look !!!!!
16 years, 11 months & 19 days ago
9th Jan 2008 14:55 (\_/)
(> <]
("]("] <<<<<<isnt it so adorable
???????????? /???/
????????? /???/???????????? Peace!!!
16 years, 11 months & 20 days ago
8th Jan 2008 07:50 90% of teens would DIE if Myspace was completely destroyed. If you're one of the 10% of people who would die from LAUGHING SO HARD, copy and paste this into your Blog thanks for reading!
friends and....other people...
17 years & 2 days ago
27th Dec 2007 07:30 friends:sara sarah rachel layla chris spencer tori lauren kirsten kristen brooke jacqueline jessi jessica brady bryan leeza johnny austin joe tyler bry and too many more to count
bf:single baby!!
gf:ummm lets not go there ok...
i just relized this is a useless blog........wat do u think?
my interests...hmmm
17 years & 3 days ago
26th Dec 2007 08:54 i LOVE music all kinds pretty much i used to have a band but things didnt work out bla bla bla.I love skating,basketball,gymnastics and just hangin out.I have a lot of friends but i have a few best friends.i love movies and books and of course Music.my style cant be called anything b/c im a mix of everything so my style is mine.oh if ur reading this i hope ur not just searching me.....lol inside joke between friends lol