Pet values
15 years, 11 months & 18 days ago
25th Jan 2009 22:01 pet values-taken from azngirl319 blog
15+ in all but level would be worth a Poera or Daisy
20-30 in all but level would be worth a
Phanty,Zoink,Oglue, Kronk,Huthiq
30-40 in all but level would be worth a Zoosh,Troit,Rusty,
40-50 in all but level would be worth a Dakota,Ercuw, Nino. Sindi
50-60 in all but level would be worth a Lati or Quell
60-70 in all but level would be worth a Viotto or Yuni
70-80 Mordo and Chibs
85-95 nothing yet.
150+ in all but level would be worth a rofling
Credit to Redterror117 for this:
Possible Idea for Calculating value of O/n and B/n
15% off a b/n pet who's species/costume/stats are the majority of their value
5% off an o/n pet who's species/costume/stats are the majoirty of their value
10% off a b/n pet who's learnables are the majority of their value
3-4% off an o/n pet who's learnables are the majority of their value
the percentages are less for a pet who's value is based off learnables and stats because one of the main reasons these types of pets are traded are for their use to complete missions (or to create mission killers), not always for recycled trading
o/n (okay-named):
-two or more words squished together and separated with a capital (ex: JosephineMarie)
-a name that is not capitalized (ex: firewin)
b/n (badly-named):
-names with underscores or numbers
-names consisting of random letters (ex: agdwvs)
Updated 1-3-09
Values Chibs 9 mil
Daisy 500k
Dakota 4 mil
Ercuw 3.5-4 mil
huthiq 1 mil-2mill
Kronk 1--2 mil
Lati 4.5mill
Mordo 2.5-3mill
Nino 3 mil+
Oglue 1.2 mil
Phanty 1 mil
Poera 950k
Quell 6 mil -8mill
Rofling 20-25 mil
Rusty 2.5 mil
Sindi 5.5-6mill
Snookle 3 mil
Troit 2.5 mil
Viotto 8 mil+
Yuni 8 mil
Zoink 1-1.2 mil
Zoosh 2 mil