Avvies updated
8 years, 7 months & 15 days ago
12th May 2016 14:27 Battle AvatarsAcne- Attack Acne with Egg Grenades in one-player battle.
Agent- Win 13 battles against Agent.
Apollo- Win 14 battles against Apollo.
Azul Swarm- Have Azul Swarm Trading Card in your Deck and view Deck
Bad Chocolate-Win 190 battles against Bad Chocolate then view Bad Chocolate on the Opponents page.
Bad Egg-No info given, battle avatar
Bailiff-Beat Bailiff 15 times in one-player battle arena.
Balloon-Have Balloon Trading Card in your Deck and view it.
Battle-Have won 1000 battles and view your profile Stats page.
Betsoni-Win 390 battles against Betsoni then view Betsoni on the Opponents page.
Bomb-Beat Bomb 17 times in one-player battle arena.
Boogle-Win a battle against Boogle.
Cake-Have Cake Trading Card in your deck and visit your Deck.
Can-Beat Can 60 times in one-player battle arena.
Candy Floss-Beat Candyfloss 105 times in one-player battle arena.
Caveman-Beat Caveman 11 times in one-player battle arena.
Cheddar-Beat Cheddar 125 times in the battle arena.
Goal Based AvatarsBaspinars Castle- Complete Baspinar Goals level 32.
Bush-Complete level 22 of Gigantic Paradise Goals. If you are past level 22, visit Gigantic Paradise Goals.
Pet Costume AvatarsAdvent-Use an Advent Tree Costume on your pet
Alien-Use an Alien Costume on your pet.
Anime- Use an anime costume on your pet
Arcade-Use an Arcade Costume on one of your pets.
Armoured-Use an Armoured Costume on your pet.
Autumn- Use Autumn Costume on a pet
Baby-Win a baby costume in an auction.
Bee-Use a Bee Costume on your pet.
Blitzen-Use a Blitzen Costume on your pet.
Blue-Paint your pet with a blue costume.
Breeze-Use a Breeze Costume on your pet
British-Use a British Costume on your pet.
Bug-Use a Bug Costume on your pet.
Calico-Use a Calico Costume on a pet
Camouflage-Use a camouflage costume on a pet with over 30 HP.
Cartoon-Use a Cartoon Costume on your pet.
Checkered-Use a checkered costume on a pet over level 30.
Chibi- Use a Chibi Costume on your pet.
Minipet Avatars*Make A Plate*
Aviv-Make an Aviv Plate
Baylien-RANDOM when making a Baylien Plate
Cerberus-Make a Cerberus Plate
*Aged Minis*
Anjet- Attach an Anjet to your pet for 150+ days then view the minipet.
Ata- Attach an Ata to your pet for 22 days then view the minipet.
Bacon-Attach a Bacon to your pet for 160+ days then view the minipet.
Batz-Unattach a Batz from your pet after 11(?) days.
Baxter-View Baxter aged 3+ days.
Beach-View attached Beach aged 11 days
Billy-Attach a Billy to your pet for 190+ days then view the minipet.
Bitty-View Bitty attached to Easter pet aged 30+ days.
Blake-View attached Blake aged 22 days
Blissaur-View Blissaur attached to Easter pet aged 60+ days.
Boris-View attached Boris aged 31 days
Bubbles-have a bubbles attached to a underwater pet for 112 days
Buckaroo-Attach a Buckaroo to your pet for 190+ days then view the minipet.
Butters-View attached Butters aged 41+ days.
Buzzy-Attached Buzzy to Bee pet and view when aged 51+ days.
Chevron-Attach a Chevron to your pet for 220+ days then view the minipet.
Organic Minipet AvatarsAlyee- Grow an Alyee organic minipet.
Applex-Grow an Applex organic minipet.
Bananey-Grow a Bananey organic minipet.
Bloobloo-Grow a Bloobloo organic minipet.
Brocklee-Grow a Brocklee organic minipet.
Cactoo-Grow a Cactoo organic minipet.
Cactus-Grow a Cactus organic minipet.
Cherii-Grow a Cherii organic minipet.
Mission AvatarsBumpkin-Complete level 30 of Puchalla Bumpkin Mission.
Blitzen-Complete Blitzen Mission 30.
Pet AvatarsAngel-Own an Angel pet that has watched Angels then view it's DVDs.
Astronaut- Get your pet a job as an astronaut.
@-Refresh your pet's Book list after you have read Maramail Grammar Guide.
Accordian-Teach your pet 10 Accordion and view Instrument list? To be confirmed
Alen-Keep attaching an Alen minipet to your pet.
Balloonimal- Attach Balloonimal to Pinata pet and view minipet
Banjo-Have your pet at level 10 Banjo then view it's instrument list.
Bearger-Feed a Bearger to your pet.
Bookworm-View the Book list of a pet that has read over 2500 books
Bugsy-Attach a Bugsy to your Minipet pet then view the minipet.
Bye Bye Bunny-Feed Easter Bunny Stew to your pet.
Celebrate-Feed your pet a one hundred cake.
Cheese-Feed a Cheese Marapop (not Diet) to a Cheese Fasoro.
*Retired Avatars*8th Birthday-from Marapets 8th birthday event *RETIRED*
Advent- Available only from the advent calendar December 2004. *RETIRED*
April Fools 2015- *RETIRED*
Birthday-Available only from the 5th birthday cake hunt 2009. *RETIRED*
Bonehead-Buy a Bonehead from the Minipet shop on Minipet Island during Halloween 2009. *RETIRED*
Boo-Random when winning Boo Trading Card from Elger Trick or Treat. Halloween 2010. *RETIRED*
Christmas Eve-Available only from the Advent Calendar on 24th December 2005. *RETIRED*
Christmas-Available only on 25th December 2004. *RETIRED*
Dark Side- Fighting on Dark Side during War June 2007 *RETIRED*
Dukka Pirates- Buy an item in the Dukka Piracy Shop *RETIRED*
Easter 07- Available from Completing Easter Egg Hunt 2007 *RETIRED*
Easter 08- Available from Completing Easter Egg Hunt 2008 *RETIRED*
Easter Egg Hunt 2009- Available from completing Easter Egg Hunt 2009 *RETIRED*
Easter Egg Hunt 2012- Available from completing Easter Egg Hunt 2012 *RETIRED*
Egg Hunt- Available from Completing Easter Egg Hunt 2006 *RETIRED*
Fawlt-(Acquired by winning a Fawlt from Promote Marapets Competition and read Alert.)*RETIRED*
Fool- (Acquired by creating a Gonk for the 2006 April Fools Day.)*RETIRED*
Gazillionaire-(Acquired by buying a Gazillionaire minipet from the Antique shop in Simeria.)*RETIRED*
Gobble Gobble- (Acquired randomly when clicking Turkeys during the 2012 Thanksgiving event.) *RETIRED*
Halloween 2012- (Acquired randomly during the 2012 Halloween event.)*RETIRED*
Halloween Snowman- (Acquired randomly when completing 2007 Halloween Snowman Quests in 2007.)*RETIRED*
Halloween Snowman 08- (Acquired randomly when completing 2008 Halloween Snowman Quests in 2007.)*RETIRED*
Happy Easter 2015-(Acquired from completing the 2015 Easter Egg Hunt.)*RETIRED*
Healthy Treat-(Acquired randomly when winning Halloween Anis from the Trick or Treat event.)*RETIRED*
