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406 Players Online
14:51:06 MST
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Marapets is mobile friendly
Marapets is mobile friendly

Awesome Thank You to shan4408 for the Vixen
Wonderful Thank You kittycatslover for the CRIKEY
Special Thank You to venukid for the JUSTIN

My pets are not for trade *
Marapets is one of my favorite pass times.
My friends list is opened to everyone.
I am an adult player but on Marapets we are all equal.
I do not maramail or chat very much but nevertheless I am here most of the time.
I have earned everything in the game by playing the game hard and fair.
I never beg for anything...If I can not buy it or trade for it,that means I must play harder and save more mp for it.
Joined Marapets on January 21, 2008, 9:47 pm
Mother x5, Grandmother x14, and a Great-Grandmother x6... Does not make me ancient
  1. Goal Progress..completed
    11th May 2018 21:07
    6 years, 1 month & 21 days ago
  2. Simeria Goals ...completed
    6th May 2019 22:20
    5 years, 1 month & 26 days ago
  3. Missing CDs 2024
    22nd Jan 2019 12:39
    5 years, 5 months & 9 days ago
  4. Kamilah Desert Goals.. completed
    11th Nov 2023 18:30
    7 months, 18 days & 19 hrs ago
  5. I forgot all about the Blogs...
    24th Mar 2023 14:35
    1 year, 3 months & 9 days ago
  6. Missing Stamps 2024
    18th Dec 2021 21:00
    2 years, 6 months & 12 days ago
  7. Wardrobe Items 2024
    18th Dec 2021 20:45
    2 years, 6 months & 12 days ago
  8. Trading Cards Still Needed 2024
    26th Nov 2021 10:59
    2 years, 7 months & 4 days ago
  9. Dark Fairy has been Relaunched
    25th Aug 2021 23:02
    2 years, 10 months & 7 days ago
  10. Musical Treasure Chest Items
    28th May 2019 17:31
    5 years, 1 month & 4 days ago
Are We Having Fun Yet-Pool Party Event
9 years & 26 days ago
6th Jun 2015 16:55

You have just been invited to the Marapets Pool Party

Complete a Knutt Knight quest
Win any battle in the Battle Arena
Play either of the Plushie Machines
Withdraw all MP from your Shop Till
Play and send score on any Flash Game
Restock any item from the Main Shops
Complete a Personal Trainer quest
Complete a Santa Claws quest
Complete a Candy Tree quest
Start and pay for training at the Elite Gym
Complete a Travis Truck quest
Complete a Slater Stalker quest
Complete a Simerian Excavator quest
Start and pay for training at the Gym
Complete a Cosmonaut quest
Post on a topic on the Forums
Complete a Aquarium quest
Price any items in your Shop
Complete a Robot Repair quest
Complete a Microwave quest
Complete a Hump Racing quest
You need to donate any item to the Pot of Gold
Complete a Leprechaun quest
Complete a Desert Spy
Complete a level on any Mission
Complete a Talon quest
Complete a Shusan quest
Complete a Garage quest


Prizes: Congratulations! You were in the top 500 highest Pool Party Ticket winners. You have been given a Lord Splishy Splashy Trading Card.

Good Luck Everyone !!!!!

