jacki. ??? FOR THE LAST TIME I???M SORRY!??? Screamed James. *Ring Ring Ring* Went the bell. ???See you at the assembly James.??? Said Jacki with a bit of slowness. ???What am I gonna do I don???t want Amy knowing my secret??????.Think???..Think James Think!
I got it??? that won???t work??????.Hey maybe that???ll work??????no???.no???.. who am I kidding I better start finding a place to hide for the rest of the school year or till this secret blows over by another secret. I sure hope Amy isn???t in Math right know because if she is a lot of questions might be asked
Hey I got it it???s perfect,it???s devious, It???s??????.Excellent!
Chapter 4
Well of course Amy was in Math and that made James a little scared but thank goodness his teacher made seating charts and they were both on different sides of the room. But when the teacher Mrs.Launi was writing down the chart Amy came over and wanted to talk. ???So James what was Jacki talking about these secret???? Asked Amy very considered. ???Oh nothin???.??? Said James with sweat dripping down his forehead. ???I know what she was talking about you have acrush on her, Do you or Do you not???? Screamed Amy with some tears. ??? No Amy don???t cry! I don???t like her.??? Said James trying to convince Amy he that he doesn???t like Jacki. ???You know what I had a crush on you and all of a sudden you have a crush on Jacki! I don???t ever wanna see you again! Oh and I take that back saying that I love you well know I don???t you pig! How could you love a mean girl like her? You called her mean remember? And know all of a sudden you like mean girls! Well I GTG far away from you!??? When Amy finished her sentence she ran out of there and started crying and went straight to the bathroom. ???Amy wait! You will know why secret at the assembly!??? Said James with disappointment. ???Great I hope Jacki???s happy I can???t wait for the assembly when she tells my secret wait till she hers my back fire!??? Said James with a bit more cheerful. When Mrs.Launi finished the seating chart she did roll the first name was Amy. ???Amy??? Said Mrs.Launi.
???Amy are you here today???? Asked Mrs.Launi. Then a long 2 minutes of silence began. ???Well I guess I???ll put absent bad start for the first day of school.??? Said Mrs.Launi to herself. James felt bad for not saying she???s here when she really is but she???s just in the bathroom. When James saw Amy come back in she only said 5 words ???Did I get called yet???? And James only said ???No.??? When they were all done Mrs.Launi asked if she missed anyone Amy raised her hand Mrs.Launi only said ???I called you twice were where you???? Asked Mrs.Launi. ???Just in the bathroom.??? ???Well I guess I can mark you here.??? Replied Mrs.Launi. Man I can???t wait for this class to end I don???t think she???s in Reading class next I can tell she???s not a very good reader so maybe that???s her last class I think I???m a good reader so that???s probally why it???s my sec-??? James was interrupted by Mrs.Launi ???James, what???s the answer again I couldn???t hear you???? And that???s basically how that class ended with thinking,interrupted, thinking,interrupted over and over again. When the bell James was so glade to get out of there because know it was time to focus, focus on what he was gonna do about Amy and Jacki.
Chapter 5
???Great!??? Thought James. ???Amy is in Reading.??? ???How can I focus know???? Asked James.???James went up to the teacher and asked her what she would do if she had a secret and someone was going to expose it to the whole school and you where trying to talk to her you asked someone if they could give you could talk privately and she thought you had a crush on her and she started crying and all that and-??? James was stopped because his Reading teacher Mrs.Fritz couldn???t understand him all she said was ???It was a mouthful.??? But James forgot the real reason he wanted to talk to Mrs.Fritz. ???Oh yah Mrs.Fritz when is the assembly???? Wondered James for the past couple of hours. ???In about 50 min. James??? Answered Mrs.Fritz. ???Why???? Asked Mrs.Fritz. ???Oh because I have a good summer story to tell that???s all??? Replied James. ???Good I???m dying to hear all the great summer stories too.??? Said Mrs.Fritz with a cheerful smile.
And James was done talking so he waved good-bye and went back to his seat. But Mrs.Fritz asked him a new question an un-expected question, ???I know about Jacki.??? James wondered if she knew the real secret behind it all or that she was exposing his secret so he asked. ???Know what???? Asked James like he knew nothing about nothing. ???That she???s gonna expose your secret should I stop her???? Mrs.Fritz was no Bill Nye but she could tell something was up with James and Jacki. ???No! I mean no thanks you see we are doing a prank and the prank is that I have this big secret and all.??? James was glad he thought of that it was fun,funny, and of course smart. James didn???t know that all the teachers knew something he didn???t and he knew something they didn???t so it was basically even well they would know it right after Jacki exposed James???s secret he didn???t care that everyone was gonna know all he cared about is will Amy forgive me? He wondered, he spent most of his reading time thinking expect when the teacher was walking by. James wasn???t no Bill Nye either but he had a plan he had been dying to use o Jacki and this would get her emberessed and mad he didn???t care as long as Amy didn???t think he loved that meany Jacki and that was true he didn???t like her,actually he hated her that???s why he needed some good ol??? fashion payback!
Chapter 6