I Betrayed Baspinar- (Light Siders who supported Sultan ... visit Sultan.)*RETIRED*
I Betrayed Eleka- (Dark Siders who supported Sultan ??? visit Sultan.)*RETIRED*
I Heart Sultan- (Players who supported Sultan ??? visit Sultan.)*RETIRED*
Let It Snow- (Acquired randomly when winning the Snowman Trading Card from any Snowman Quest during the Snowman Event 2012.)*RETIRED*
Light Side- (Acquired by fighting for the Light Side during War June 2007.)*RETIRED*
Marapop Event-(Acquired during the Megatastic Marapop Extravaganza in July 2006.)*RETIRED*
Merry Christmas 2010-(Acquired during the 2010 Merry Christmas Character event.)*RETIRED*
Naughty-(Acquired from the Advent Calendar 2005.)*RETIRED*
Obey-(Acquired randomly when winning Halloween Spork from the 2011Halloween Snowman Event.)*RETIRED*
Pumpkin Hunt- (Acquired from Pumpkin Hunt 2007.)*RETIRED*
Pumpkin Hunt 2012- (Acquired randomly during the 2012 Pumpkin Hunt event.)*RETIRED*
Spirit- (Acquired by buying a Spirit from the Minipet Shop during Halloween 2009.)*RETIRED*
Summer Referral- (Acquired from Summer Referral Contest 2010.)*RETIRED*
Surprise!- (Acquired by participating during theMarapets 10th birthday event.)*RETIRED*
Taffy- (Acquired from Character Trick or Treat Halloween 2010.)*RETIRED*
Trick or Treat- (Acquired by participating during the 2005 Halloween Trick or Treat event.)*RETIRED*
Trick or Treat 07- (Acquired from Trick or Treat 2007)*RETIRED*
Trick or Treat 2012-(Acquired randomly during the 2012 Pumpkin Hunt event.)*RETIRED*
Tricked-(Acquired on April 1st 2005.)*RETIRED*
Undying-(Acquired only on October 31st 2004.)*RETIRED*
Undying Festival- (Acquired by completing Undying Festival 2007.)*RETIRED*
Undying Festival 2008-(Acquired by completing Undying Festival 2008.)*RETIRED*
Undying Festival 2010- (Acquired by completing Undying Festival 2010.)*RETIRED*
Undying Festival 2012-(Acquired by completing Undying Festival 2012.)*RETIRED*
Treasure Chest AvatarsAdorab-Find Adorab when opening Cancer Treasure Chest
Aquarius-Open an Aquarius Treasure Chest.
Arctic-Open an Arctic Treasure Chest.
Be Mine- open a love treasure chest
Bold as Brass-Open a Steampunk Chest.
Cancer-Open a Cancer Treasure Chest
Capricorn-Open a Capricorn Treasure Chest.
Wardrobe AvatarsAngelic-Wear Angel Character Costume
Bah Humbug- Wear a Santa Claws Male or Female Character Costume
Bride-View Ball Dress costume in your wardrobe.
Chibi-Dress up in Chibs costume and attach a Chibi to your pet.
10 Years-View Loyalty Prizes list when your account reaches 10 years old
1000-Find 1000 hidden avatars
11 Years-View Loyalty Prizes list when your account reaches 11 years old
Advent Tree Complete the Advent Tree Map then visit the Advent Tree in Biala.
Antiques-Buy any item from the Antique shop in Simeria.
Anuriah-Have an Anuriah in your attic and search Mini Pets.
Apophis-Buy Apophis from Spy Shop
Beauty Contest-Win the Beauty Contest
Blogger-Put the Marajournals Stamp in your stamp album and view the
Jenoa page of your album (page 13).
Bonbon-Random while making a Bonbon plate at the Ferris Wheel.
Bottled- Have a pet with 700+ Play Collection then view its Play List.
Cairo-Buy Cairo from Spy Shop
Chameleon-Win Chameleon from Rainbow Fairy
Charmer- View attached Charmer aged 50 days
Chickle- Make a Chickle Plate
Chinese-Use a Chinese Costume on your pet.
Chook-Attach a Chook to your pet for 600+ days then view the minipet.
Christmas- Use a Christmas Costume on your pet.
Christmas- Attach a Christmas to your pet for 200+ days then view the minipet.
Christmas Tree- Random even when visiting the Christmas Tree in Biala.
Christmas Tree- Use a Christmas Tree costume on your pet.
Chuckles- View attached Chuckles aged 16 days
Cian- View your pets Stats page when your pet is over level 400
City Accountant- Battle City Accountant 17 times.
City Banker- Battle City Banker 19 times.
City Hobo- Battle City Hobo once then view the Battle Opponents page.
City Mayor- Battle City Mayor 21 times.
City Realtor- Battle City Realtor 22 times.
Clam- Complete Clam Mission 30
Clovite- View Clovite attached to Leprechaun pet aged 20+ days.
Cobweb- Have Cobweb Wig in Wardrobe and view Wigs page
Cohnonut- Grow a Cohnonut organic minipet
Commander Zerk- Win a battle against Commander Zerk.
Computer Repair- Complete 200 Computer Repair quests.
Conker- Have Conker trading card in your deck and view deck
Cotton Candy- Use a Cotton Candy Costume on your pet.
Cowboy- Use a Cowboy Costume on your pet.
Cowboy- Win 380 battles against Cowboy then view Cowboy on the opponents page
Cracked- Beat Cracked 1000 times in one player battle arena.
Crazy Cat Lover-Have any item with the word "Cat" in the name in your wardrobe and then have your doll wear it.
Cremated- Have Cremated trading card in your Deck then view deck
Crinkal- Beat Crinkal in one player battle arena 75 times.
Crush- View Crush attached to Valentine pet aged 50 days.
Cupid- Use a Cupid Costume on your pet.
Cupty-Have a Cupty Trading Card in your Deck then view Deck.
Cursed- Use a Cursed Costume on your pet.
Daemon- Beat Daemon 23 times in battle arena
Daffy- Gro a Daffy Organic Minipet
Damaged- View attached Damaged aged 37 days
Danger! Poison!- Use a Poison Costume on your pet.
Dantiz- Attach a Dantiz to your pet for 1000+ days then view the minipet
Dark- Use a dark costume on a pet with over 30 strength
Dark Fairy- Use a Dark Fairy Costume on your pet.
Dark Fairy- Beat Dark Fairy 24 times in battle arena.
Dark Knight- Have Dark Knight Trading Card in your deck and view deck
Dash- Battle Dash 125 times in battle arena
Dasher- Equip a regular Dasher to a snowy pet and view it's profile.
Daylight-Use a Daylight Costume on one of your pets
Decapitate- Attach a Decapitate to your pet for 30+ days then view the minipet.
Deci- Attach a Deci to your pet for 10+ days then view the minipet.
Deeko-Make a Deeko plate.
Delayed- Attach a Delayed to your pet for 820+ days then view the minipet.
Desert Spy- Complete 300 Desert Spy quests
Detective- Complete level 24 of Hector the Collector Mission
Devil- (Shows up as battle avatar, cannot find info)
Devil- Attach a Devil to your pet for 250+ days then view the minipet.
Devilray- Make a Devilray Plate.