9 years, 1 month & 1 day ago
1st Jun 2015 11:57

Baxter Plate

Black Addoth Plate

Black Azeido Plate

Black Azulor Plate

Black Chevron Plate

Black Chook Plate

Black Decadonk Plate

Black Deino Plate

Black Doyow Plate

Black Dracorex Plate

Black Efall Plate

Black Fasofin Plate

Black Fawlt Plate

Black Flonk Plate

Black Gremble Plate

Black Grouchy Plate

Black Kissy Plate

Black Leidow Plate

Black Naoen Plate

Black Osabri Plate

Black Pythonix Plate

Black Rweek Plate

Black Splish Plate

Black Stego Plate

Black Syotto Plate

Black Tearex Plate

Black Tres Plate

Black Wassup Plate

Bloobloo Plate

Blue Addafo Plate

Blue Addimo Plate

Blue Aphid Plate

Blue Apophis Plate

Blue Azow Plate

Blue Bubbles Plate

Blue Chameleon Plate

Blue Charmer Plate

Blue Deino Plate

Blue Drab Plate

Blue Dracorex Plate

Blue Dragula Plate

Blue Dune Plate

Blue Flonk Plate

Blue Gremble Plate

Blue Hund Plate

Blue Iggy Plate

Blue Ingi Plate

Blue Leidunda Plate

Blue Lolzbra Plate

Blue Maeven Plate

Blue Minti Plate

Blue Osabri Plate

Blue Popo Plate

Blue Starbert Plate

Blue Stego Plate

Blue Syotto Plate

Blue Twindly Plate

Blue Tyras Plate

Blue Ush Plate

Blue Verano Plate

Brown Azint Plate

Brown Azow Plate

Brown Chiliz Plate

Brown Decadonk Plate

Brown Erni Plate

Brown Fasofin Plate

Brown Flonk Plate

Brown Grinow Plate

Brown Huxen Plate

Brown Knoro Plate

Brown Leidunda Plate

Brown Osabri Plate

Brown Quelow Plate

Brown Roflow Plate

Brown Splish Plate

Brown Syotto Plate

Brown Tantow Plate

Chameleon Plate

Cohnonut Plate

Daylight Clovite Plate

Daylight Moneybag Plate

Daylight Seaso Plate

Daylight Wax Plate

Gem Candy Plate

Gem Chook Plate

Gem Drab Plate

Goobie Plate

Goop Plate

Green Aphid Plate

Green Apophis Plate

Green Arasi Plate

Green Azow Plate

Green Bubbles Plate

Green Chameleon Plate

Green Chibi Plate

Green Chidow Plate

Green Decadonk Plate

Green Dracorex Plate

Green Dune Plate

Green Efall Plate

Green Flonk Plate

Green Gremble Plate

Green Ingi Plate

Green Kissy Plate

Green Knoro Plate

Green Laiyee Plate

Green Leidunda Plate

Green Lolzbra Plate

Green Maeven Plate

Green Minti Plate

Green Osabri Plate

Green Popo Plate

Green Pythonix Plate

Green Reesoro Plate

Green Reezul Plate

Green Rweek Plate

Green Sniffles Plate

Green Splish Plate

Green Starbert Plate

Green Syotto Plate

Green Trigaro Plate

Green Twindly Plate

Green Tyras Plate

Green Verano Plate

Green Yakuth Plate

Gremble Plate

Grey Addoth Plate

Grey Anuriah Plate

Grey Beach Plate

Grey Bolint Plate

Grey Chibi Plate

Grey Drab Plate

Grey Fawlt Plate

Grey Gremble Plate

Grey Huthimo Plate

Grey Jessul Plate

Grey Kidala Plate

Grey Kissy Plate

Grey Kumbha Plate

Grey Laiyee Plate

Grey Lurve Plate

Grey Mina Plate

Grey Minnoth Plate

Grey Napoleon Plate

Grey Noosh Plate

Grey Olvic Plate

Grey Osabri Plate

Grey Psyclone Plate

Grey Pumpkin Ed Plate

Grey Pythonix Plate

Grey Renuw Plate

Grey Sabertooth Plate

Grey Shilpy Plate

Grey Splish Plate

Grey Syotto Plate

Grey Tyras Plate

Grey USB Plate

Grey Yakuth Plate

Grey Yeti Plate

Grey Zointy Plate

Keewee Plate

