"How Barbie Are You?"
16 years, 6 months & 27 days ago
11th Jun 2008 06:20 [x] you own curlers
[x] you own a straightener
[x] you have foundation
[ ] you have 3 different colored eyeliners
[x] you have mascara
[x] you have a eyebrow brush
[x] you have a nail file
[x] you have heat protection spray
[x] you have a hair dryer
[x]your room is purple or pink
[ ] you call yourself Barbie haha
[x]you have blonde hair
[ ]you have blue eyes
[x] you have brown eyes
[ ] you have brown hair
[x] you own more than 10 pairs of shoes
[ ] your bed is pink or purple
[x] your friends call you dumb
[ ] people call you barbie
[x] you own a designer perfume
[x] you have designer clothes
[x] you've dyed your hair
[x] you had/have highlites
[ ] your hair brush is designer
[ ] you have your own bathroom in your bedroom
[x] you look in the mirror at least 5 times a day
[ ] you wear a lot of pink
[x] bet you have a lot of stuffed animals in your house
[ ] you have pink fluffy lights in your room
[x] you have a pink teddy bear
[x] you have pink photo frames
[x] you have a pink nintendo DS/GB
[x] you have a mobile phone
[x] you have had/ have a pink mobile phone
[x] you have a laptop/ computer
[ ] you have a tv in your room
[x] you have an ipod/mp3
[ ] you had to use a calculator to add up this quiz
Total x3=percentage of "barbie"
Bella = 78% Barbie.