Diamond- Attach a Diamond to your pet for 80+ days then view the minipet.
Didgeridoo-Have your pet at level 10 Didgeridoo then view it's instrument list.
Digital-Have a pet turn into a digital equilor at the Operations Portal.
Digital Fairy-Collect 750+ avatars and then visit the Digital Fairy.
Dino-Complete level 27 of the Hector the Collector Missions.
Dive In-Open an Underwater Treasure Chest.
Doctor-Have Doctor Costume in Wardrobe and View Male Costumes.
Don Pefuto- Battle Don Pefuto 151 times in battle arena.
Double Peck- Win a battle against Double Peck
Download-Have an Uploads Stamp in your stamp collection then view the Ziranek page of your Album.
Drab- View attached Drab aged 56 days
Drab Army- Battle Drab Army 26 times in battle arena
Dracone- Attach a Dracone to your pet for 20+ days then view the minipet.
Dragon-Use a Dragon Costume on one of your pets.
Dragula-Complete level 22 of Baspinar's Castle Goals.
Drake-View your pets Stats page when your pet is over level 500.
Drake- Have Drake Trading Card in your deck and view deck.
Drenched- View attached Drenched aged (less than 64 days but exact number unknown)
Drowsy- View attached Drowsy aged 176 days.
Dukka Trove-Send a score of over 300 in the Dukka Trove game.
Dune- Buy dune from Spy Shop
Durabat- Win Durabat from level 15 Nimbus Goals.
ERMAHGERD-Have a Gobble pet turn mutant at the DNA laboratory.
Earth Fairy-Use a Earth Fairy Costume on one of your pets.
Editorial- Refresh at the Editorial page.
Edwina- Win an Edwina from Old Fairy
Efall- Put an Efall minipet in your gallery and view your galery.
Eggy- Attach an Eggy to your pet for 590+ days then view the minipet.
Elder-Win battle against Elder 400 times in battle arena.
Eleka- Put an Eleka Costume in auctions for 1mp with increments of 1mp.
Eleka Guard- Have Eleka Guard Trading card in your deck and view deck.
Eleka Minions- Win 120 battles against Eleka Minions then view Eleka Minions on the opponents page.
Elektro- Attach an Elektro to your lightning pet then view the minipet.
Elger- Win 210 battles against Elger then view Elger on the opponents page.
Email- Refresh your DVD list after your pet has watched the "you have maramail DVD"
Emo- Buy an Emo Costume from the costume shop in Biala.
Enpiah- Use an Enpiah Costume on your gonk pet.
Erhu- Teach your pet 10 Erhu and view Instrument List (To be confirmed)
Error- view an error page
Erto- Attach an Erto to your pet for 300+ days then view the minipet.
Evil Tree- Win 35 battles against Evil Tree.
Explorer- Use an Explorer Costume on your pet.
Explosive- Win 27 battles against Explosive.
Extreme Hoarder-View your Attic when you have more then 200 pages of items.
Fabulous!- Put Fabulous Shirt on your character
Fandor- Attach a Fandor to your pet for 900+ days then view the minipet.
Fang- Attach a Fang to your pet for 10+ days then view the minipet.
Far Out- Open Galactic Treaure Chest.
Farm-Complete 1000 Farming Quests.
Fashion Show-Be a Fashion Show Winner and then view the Fashion Show page.
Fat-Feed a Fast Food item to a Fat pet.
Fates-Complete level 30 of the Fates Missions.
Fatty- Attach 5 different colored fattys to your pet and view your pet.
Felicia- Have Felicia trading card in our deck and view deck.
Fiesta- Open Carnival Treausre Chest
Fiestan- Win Fiestan minipet from Sultan Taxes.
Fild- Attach a Fild to any limited edition pet.
Filondor-Attach a Filondor to your pet for 961+ days then view the minipet.
Fire- Equip a Flaming Hammer, Flaming Shield, Flaming Axe, and Flaming Fan to a Fire pet.
Fire Fairy- Use a Fire Fairy Costume on your pet.
Firework- Use a Firework Costume on your pet.
Flamed- Battle Flamed 276 times in the battle arena.
Flaydor- Complete level 22 of Biala Gols. If you are past level 22, visit Biala Goals.
Flayee- Pick up a Flayee from the Pot of Gold
Float- View attached Float aged 191+days
Flobberbat- Attach a Flobberbat to your pet for 1100+days then view the minipet.
Floral-Use a Floral Costume on one of your pets.
Floss- Attach a Floss to your pet for 580+ days then view the minipet.
Flutterbull- Find Flutterball minipet inside Taurus Treasure Chest.
Forest Fairy-Have a pet with 500+ Play Collection then view its Play List.
Forums-Have a total of 10,000+ Forum posts and go to Forums.
Fraggle- Have pet eat Fraggle and view on pet gourmet list.
Frankie-Beat Frankie 7 times in the one-player battle arena.
Frostbite-Beat Frostbite once in the one-player battle arena.
Frostfire-Use a Frostfire Costume on one of your pets.
Fugunzel-Complete level 30 of the Fugunzel Missions.
Fungus-Beat Fungus 30 times in the one-player battle arena.
Funky-Have a piece of Funky clothing in your wardrobe and view your wardrobe.
Furry-Complete level 24 of the Ublish Missions.
Fwidman-Make a Fwidman Plate at the Ferris Wheel.
Gallery-Have 10+ pages of items when you view your gallery then go explore your gallery. (Avatar alert will appear at the bottom of the page)
Gallery-Have 32+ Newth items in your Gallery then go explore your gallery.
Gamma- Random when making a Gamma plate.
Gargoyle-Beat Gargoyle 9 times in the one-player battle arena.
Gargrunt- Make a gargrunt plate
Gavula-Beat Gavula 25 times in the one-player battle arena.
Geek-Use a Geek Costume on one of your pets.
Gemini-Open a Gemini Treasure Chest.
Genie-Use a Genie Costume on one of your pets.
Ghost-Use any costume on a Ghost pet.
Gingerbread-Use a Gingerbread Costume on one of your pets.
Gingerbread- Attach a gingerbread to your pet for 120+days then view the minipet.
Glass-Complete Level 24 of the Rubbish Dump Missions.
Glaxis-Feed your pet a Glaxis and then view the page within that pet's Gourmet Food List where its locates.
Glitch-Attach a Glitch to an Arcade Decadal pet then view the minipet.
Glockenspiel-Have your pet at level 10 Glockenspiel then view it's instrument list.
Glowing Egg Enthusiast-Have all original 70 Glowing Eggs in your nest and hatched.
Glowing Fairy-Collect 125+ Glowing Eggs in your Nest and then visit the Glowing Fairy.
Gluoc-Beat Gluoc once in the one-player battle arena.
Gnome-Use a Gnome Costume on one of your pets.
Gobble Chef-Have a Gobble Chef Trading Card in your Deck then view Deck.
Gobble Knight-Have a Gobble Knight Trading Card in your Deck then view Deck.
Gobble Voodoo Doll-Have a Gobble Voodoo Doll Trading Card in your Deck then view Deck.
Gobbler-Have a Gobbler Trading Card in your Deck then view Deck.
Gobby-Attach a Gobby to your pet for 400+ days then view the minipet
Goblar-Beat Goblar 35 times in the one-player battle arena.
Goblin-Use a Goblin Costume on one of your pets.