Laiyee Plate

Misti Plate

Negative Butters Plate

Negative Chickle Plate

Negative Psyclone Plate

Negative Silser Plate

Omen Plate

Orange Addese Plate

Orange Anuriah Plate

Orange Aphid Plate

Orange Apophis Plate

Orange Azulor Plate

Orange Balloonimal Plate

Orange Bellerina Plate

Orange Bubbles Plate

Orange Chameleon Plate

Orange Charmer Plate

Orange Chati Plate

Orange Chevron Plate

Orange Chibi Plate

Orange Decadonk Plate

Orange Deino Plate

Orange Drab Plate

Orange Dune Plate

Orange Efall Plate

Orange Erni Plate

Orange Goglue Plate

Orange Googlag Plate

Orange Gremble Plate

Orange Hund Plate

Orange Kumbha Plate

Orange Kuork Plate

Orange Leidow Plate

Orange Lela Plate

Orange Lolzbra Plate

Orange Lost Plate

Orange Lunash Plate

Orange Lurve Plate

Orange Maeven Plate

Orange Minnoth Plate

Orange Minti Plate

Orange Mizu Plate

Orange Murfzul Plate

Orange Osabri Plate

Orange Plug Plate

Orange Pumpkin Ed Plate

Orange Renuw Plate

Orange Sniffles Plate

Orange Splish Plate

Orange Starbert Plate

Orange Stego Plate

Orange Syotto Plate

Orange Tearex Plate

Orange Trigaro Plate

Orange Tyras Plate

Orange USB Plate

Orange Verano Plate

Orange Yakuth Plate

Orange Yeti Plate

Phare Plate

Pink Addup Plate

Pink Alen Plate

Pink Aphid Plate

Pink Apophis Plate

Pink Arasi Plate

Pink Balloonimal Plate

Pink Bellerina Plate

Pink Charmer Plate

Pink Deino Plate

Pink Devil Plate

Pink Drab Plate

Pink Dune Plate

Pink Efall Plate

Pink Erni Plate

Pink Fild Plate

Pink Gazillionaire Plate

Pink Gremble Plate

Pink Grouchy Plate

Pink Iggy Plate

Pink Ingi Plate

Pink Kumbha Plate

Pink Laiyee Plate

Pink Lela Plate

Pink Lolzbra Plate

Pink Lost Plate

Pink Lunash Plate

Pink Lurve Plate

Pink Maeven Plate

Pink Mailo Plate

Pink Mina Plate

Pink Osabri Plate

Pink Popo Plate

Pink Pumpkin Ed Plate

Pink Pythonix Plate

Pink Quibs Plate

Pink Roflow Plate

Pink Rweek Plate

Pink Schmog Plate

Pink Sniffles Plate

Pink Snoop Plate

Pink Splish Plate

Pink Starbert Plate

Pink Syotto Plate

Pink Twindly Plate

Pink Tyras Plate

Pink USB Plate

Pink Verano Plate

Pink Yeti Plate

Plant Deeko Plate

Plant Dracone Plate

Plant Iggy Plate

Plant Legendary Plate

Plant Spooks Plate

Plant Weiji Plate

Plushie Clovite Plate

Plushie Pingi Plate

Poco Plate

Pumpee Plate

Purple Addafo Plate

Purple Alen Plate

Purple Aphid Plate

Purple Apophis Plate

Purple Balloonimal Plate

Purple Bellerina Plate

Purple Bubbles Plate

Purple Centaur Plate

Purple Chameleon Plate

Purple Charmer Plate

Purple Chevron Plate

Purple Chibzul Plate

Purple Dazmo Plate

Purple Deino Plate

Purple Dracorex Plate

Purple Dune Plate

Purple Dusty Plate

Purple Efall Plate

Purple Fasafo Plate

Purple Fasofin Plate

Purple Fendol Plate

Purple Flonk Plate

Purple Gremble Plate

Purple Hund Plate

Purple Iklue Plate

Purple Ingi Plate

Purple Kaaleus Plate

Purple Kissy Plate

Purple Kumbha Plate

Purple Laiyee Plate

Purple Leidow Plate

Purple Lolzbra Plate

Purple Lunash Plate

Purple Lurve Plate

Purple Maeven Plate

Purple Mina Plate

Purple Minti Plate

Purple Mizu Plate

Purple Noosh Plate