James was happy when Reading was over and the day was almost over too. When James went to get his books something was wrong he could tell. When he went to open his locker it was stuck he keep pulling and pulling finally he asked the janitor to try and open it. Gladly he did when James went to get his books he found a note in his locker it said ???Surprise surprise it???s Jacki and guess what this is just the beginning more surprises will happen soon, it stops when your secret is exposed.??? ???Great know I got to put up this for 45 more min.??? Thought James.
???Darn it I???m late for class let???s see what class am I late for???.. Oh No! English Mr.Caroly is so strict I???m gonna die! Wait unless I can give Jacki her ol??? fashion payback.??? James wondered. When James got to English he was kinda happy no Amy no Jacki and Mr.Caroly wasn???t mad at all James thought ???Maybe this day isn???t so bad after all.??? But James was wrong later that day he went to music and when he went to sit down he sat down on 15 pieces of gum but it took him a while to find the note, it was under the chair and this time it said ??? 2 surprises in a row oh and by the way try standing up without the chair stuck to your but HAHAHAHAHA!??? James was still thinking what else she would do to him he only had 1 more class left, Spanish Mrs. Caroly???s class Mr. Caroly and Mrs. Caroly always E-Mailed eachother how each student was acting I had a feeling mine was bad really bad that???s why I couldn???t wait for the assembly.
Chapter 7
Remember when I said Mrs. Caroly and Mrs.Caroly send eachother E-Mails about how children are acting well I think he thought I put gum on the chair. Mrs.Caroly can???t stop watching me everywhere I turn she follows. I actually wanted Amy or Jacki in English because I would be talking to them and not watch Mrs.Caroly watch me. Finally she had to stop watching me and start teaching and I for once I was happy a teacher was teaching like she was suppose to. Like in Math James was thinking too much. ???James! What???s the answer???? Asked Mrs.Caroly. ???42.??? Replied James. ???Correct, moving on.??? James was glad he at least knew how to do that math fast all he had to do was look at the problem and in 1-3 sec. he had the answer. But he was still wondering is there another prank she???s gonna pull? Did he have enough confidence to tell the whole school the big secret they have been keeping since they where 4? All he could think of was questions no answers and that was a problem for James. James had always been smart he could always ask him self a question and answer it. Maybe the problem was that in 20 min. And also in 20 min. James and Jacki where gonna be laughed at but mostly Jacky her reputation would be ruined. And James might gain all his happiness back. Jacki and James didn???t know what was really gonna happen just that a secret was gonna
Chapter 8
James almost couldn???t breathe because right at that moment he was gonna be exposed by his secret and Jacki was gonna be exposed by her secret. When they where getting in line to head out to the cafeteria to tell everyone about their summer vacation. One summer prank was not mentioned just a secret. When Jacki raised her hand she was the first to be called on and when she walked up there I made sure Amy couldn???t see me so I couldn???t see her. Jacki stood up straight said the pledge of allegiance and then blurted out this and I bet in Mrs.Fritz head she said ???Mouthful.??? Jacki started with
???Over my summer James pulled a prank on me when I was sleeping he painted me black. Also in my summer break I found out James???s secret he LOVES Amy he has a picture of her right by his bead with hearts all around it. He also makes out with his pillow and pretends it???s Amy.??? Everyone gasped even James she actually said it James kinda thought she was kidding but she wasn???t. James raised his hand to tell about his summer after all the gasped where done he could go up and talk about his summer he said ???I know I pulled a prank on Jacki and I took a picture on my cell so if you want to see it just text me. I also know she just told my secret and it was true. But I have a bigger secret about Jacki and me, we are brother and sister! ??? More gasped were heard. James continued, ???Jacki didn???t want to tell anyone because it would ruin her rep. but I didn???t care she told my secret so I told hers.??? At that moment James was chased off the stage by Jacki. And everyone thought they would have to call Jacki and James parents to take James to the hospital but they were wrong James, was okay just a little jittery from running what almost seemed like a marathon to him. James was surprised that he wasn???t dead, well at least not yet he knew there would be revenge coming soon and he was ready for every second of it, he had some embarrassing photos, videos all that stuff could her really embarrassed. Maybe James didn???t have to hide for the rest of the school because it looks like a new secret was way more embarrassing then his maybe even twice as embarrassing. James didn???t care he had a whole year of school to look forward to maybe even a girlfriend. Well only if Amy was ready.

Sign My Blog!
15 years, 5 months & 27 days ago
9th Apr 2009 20:43

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4.You Get 3 Warnings Once I Hear That A 4th Person Broke A Rule This Blog Is Gone:[
When It's Gone I might Bring It Back In Maybe 1 Year.

  1. xsw
    19th May 2011 19:51
    13 years, 4 months & 16 days ago
  2. Site & Club Layouuts! (:
    10th May 2011 21:01
    13 years, 4 months & 25 days ago
  3. Pixel Contest..
    22nd Oct 2010 22:08
    13 years, 11 months & 13 days ago
  4. My Mara Will
    21st Aug 2009 15:37
    15 years, 1 month & 14 days ago
  5. All About My Phanty
    29th Jul 2009 23:47
    15 years, 2 months & 7 days ago
  6. My Friends I Have Made And Loved
    12th Jul 2009 14:40
    15 years, 2 months & 24 days ago
  7. The Secret
    11th May 2009 18:27
    15 years, 4 months & 24 days ago
  8. Sign My Blog!
    9th Apr 2009 20:43
    15 years, 5 months & 27 days ago