Going Bananas-Have 501 banana items in your gallery.
Goobie-Grow a Goobie Organic Minipet in your home.
Googlag-Unattach a Googlag from a Mutant colored pet.
Goop-Make a Goop plate at the Ferris Wheel.
Gothic-Use an Enchanted Gothic Plushie on your pet.
Greedy Fairy-Win the Greedy Fairy game and view your alert.
Greedy Gertrude-Complete level 30 of the Greedy Gertrude Missions.
Grinch-Beat Grinch 40 times in the one-player battle arena.
Gromps-Attach a Gromps to your pet for 40+ days then view the minipet.
Groom-Have a Tuxedo Costume in your wardrobe then view it.
Groovin'-View the CD list of a pet that has listened to 250+ CDs.
Gross-Beat Gross 2 times in the one-player battle arena.
Grouchy-Have a Green Grouchy in your inventory and click on it.
Gumball Addict-Refresh in your inventory when you have all original 43 Gumball in it.[ Gumball List http://spiceoloidmime.webs.com/gumballavatargumballs.htm ]
HaHa-Fail level 30 of any Mission.
Hacker-View the profile of a digital pet with a hacker job. (BROKEN)
Hades-Beat Hades 29 times in the one-player battle arena.
Hairy-Use a Hairy Costume on one of your pets.
Halloween-Use a Halloween Costume on one of your pets.
Halloween-Click on a Pumpkin in your inventory.
Halloween Snowman 2014-Random while feeding your pet any pumpkin won from the 2014 Pumpkin Hunt.
Hammy-Attach a Hammy to a pet that has learned 50+ music lessons at the school.
Happy 10th Birthday-Feed a 10th Birthday Cake to your pet
Happy Birthday-Feed your pet a 3 Years Cake.
Happy Snapper-Collect 2500+ Photos and then view your Photo Album.
Harmoni-Random while making a Harmoni plate at the Ferris Wheel.
Harmonica-Have your pet at level 10 Harmonica then view it's instrument list.
Harmony-Open a Harmony Treasure Chest.
Hasani-Beat Hasani 20 times in the one-player battle arena.
Heavy-Win at the Guess the Weight game.
Heavy-Have 950+ Gourmet Food feed to a pet and then visit the Obese Fairy. (Must have claimed prize first so refresh at pet's Gourmet Food List first.)
Hector-Complete level 30 of the Hector the Collector Missions.
Hero-Beat Hero 110 times in the one-player battle arena.
Hero-Use a Hero Costume on one of your pets.
Hick-Complete level 27 of the Bumpkin Missions.
Hideous-Complete the Undying Woods page of your Stamp Album and then view your awards page.
High-Attach a High to your pet for 230+ days then view the minipet.
History-Have your pet complete 152+ History lessons at the School.
Hobo-Use a Hobo Costume on one of your pets.
Hodge-Attach a Hodge to your pet for 251+ days then view the minipet.
Holly-Attach a Holly to your pet for 277+ days then view the minipet.
Homeless Fairy-Have your pet read 300 Newspapers and then visit the Homeless Fairy.
Horus-Complete level 20 of the Temple of Transubstantiation in Simeria.
Hospice-Complete level 30 of the Hospice Missions.
Hot Dog-Beat Hot Dog 375 times in the one-player battle arena.
Housse-Beat Housse 250 times in the one-player battle arena.
Hulau-Collect 425+ Plates in your Plate Collection and then visit the Mini Fairy.
Hump Racing-Complete 100 Hump Racing Quests.
Hungry Bolimo-Beat Hungry Bolimo 220 times in the one-player battle arena.
Husband-Let your pet play with a Groom Doll until it breaks.
I Bite You Bleed-View your pets Stats page when your pet is over 600 in Health.
Ice-Complete level 27 of the Blitzen Missions.
Ice Cream-Use a Ice Cream Costume on one of your pets.
Ice Fairy-
Ice Gnome-Beat Ice Gnome 50 times in the one-player battle arena.
Iggy-Buy an Iggy from the Olympic Redemption Shop.
Impossible-Beat Devil once in the one-player battle arena.
Inferno-Attach an Inferno to a Fire pet then view the minipet.
Inflate-Beat Inflate 30 times in the one-player battle arena.
Inside Out-Use an Inside Out Costume on one of your pets.
Insomniac-Beat Insomniac 32 times in the one-player battle arena.
Iolan-Random when using defend against Iolan in the one-player battle arena.
Iris-Grow a Iris Organic Minipet in your home.
Island-Complete level 24 of the Hospice Hospice Missions.
Jacko-Attach a Jacko to your pet for 940+ days then view the minipet.
Jackpot-Win the Lottery.
Jackpot Pyramid-Win the jackpot in the Jackpot Pyramid game.
James-Complete level 22 of Jenoa Goals.
Jester-Complete level 30 of the Jester Missions.
Jet-Use Digital Spell against Jet in the one-player battle arena.
Jezebel-Attach a Jezebel to your pet for 470+ days then view the minipet
Jinn-Attach a Jinn to your pet for 7+ days then view the minipet.
Jug-Have your pet at level 10 Jug then view it's instrument list.
Kamilah-Use a Kamilah Costume on one of your pets.
Kamilah Pyramid-Complete the Kamilah Pyramid Treasure Map and then visit the Kamilah Pyramid in Kamilah Desert.
Karate-Beat Karate once in the one-player battle arena.
Karot-Grow a Karot Organic Minipet in your home.
Keewee-Grow a Keewee Organic Minipet in your home.
Kevadra- Beat Kevadra 100 times in the one-player battle arena.
Killer-Use a Killer Costume on one of your pets.
Kissy-Find a Kissy inside a Love Treasure Chest. (Finding Mini is Random)
Kleptome-Beat Kleptome 360 times in the one-player battle arena.
Knutt Knight-Complete 500 Knutt Knight Quests.
Knutty-Complete 100 Knutt House quests.
Koa- Complete level 37 of Minipet Island Goals.
Korn-Grow a Korn Organic Minipet in your home.
Krick-Beat Krick 50 times in the one-player battle arena.
Kringle-Have a Kringle Plate in your Plate Collection and then view it.
Kuork-Search Kuork on the slow shop search when you have one for sale in your shop for 500,000mp.
Laiyee-View your pet when it has 5 laiyees attached to it.
Leaflit-Random while making a Leaflit plate at the Ferris Wheel.
Lela-Attach a Lela to your pet then view the minipet.
Leo-Open a Leo Treasure Chest.
Leon-Random while making a Leon plate at the Ferris Wheel.
Leto-Attach a Leto to your pet for 309+ days then view the minipet.
Libra-Open a Libra Treasure Chest.
Lidge-Attach a Lidge to your pet for 950+ days then view the minipet.
Life's a Beach-Open a Summer Treasure Chest.
Light-Use a Light Costume on one of your pets.
Light Fairy-Use a Light Fairy Costume on one of your pets.
Light Warrior-Have a Light Warrior Trading Card in your Deck then view Deck.
Lightning-Beat Lightning 32 times in the one-player battle arena.
Lightning-Use a Lightning Costume on one of your pets.
Lightning Gobble-Have a Lightning Gobble Trading Card in your Deck then view Deck.
Liiing-Bid on Liiing in a Club Member Only auction.