Purple Osabri Plate

Purple Paffint Plate

Purple Pingi Plate

Purple Popo Plate

Purple Pumkin Plate

Purple Pythonix Plate

Purple Quelow Plate

Purple Reon Plate

Purple Sabertooth Plate

Purple Sniffles Plate

Purple Splish Plate

Purple Starbert Plate

Purple Stego Plate

Purple Toadling Plate

Purple Twindly Plate

Purple Tyras Plate

Purple USB Plate

Purple Verano Plate

Purple Viondol Plate

Purple Yoop Plate

Purple Zointy Plate

Rababerry Plate

Radioactive Gremble Plate

Red Apophis Plate

Red Balloonimal Plate

Red Bellerina Plate

Red Bubbles Plate

Red Centaur Plate

Red Chameleon Plate

Red Charmer Plate

Red Chevron Plate

Red Chidow Plate

Red Chiliz Plate

Red Choi Plate

Red Dazmo Plate

Red Decadonk Plate

Red Deino Plate

Red Drab Plate

Red Dracorex Plate

Red Dune Plate

Red Elektro Plate

Red Erto Plate

Red Fawlt Plate

Red Gazillionaire Plate

Red Goglue Plate

Red Googlag Plate

Red Gremble Plate

Red Hund Plate

Red Huthimo Plate

Red Ingi Plate

Red Jessul Plate

Red Kidala Plate

Red Knoro Plate

Red Kumbha Plate

Red Laiyee Plate

Red Leidunda Plate

Red Lolzbra Plate

Red Lunash Plate

Red Mailo Plate

Red Mina Plate

Red Mizu Plate

Red Nesasio Plate

Red Osabri Plate

Red Osafup Plate

Red Paffint Plate

Red Popo Plate

Red Reezul Plate

Red Sabertooth Plate

Red Sniffles Plate

Red Splish Plate

Red Starbert Plate

Red Stego Plate

Red Syotto Plate

Red Tearex Plate

Red Toadling Plate

Red Trigaro Plate

Red Twindly Plate

Red Tyras Plate

Red USB Plate

Red Ush Plate

Red Ushundow Plate

Red Yakuth Plate

Red Yeti Plate

Summer Adorab Plate

Summer Kumbha Plate

Summer Princess Plate

Summer Snixie Plate

Summer Sprite Plate

White Addafo Plate

White Addimo Plate

White Azeido Plate

White Bolint Plate

White Decadonk Plate

White Drab Plate

White Fawlt Plate

White Gazillionaire Plate

White Gingerbread Plate

White Gordo Plate

White Grinow Plate

White Iklue Plate

White Kidala Plate

White Kumbha Plate

White Laiyee Plate

White Leidow Plate

White Lost Plate

White Mina Plate

White Mizu Plate

White Noosh Plate

White Osabri Plate

White Paffint Plate

White Pumpkin Ed Plate

White Reezul Plate

White Splish Plate

White Syotto Plate

White Tearex Plate

White Toadling Plate

White Tres Plate

White Tyras Plate

White USB Plate

White Ushunoro Plate

White Vile Plate

White Wookle Plate

White Yeti Plate

White Zointy Plate

White Zound Plate

Wiik Plate

Yellow Addafo Plate

Yellow Anuriah Plate

Yellow Azow Plate

Yellow Balloonimal Plate

Yellow Bolint Plate

Yellow Bubbles Plate

Yellow Centaur Plate

Yellow Chameleon Plate

Yellow Charmer Plate

Yellow Chibi Plate

Yellow Chutt Plate

Yellow Decadonk Plate

Yellow Doyow Plate

Yellow Dracorex Plate

Yellow Fendol Plate

Yellow Flonk Plate

Yellow Gazillionaire Plate

Yellow Googlag Plate

Yellow Gordo Plate

Yellow Gremble Plate

Yellow Hund Plate

Yellow Ingi Plate

Yellow Kidala Plate

Yellow Kumbha Plate

Yellow Laiyee Plate

Yellow Lost Plate

Yellow Lunash Plate

Yellow Maeven Plate

Yellow Minti Plate

Yellow Mizu Plate

Yellow Osabri Plate

Yellow Quelow Plate

Yellow Sabertooth Plate

