The Shape Test
15 years, 8 months & 17 days ago
27th Apr 2009 11:10 Please rank the following shapes,one(1) being your favorite
five(5) being your least favorite.
Square Rectangle Triangle Circle Squiggle
_ _ _ _ _
Order your favorite shapes from favorite to least!(1-5)
Your #1 pick in the team!
If you liked the Square?
You are most likely to be frustrated by the Squiggles and Circles.Although Squiggles may be a source of frustration,you also might secretly admire the squiggleness.You are loyal,but you will problaly have to work harder at being a team player and show interest in your co-workers.
Square employers:If your boss is a square, you can expect to be completing a lot of reports loaded with statistics.This will frustrate the squiggles and perhaps the triangles.Make your communication in writing,and dont expect good work environment because your boss may be more interested in reports and procedures than in being your friend (even though squares make loyal friends)
If you liked the Rectangle?
You are so flexible that you can adapt to any of the other shapes with relative ease.You are great to have on the team,because you have problably been either a square,circle,squiggle, or triangle at some point in your life and you can relate to where they are at.You are great at team-building.Rectangle employers:You may get on really well with your boss,but there might not be much getting done in your office until his or her life settles down.
If you liked the Triangle?
Squares get under your skin because their need for constant reporting and procedurres gets in the way of getting your job done.
You may see reports as a distraction.Squiggles can be annoying to you, because they dont feel the pressure to get things done and may seem more needy and distracting.Triangle employers:They will have high expectations of you,but will work with you to help you achieve goals.They are good leaders,and will challenge you to self improvement.Because they are driven & focused people, they may appear to be impersonal and may at times "bowl you over".If you have been offended by them,they tend to react positively to respectful & direct confrontation.You may feel that you are not "needed" on the team,because they work well on their own.
If you liked the Circle?
The triangles may feel threatening to you,but you need them to get your tasks done.You can be amused by the squiggles and have a lot of patience for them,but the squares live in a different universe.You are great to have on the team,because you have a way of making those around you appreciated and valued.Circle employers:Be very careful in the way you present criticism to them!They will be very good at communicating exactly what they need from you and are most likely to be sensitive and empathic towards your needs in the work place.
If you liked the Squiggle?
Because they are more impulsive,they can get along with others and not the next day.They are the hardest to nail down.They would most likely try to push out the walls of the squares and slow down the momentum of the triangles.They won't deal with deadlines,procedures,and focus of the triangles & squares.Squiggle employers:Unless they are balanced by square tendencies,you problably wont have a squiggle boss.Pure squiggles are creative,but they dont create a lot of structure and arent often found in management positions.If you are triangle or a square and you have a squiggle boss,God help you.
Your Results
*Prefer structured settings
*Follow procedures & manuals
*Data collectors
*Prefer things in writing
*Calenders and lists
*Linear thinkers
*Comitted friends,partners,spouses
*Hard workers but slowest to make decisions
*Motto:"If you want a job done right then do it yourself"
*Other squares
Homer(the poet not simpson)
*They are not the strongest team players because a square tends to be a loner
*Very changeable:
usually a rectangle during life changes such as adolescence & mid-life crisis
*Most likely to lose their car in a parking lot
*They will learn more in any given situation than any other shape
*The rectangle will rarely reconize they are a rectangle,but you can reconize them by their changes
*Motto:"I know you think you understood what i said,but is what I said,what I really ment?"
*Their life and office may seem to be constantly changing, but this person is most open to learning
*Powerful personalities
*Classic leadership type
*Drawn to spirituality
*Hierarchy in management
*Strategic thinkers & long term strategy
*Male Triangles:delegators.
Female Triangles:do everything themselves
*Left-brain linear thinkers
*Process info quickly
*Do everything faster;want to get the the point qickly
*Snap-decision makers
*Generally smart people
*Motto:"I did it my way"
Other triangles:
Ronald Reagen
*They are not broad thinkers & tend to be self-oriented;they love to tell others what to do; highly opinionated.
*Also spiritual
*Seek harmony
*Peacemakers & conf not stand conflict
*They love people with problems
*Huggers & smilers
*They put smiley faces on things
*They say"have a nice day"
*Sensetive & empathic
*They are people persons
*Lots of friends and people around
*Joiners & belong to many clubs & organizations
*Both linear & non-linear thinkers,left and right brained
*Thinking styles are unique and intuitive
*Sixth sense in comunication because they can read people
*Best communicators
*Other circles:
Jimmy Carter
*Motto:"Don't worry.Be happy"
*They tend to be self-critical and can be overly sensetive.
*The only pure right-brained thinker
*Get bored easily
*Need challenges & freedom
*Enjoy peak experiences
*Random holistic
*Ask"Why?"all the damn time & need
to know the reasons for things
*Strong shape
*Big ideas and dreams
*Don't sweat things
*Great to have as friends
*Other squiggles:
Meryl Streep
Motto:"dream the impossible dream."
*They don't do well in routine.They can be fickle,dramatic,flamboyant,and messy.They are most likely to think of themselves sexy.