Linuw-Battle Linuw 300 times in the one-player battle arena.
Little Invader-Beat Little Invader once in the one-player battle arena.
London 2012-Add any London clothing to your Wardrobe then view the item in your Wardrobe.
London Bus-Let your pet play with a London Bus until it breaks.
Lord Splishy Splashy-Have a Lord Splishy Splashy Trading Card in your Deck then view Deck.
Lotus-Beat Lotus 15 times in the one-player battle arena.
Love-Use a Love Costume on a pet with over 30 magic.
Lovebug-Attach a Lovebug minipet to a Love pet for 10+ days then view the minipet.
Lucent-Attach a Lucent to your pet for 260+ days then view the minipet.
Lucifer-Attach a Lucifer to a Devil pet for 199+ days then view the minipet.
Lucky-Attach a Lucky to a Christmas pet for 99+ days then view the minipet.
Luffley-Attach a Luffley to your pet for 30+ days then view the minipet.
Lush Tombola-Win a Lush Tombola Stamp from the Lush Tombola game.
Lxi-Beat Lxi 10 times in the one-player battle arena.
Mad Scientist-Use a Mad Scientist Costume on one of your pets.
Mad Scientist-Accept a job promotion for Scientist job.
Maddox-Attach a Maddox to your pet for 85+ days then view the minipet.
Maestro-Find a Maestro inside a Harmony Treasure Chest. (Finding Mini is Random)
Maeven-Attach Maeven to Midnight pet then view the minipet.
Mafia-Complete level 24 of the Pirate Mafia Missions.
Magic-Beat Magic 5 times in the one-player battle arena.
Mailo-Go to Minipet Colours, click on a minipet and refresh a lot.
Maisonette-Go to your Homes and Demolish a Maisonette.
Mankini-Find a Mankini inside one of the Pool Party Bags obtained during the Pool Party June-July 2015 Event.
Marguerite-Grow a Marguerite Organic Minipet in your home.
Maths-Have your pet complete 27+ Math lessons at the School.
Mayor-Get your pet a job as a Politician.
Meager-Beat Meager 33 times in the one-player battle arena.
Mechanic-Complete 300 Garage Quests.
Mental-Use a Mental Costume on one of your pets.
Merman-Have your pet at 500 Stamina and view pet stats.
Merry Christmas-Receive a Frozen Advent Wreath as a gift and then let your pet play with it until it breaks.
Midnight-Use a Midnight Costume on one of your pets.
Midoat-Random while making a Midoat plate at the Ferris Wheel.
Millionaire-Buy a Millionaire costume from the Millionaire's Lodge.
Mina-Find a Mina inside a Pisces Treasure Chest. (Finding Mini is Random)
Mini Fairy-Collect 750+ Plates in your Plate Collection and then visit the Mini Fairy.
Mini Gobble Herd-Have a Mini Gobble Herd Trading Card in your Deck then view Deck.
Mini Minder-Complete 100 Eleka Prison Quests.
Minipet-Use a Minipet Costume on one of your pets.
Miort-Attach a Miort to your pet then view the minipet.
Mommi-Beat Mommi 21 times in the one-player battle arena.
Moneybag-Attach a Moneybag to your pet for 96+ days then view the minipet.
Monsoon-Beat Monsoon 34 times in the one-player battle arena.
Monster-Use a Monster Costume on one of your pets.
Moonlight Fairy-Have your pet read 400 Magazines and then visit the Moonlight Fairy.
Mort-View your pets Stats page when your pet is over 400 in Health.
Mount-Beat Mount 501 times in the one-player battle arena.
Movie Buff-View the DVD list of a pet who has watched 250+ movies.
Mozo-Beat Mozo 51 times in the one-player battle arena.
Mrog-Beat Mrog 36 times in the one-player battle arena.
Mugen-Attach a Mugen to your pet.
Muguel-Buy a Muguel Trading Card from the Kwazikujo Shop.
Muscles-Beat Muscles 60 times in the one-player battle arena.
Muskit-Have a Muskit Trading Card in your Deck then view Deck.
Mutant Gobble-Have a Mutant Gobble Trading Card in your Deck then view Deck.
NO LIFE-Have a total of 50,000+ Forum posts and go to Forums.
Naoen-Send a Naoen to someone.
Napoleon-Have 10 Napoleons in your Gallery then view your Gallery.
Native-Use a Native Costume on one of your pets.
Naunet-Beat Naunet 70 times in the one-player battle arena.
Nefarious-Use a Nefarious Costume on one of your pets.
Neon-Buy a Neon Costume from the Game Redemption Shop.
Nerd-Attach a Nerd to your pet for 450+ days then view the minipet.
Newth Knight-Beat Newth Knight 37 times in the one-player battle arena.
Newth Nurse-Beat Newth Nurse once in a one-player battle arena.
Nicky-Unattach a Nicky minipet from a Fire pet.
Nille-Beat Nille 15 times in the one-player battle arena.
Nimble-Random while making a Nimble plate at the Ferris Wheel.
Nimbus-Use a Nimbus Costume on one of your pets.
Ninja-Use an Enchanted Ninja Knutt Plushie on one of your pets.
Nocto-Beat Nocto 13 times in the one-player battle arena.
Notice-Post a notice on the Noticeboard for 150,00mps or more.
Nurse-Have a Nurse Costume in your Wardrobe and view the Female Costumes section.
Nutcracker-Beat Nutcracker 39 times in the one-player battle arena.
Nuttler-Random while making a Nuttler plate at the Ferris Wheel.
Obese Fairy-
Ocarina-Have your pet at level 10 Ocarina then view it's instrument list.
Ogul-Beat Ogul 226 times in the one-player battle arena.
Oke-Beat Oke 15 times in the one-player battle arena.
Old-Use an Old Costume on a pet with over 30 Defence.
Old Fairy-Collect 1000+ Photos in your Photo Album and then visit the Old Fairy.
Olvic-Attach an Olvic to your pet then view the minipet.
Omen-Attach an Omen to your pet for 25+ days then view the minipet.
Once Bitten-Feed Chocolate Teeth to your pet.
Oogle- Beat Oogle once in the one-player battle arena.
Operative-Beat Operative 42 times in the one-player battle arena.
Orange Chocolate-Have 60 orange chocolates in your inventory.
Palm-Grow a Palm Organic Minipet in your home.
Panda-Use a Panda Costume on one of your pets.
Party-Use a Party Costume on one of your pets.
Party Animal-Have a Party Animal Trading Card in your Deck then view Deck.
Party Chest-Open a Party Treasure Chest.
Party Pooper-Beat Party Pooper once in the one-player battle arena.
Party Time-Random when sending Paper Hats to Xaenthe.
Pat-Attach a Pat to a Leprechaun pet then view the minipet.
Peachie-Grow a Peachie Organic Minipet in your home.
Pearls-Refresh in your inventory when you have all original 46 Pearls in it.
Pee-Grow a Pee Organic Minipet in your home.
Peiko-Attach a Peiko to your pet for 500+ days then view the minipet.
Penitentiary-Complete level 30 of thePenitentiary Missions.
Peppa-Grow a Peppa Organic Minipet in your home.
Perchuka-Beat Perchuka 130 times in the one-player battle arena.
Pessen-Beat Pessen 176 times in the one-player battle arena.
Phare-Grow a Phare Organic Minipet in your home.