Yellow Sniffles Plate

Yellow Splish Plate

Yellow Syotto Plate

Yellow Tantow Plate

Yellow Tearex Plate

Yellow Trigaro Plate

Yellow Twindly Plate

Yellow Tyras Plate

Yellow USB Plate

Yellow Ush Plate

Yellow Yakuow Plate

Yellow Yeti Plate

My TC Missing List
9 years, 1 month & 12 days ago
20th May 2015 17:04

Acne Trading Card

Agent Trading Card

Bailiff Trading Card

Cake Trading Card

Can Trading Card

Caveman Trading Card

City Accountant Trading Card

City Banker Trading Card

City Hobo Trading Card

City Realtor Trading Card

Cracked Trading Card

Crinkal Trading Card

Daemon Trading Card

Devil Trading Card

Elder Trading Card

Eleka Minions Trading Card

Evil Bunny Trading Card

Flamed Trading Card

Gargoyle Trading Card

Gross Trading Card

Hades Trading Card

Hot Dog Trading Card

Inflate Trading Card

Jet Trading Card

Kleptome Trading Card

Magic Trading Card

Muscles Trading Card

Nocto Trading Card

Oke Trading Card

Operative Trading Card

Phospho Trading Card

Plutonium Trading Card

RIP Trading Card

Raa Trading Card

Reisand Trading Card

Royal Fairy Trading Card

Rusty Trading Card

Sassilla Trading Card

Shadow Trading Card

Smuggler Trading Card

Sniffer Trading Card

Sorcerer Trading Card

Sultan Trading Card

Twree Trading Card

Vibue Trading Card

Waste Trading Card

Wizadrip Trading Card

Zap Trading Card

Zard Trading Card

Candy Hearts from Capsule Machine I need
9 years, 2 months & 24 days ago
8th Apr 2015 14:46

Got them all this round. Until next time .Thank you.

I update every time I make a Trade

New Adventure.....The Poison Pit
9 years, 4 months & 13 days ago
16th Feb 2015 21:33

Rarity 12: You dipped Black Leido Plushie into the Poison Pit and...
It's now Poison Cider!

Rarity 15:You dipped 8th Birthday Cupcake into the Poison Pit and...
It's now Poison Pie!

Rarity 5:You dipped Addow in a Barrel into the Poison Pit and...
It's now Tiger Skin!

Rarity 7:You dipped Bubble Pipe into the Poison Pit and...
It's now Poisoned Potato!

Rarity 1:You dipped Blue Gumball into the Poison Pit and...
It's now Poison Drink!

Rarity 7:You dipped Angel Candy Heart into the Poison Pit and...
It's now Spiked Pear!

Rarity 3:You dipped Rock Gumball into the Poison Pit and...
It's now Oily Skin!

  1. Goal Progress..completed
    11th May 2018 21:07
    6 years, 1 month & 21 days ago
  2. Simeria Goals ...completed
    6th May 2019 22:20
    5 years, 1 month & 26 days ago
  3. Missing CDs 2024
    22nd Jan 2019 12:39
    5 years, 5 months & 9 days ago
  4. Kamilah Desert Goals.. completed
    11th Nov 2023 18:30
    7 months, 18 days & 19 hrs ago
  5. I forgot all about the Blogs...
    24th Mar 2023 14:35
    1 year, 3 months & 9 days ago
  6. Missing Stamps 2024
    18th Dec 2021 21:00
    2 years, 6 months & 12 days ago
  7. Wardrobe Items 2024
    18th Dec 2021 20:45
    2 years, 6 months & 12 days ago
  8. Trading Cards Still Needed 2024
    26th Nov 2021 10:59
    2 years, 7 months & 4 days ago
  9. Dark Fairy has been Relaunched
    25th Aug 2021 23:02
    2 years, 10 months & 7 days ago
  10. Musical Treasure Chest Items
    28th May 2019 17:31
    5 years, 1 month & 4 days ago