Phospho-Lose to Phospho in the one-player battle arena.
Piano-Have your pet at level 10 Piano then view it's instrument list.
Pie Throw-Win a Pie in the Pie Throw game. (Finding Pie is random)
Piggy-Buy a Piggy for Rapunzel's Tower.
Pilgrim-Use a Pilgrim Costume on one of your pets.
Pinata-Use a Pinata Costume on one of your pets.
Pingi-Attach a Pingi to your pet for 75+ days then view the minipet.
Pinkal-Attach a Pinkal to your pet for 270+ days then view the minipet.
Pinto-Attach a Pinto to your pet then view the minipet.
Pirate Mafia-Complete level 30 of the Pirate Mafia Missions.
Pisces-Open a Pisces Treasure Chest.
Pixel-Attach a Pixel to your pet for 560+ days then view the minipet.
Pixie-Have a Pixie Stamp in your Stamp Album and then view it.
Plague-Attach Plague to a Basil then view the minipet.
Plant-Buy a Plant Costume from the Pirate Ship.
Plug-Attach a Plug to your pet for 50+ days then view the minipet.
Plushie-Use a Plushie Costume on a huthiq pet.
Plushie Fairy-Collect 1000+ Plushies in your Plushie Collection.
Plushie Passion-Collect 500+ Plushies in your Plushie Collection.
Plutonium-Beat Plutonium 42 times in the one-player battle arena.
Plynx-Attach a Plynx to your pet for 520+ days then view the minipet.
Poani-Random while making a Poani plate at the Ferris Wheel.
Poco-Attach a Poco to a Millionaire pet then view the minipet.
Poison-Buy a bottle of Poison from the Poison Shop.
Polar-Use a Polar Costume on one of your pets.
Polar-Attach a Polar to a Polar pet then view the minipet.
Pongin-Attach a Pongin to your pet for 700+ days then view the minipet.
Poop-Have one of each poop in your inventory.
Pop Star-Collect income for Karaoke King job on a pet that has over 50 music stats.
Poppy-Grow a Poppy Organic Minipet in your home.
Poseidon-Beat Poseidon 350 times in the one-player battle arena.
Premium Hair-Use the Premium Hair Treasure Map to change your character's hair style.
Pretty-Have 25 Red Roses in your inventory.
Princess-Complete level 27 of theTheatre Missions.
Princess-Attach a Princess to your pet for 240+ days then view the minipet.
Prison-Free a Feliz pet from Prison.
Prize-Use a Prize Costume on one of your pets.
Psyclone-Attach a Psyclone to a Funky pet for 30+ days then view the minipet.
Puchalla-Complete level 24 of the Bumpkin Missions.
Puchalla Inn-Complete 400 Puchalla Inn Quests.
Pudine-Attach a Pudine to your pet for 20+ days then view the minipet.
Pugwash-Complete level 27 of the Pirate Mafia Pirate Mafia Missions.
Pulika-Attach a Pulika to your pet for 126+ days then view the minipet.
Pumkin-Attach a Pumkin to your pet for 980+ days then view the minipet.
Pumkitty-View any minipet attached for EXACTLY 666 days.
Pumpee-Grow a Pumpee Organic Minipet in your home.
Pumpkin Ed-Attach a Pumpkin Ed to your pet for 1050+ days then view the minipet.
Pumpkin Ghost-Have a Pumpkin Ghost Trading Card in your Deck then view Deck.
Pumpkin Hunt 07-Feed any Pumpkin from the 2007 Pumpkin Hunt to your pet.
Pumpkin Wiz-Make a Pumpkin Wiz plate at the Ferris Wheel.
Punk-Attach a Punk to a Punk pet then view the minipet.
Punk-Use a Punk Costume on one of your pets.
Punk Xoi-Beat Punk Xoi 225 times in the one-player battle arena.
Pyramid-Beat Pyramid 43 times in the one-player battle arena.
Pyramid Twins-Beat Pyramid Twins 44 times in the one-player battle arena.
Qikre-Beat Qikre 280 times in the one-player battle arena.
Quest Master-Complete 100,000+ quests then view your Stats page of your Profile.
R.I.P-Beat RIP 20 times in the one-player battle arena.
Raa-Beat Raa 5 times in the one-player battle arena.
Rababerry-Grow a Rababerry Organic Minipet in your home.
Rabid Fasoro-Beat Rabid Fasoro 150 times in the one-player battle arena.
Radiation-Use a Radioactive Costume on one of your pets.
Radioactive Terror-Beat Radioactive Terror once in the one-player battle arena.
Rainy-Use a Rainy Costume on one of your pets.
Random-Use an Enchanted Random Plushie on one of your pets.
Rat-Attach a Rat to your pet for 800+ days then view the minipet.
Reaper-Attach a Reaper to your pet for 236+ days then view the minipet.
Red Panda-Use a Red Panda Costume on one of your pets.
Refer-Make 25 Referrals.
Reisand-Beat Reisand 3 times in the one-player battle arena.
Reon-Attach a Reon to a Stoneage pet for 75+ days then view the minpiet.
Rich-Buy any item from the Millionaire's Lodge.
Robot-Accept a Robot Pet through a Pet Exchange.
Robot Rescuer- Complete 100 Robot Repair Quests.
Rocket-Attach a Rocket to your pet for 148+ days then view the minipet.
Rosette-Grow a Rosette Organic Minipet in your home.
Rosie-Grow a Rosie Organic Minipet in your home.
Rotten-Complete level 27 of the Troll Missions.
Royal-Use a Royal Costume on one of your pets.
Royal Fairy-Complete 25,000+ quests and then visit the Royal Fairy.
Rubble-Attach a Rubble to your pet for 15+ days then view the minipet.
Rubhd-Beat Rubhd 100 times in the one-player battle arena.
Runty-Beat Runty 45 times in the one-player battle arena.
Rusty-Beat Rusty 226 times in the one-player battle arena.
Rusty Twins-Complete Level 30 of the Rubbish Dump Missions.
Rutabaga-Grow a Rutabaga Organic Minipet in your home.
Rweek-Buy a Rweek from a Usershop.
Sagittarius-Open a Sagittarius Treasure Chest.
Salvaged-Buy a Salvaged minipet from the Recycling Centre.
Sandman-Beat Sandman 46 times in the one-player battle arena.
Santa-Beat Santa 340 times in the one-player battle arena.
Santa Claws-Beat Santa Claws 230 times in the one-player battle arena.
Santa Claws-Complete 140 Santa Claws Quests.
Sassilla-Have a Sassilla Trading Card in your Deck then view Deck.
Scary-View the Profile of a Zombie Yakubi you own.
Schnoodle-Have 1400+ Gourmet Food feed to a pet and then visit the Obese Fairy. (Must have claimed prize first so refresh at pet's Gourmet Food List first.)
School-Use a School Costume on one of your pets.
Science-Have your pet complete 52+ Science lessons at the School.
Scorpi-Find a Scorpi inside a Scorpio Treasure Chest. (Finding Mini is Random)
Scorpio-Open a Scorpio Treasure Chest.
Scratch-Win the Scratch Card jackpot on the Treasure Hunt card.
Scrooge-Buy a Scrooge from a Usershop for 1mp.
Scrooge-Have a Scrooge Trading Card in your Deck then view Deck.
Seaso-Find a Seaso inside an Underwater Treasure Chest. (Finding Mini is Random)
Seasonal-Use a Seasonal Costume on one of your pets.
Selene-Have a pet read 700 Magazines and then visit theMoonlight Fairy.
Serri-Buy a Serri from the Pirate Ship.
Seth-Buy a Seth from the Spy Shop.
Sewer Cleaner-Complete Level 30 of the Sewer Cleaner Missions.
Sewer Monster-Complete 50 Sewer Monster Quests.
Sewer Pipes-Complete the Sewer Pipes Map then visit the Sewer Pipes in City Sewers.
Sewers-Complete Level 24 of the Sewer Cleaner Missions.
Shadow-Have a Shadow Trading Card in your Deck then view Deck.
Shaggy-Send any Poop to Shaggy.
Shilpy-Complete level 22 of Eleka's Castle Goals.
Shroom-Grow a Shroom Organic Minipet in your home.
Silser-Buy a Sisler minipet from Slater Stalker Shop.
Simerian-Use a Simerian Costume on one of your pets.
Simerian Explorer-Complete 35 Simerian Explorer Quests.
Sixth-Attach a Sixth to your pet for 180+ days then view the minipet.
Sizzle-Bid on Fried Egg Plushie in a Marapal Only auction.
Sk8er-Attach a Sk8er to your pet for 850+ days then view the minipet.
Skeleton-Complete level 27 of the Trotter Missions.
Skiddy-Attach a Skiddy to a Skater pet then view the minipet.
Skramp-Random while making a Skramp plate at the Ferris Wheel.
Slate Pyramid-Complete level 50 of the Slate Pyramid.
Slater Stalker-Complete 1000 Slater Stalker Quests.
Sleepy-Use a Sleepy Costume on one of your pets.
Sleshalk-Beat Sleshalk once in the one-player battle arena.
Slide Whistle-Have your pet at level 10 Slide Whistle then view it's instrument list.
Slime-Complete level 27 of the Fugunzel Missions.
Smelly!-Send a Smelly Socks Cake to Smellie.
Smew-Attach a Smew to your pet for 70+ days then view the minipet.
Smuggler-Buy an item from the Smuggler Shop.
Snap-Have someone send you a Maramail with both the Subject and Body of the Mail as Snap and then view the Maramail.
Sneaky-Buy a Sneaky from Smuggler.
Snickle-Attach a Snickle to your pet for 60+ days then view the minipet.
Sniffer-Beat Sniffer 47 times in the one-player battle arena.
Sniffles-Complete level 12 of the Greedy Gertrude Missions.
Snob-Vote for the Snob Party at Baspinar's Castle then view your profile.
Snoogle-Beat Snoogle once in a one-player battle arena.
Snoop-Attach a Snoop to your pet for 420+ days then view the minipet.
Snooty-Attach a Snooty to a Princess pet then view the minipet.
Snot Newth-Beat Snoogle 140 time in the one-player battle arena.
Snow Fight-Beat Snow Fight 290 times in the one-player battle arena.
Snowball-Beat Snowball 60 times in the one-player battle arena.
Snoween-Attach a Snoween to your pet for 300+ days then view the minipet.
Snowel-Random while making a Snowel plate at the Ferris Wheel.
Snowman Twin-Beat Snowman Twin 200 times in the one-player battle arena.
Snuggles-Attach a Snuggles to a Polar Pet then view the minipet.
Sobek-Complete Level 20 of the Temple of Transmogrification in Simeria.
Solaroo-Random while making a Solaroo plate at the Ferris Wheel.
Sooty-Make a Sooty plate at the Ferris Wheel.
Sorcerer-Beat Sorcerer 4 times in the one-player battle arena.
Space Fairy-
Sparkle-Use a Sparkle Costume on one of your pets.
Sphinx-Attach a Sphinx to your pet for 166+ days then view the minipet.
Spidly-Attach a Spidly to your pet for 15+ days then view the minipet.
Splatter-Use a Splatter Costume on one of your pets.
Splish-Find a Splish inside a Summer Treasure Chest. (Finding Mini is Random)
Spooks-Buy a Spooks from a User Shop.
Spooky-Open a Halloween Treasure Chest.
Sports-Buy a Sports Costume from the Olympics Redemption Shop.
Sports-Have your pet complete 77+ Sports lessons at the School.
Sprig-Find a Sprig minipet inside a St Patricks Day Treasure Chest. (Finding Mini is Random)
Spring-Use a Spring Costume on one of your pets.
Sprite-Find a Sprite inside a Virgo Treasure Chest. (Finding Mini is Random)
Sprite-Beat Sprite 14 times in the one-player battle arena.
Spy-Use a Spy Costume on one of your pets.
Squink-Have your pet at 400 Stamina and view pet stats.
Squit-Beat Squit once in the one-player battle arena.
Sshh...-View the Book list of a pet that has read the Book of Secrets.
St Patrick's Day 2013-Have a Leprechaun wig in your wardrobe and view your Wigs.
Starbert-Find a Starbert in a Galactic Treasure Chest. (Finding Mini is Random)
Stellar-Random when beating Stellar in a one-player battle arena.
Stitch-Attach a Stitch to your pet for 167+ days then view the minipet.
Stocks-View your Shares page when you have bought 2,500 shares in any company.
Stoneage-View the Profile of a Stoneage Pet that is level 49 or higher.
Stop Eating!-Have 1000+ Gourmet Food feed to a pet and then view that pets Gourmet Food Collection.
Strawberrie-Grow a Strawberrie Organic Minipet in your home.
Stray-Have your pet read 600 Newspapers and then visit the Homeless Fairy.
Strong-Win a Strong Stamp from the Test Your Strength game.
Sugarmites-Win Sugarmites from the Sugar Stack game.
Sultan-Beat Sultan once in the one-player battle arena.
Sumo Feliz-Beat Sumo Feliz 160 times in the one-player battle arena.
Sumo Sally-Complete 2500 Sumo Sally Quests.
Sunflower-Grow a Sunflower Organic Minipet in your home.
Super Hero-Attach a Superhero to a Superhero pet then view the minipet.
Swamp-Use a Swamp Costume on one of your pets.
Sweet Tooth-Have a Sweet Tooth Trading Card in your Deck then view Deck.
Swondor-Have a Swondor Trading Card in your Deck then view Deck.
Tableaus-Complete level 30 of the Temple of Tableaus in Simeria.
Tadi-Random when battling a Tadi wild minipet.
Tail-Attach a Tail to your pet for 420+ days then view the minipet.
Tasty-Wear Gingerbread Character Costume.
Taurus-Open a Taurus Treasure Chest.
Taxes Paid-Pay taxes for 100 days to the Sultan.
Tearex-Make a Tearex plate at the Ferris Wheel.
Tepee-Attach a Tepee to your pet for 160-191+ days then view the minipet. (Exact amount of days unknown)
Test Tube-Beat Test Tube 48 times in the one-player battle arena.
Teto-Complete level 37 of Biala Goals.
Theatre-Complete level 30 of theTheatre Missions.
Thunder-Complete Level 24 of the Greedy Gertrude Missions.
Thunder-Beat Thunder 49 times in the one-player battle arena.
Tichu-Beat Tichu 80 times in the one-player battle arena.
Tiger-Use a Tiger Costume on one of your pets.
Time-Visit the Clock Towwer between 0.00.00 and 0.00.59 MST.
Timpanidrum-Have your pet at level 10 Timpanidrum then view it's instrument list.
Tinsel-Attach a Tinsel to a Christmas pet for 10+ days then view the minpiet.
Tisha-Random when battling a Tisha wild minipet.
Toadling-Complete level 37 of Gigantic Paradise Goals.
Toddler-Own 3 Toddler Pets and then view your pets page.
Tokem-Attach a Tokem to your pet for 60+ days then view the minipet.
Tommy-Grow a Tommy Organic Minipet in your home.
Toothache-Beat Toothache 80 times in the one-player battle arena.
Toppy-Find a Toppy inside a Steampunk Treasure Chest. (Finding Mini is Random)
Totette-Random while making a Totette plate at the Ferris Wheel.
Toxic-Random while making a Toxic plate at the Ferris Wheel.
Trailer-Complete level 24 of thePenitentiary Missions.
Transmogrification-Complete level 30 of the Temple of Transmogrification in Simeria.
Transubstantiation-Complete level 17 of the Temple of Transformation in Simeria.
Transumption-Complete level 30 of the Temple of Transumption in Simeria.
Transuranics-Complete level 30 of the Temple of Transuranics in Simeria.
Transvaluation-Complete level 30 of the Temple of Transvaluation in Simeria.
Trash Fairy-Reach level 7 of the Trash Fairy game.
Travis Truck-Complete 90 Travis Truck Quests.
Tree Hugger-Vote for the Tree Hugger Party at Baspinar's Castle then view your profile.
Tres-Attach a Tres to your pet for 440+ days then view the minipet.
Tresure-Beat Tresure 76 times in the one-player battle arena.
Tri-Attach a Tri to your pet for 191+ days then view the minipet.
Trixter-Have a Trixter Trading Card in your Deck then view Deck.
Troll-Complete level 30 of the Troll Missions.
Trombone-Have your pet at level 10 Trombone then view it's instrument list.
Troogle-Beat Troogle once in a one-player battle arena.
Trotter-Complete level 30 of The Trotter Missions.
Tubby-Random while making a Tubby plate at the Ferris Wheel.
Tuin-Beat Tuin 310 times in the one-player battle arena.
Tuly-Grow a Tuly Organic Minipet in your home.
Turkiye-Attach a Turkiye to a Gobble pet then view the minipet.
Tweblud-Attach a Tweblud to an Angel pet for 75+ days then view the minpiet.
Twigee-Beat Twigee 240 times in the one-player battle arena.
Twinkle-Attach a Twinkle to a Sparkle pet then view the minipet.
Twins-Find a Twins inside a Gemini Treasure Chest. (Finding Mini is Random)
Twittle-Attach a Twittle to your pet for 350+ days then view the minipet.
Two Million-Attach a Two Million to your pet for 210+ days then view the minipet.
Twree-Have a Twree in your Deck and another in your Inventory then view your deck.
Tyras-Have your pet at 200 Strength and view pet stats.
Uayl-Random when battling Uayl in the one-player battle arena.
Ublish-Complete level 30 of the Ublish Missions.
Ugly Contest-Win a prize from the Ugly Contest. (1st prize or one of the random bonus prizes)
Underwater-Use an Underwater Costume on one of your pets.
Undying-Beat Undying 70 times in the one-player battle arena.
Undying Fairy-Use an Undying Fairy Costume on one of your pets.
Unlucky-Unattach an Unlucky minipet from a Voodoo pet.
Unnecessary-Complete the Unnecessary Perfection Instructions.
Upload-Have an Uploads Sindi Plushie in your Plushie Collection and then view it.
Ush-Have 2 Ush in your Gallery and then view your Gallery.
Valentine-Have a Love Cooker in your Marahome and use it to feed a Valentine.
Valentino-Attach a Valentino to your Valentine pet then view the minipet.
Vampire-Use a Vampire Costume on one of your pets.
Vampry-Attach a Vampry to your pet for 1020+ days then view the minipet.
Vending Machine-Complete the Vending Machine Instructions and then visit the Vending Machine.
Venus-Beat Venus 320 times in the one-player battle arena.
Verano-Make a Verano plate at the Ferris Wheel.
Vibue-Draw against Vibue in the one-player battle arena.
Vile-Attach a Vile to your Villain pet then view the minipet.
Villain-Use a Villain Costume on one of your pets.
Villain-Beat Villain 170 times in the one-player battle arena.
Viper-Random when battling a Viper wild minipet.
Virgo-Open a Virgo Treasure Chest.
Volum-Have 100 volums in your attic.
Voodoo- Complete level 24 of the Fates Missions.
Vortex-Use a Vortex Costume on one of your pets.
Vorto-Attach a Vorto to a Vortex pet and then view the minipet.
Waka-Complete Level 20 of the Temple of Transuranics in Simeria.
Wallet-Attach a Wallet to your pet for ? days then view the minipet. (more than 160 days but less than 251 days)
Warrior-View the Battle page once you have won 50,000+ battles.
Waste-Beat Waste 51 times in the one-player battle arena.
Wee-Beat Wee 170 times in the one-player battle arena.
Weekly Battle Challenge-Have a Weekly Battle Challenge trophy and view your Awards page.
Weiji-Attach a Weiji to a Voodoo pet then view the minipet.
Werewolf-Use a Werewolf Costume on one of your pets.
Whirlpool-Random when using the Whirlpool.
White Chocolate-Have 35 white chocolates in your inventory.
Wife-Let your pet play with a Bride Doll until it breaks.
Wiik-Grow a Wiik Organic Minipet in your home.
Winter-Use a Winter Costume on one of your pets.
Winter Demon-Have a Winter Demon Trading Card in your deck and then view your Deck.
Witch-Use a Witch Costume on a Feliz pet.
Witchlet-Attach a Witchlet to your pet for 180+ days then view the minipet.
Wizadrip-Beat Wizadrip 260 times in the one-player battle arena.
Wizard-Equip a healing potion to a wizard pet.
Wonderland-Open a Wonderland Treasure Chest.
Wonion-Grow a Wonion Organic Minipet in your home.
Wugor-Beat Wugor 30 times in the one-player battle arena.
YOLO-Gain bonus pet stats when completing a Personal Trainer Quest.
Yakubi Attack-Send your score in the Yakubi Attack game 3 times, and then go back to the game.
Yaoe-Beat Yaoe 330 times in the one-player battle arena.
Yeti-Beat Yeti 180 times in the one-player battle arena.
Yeti-Make a Yeti plate at the Ferris Wheel.
Yoop-Attach a Yoop to your pet for 100+ days then view the minipet.
Yule-Attach a Yule to your Seasonal pet for 99+ days then view the minipet.
Zap-Random when paying a Power Bill at the Power Station.
Zard-Battle Zard 150 times in the one-player battle arena.
Zarplet-Feed your pet a Zarplet and then view the page within that pet's Gourmet Food List where its located.
Zeew-Beat Zeew 270 times in the one-player battle arena.
Zeus-Beat Zeus 40 times in the one-player battle arena.
Zorg-Attach a Zorg to your pet for 358+ days then view the minipet.
Zound-View your shop when you have 2 zounds for sale at 500,000mp.
www-View the DVD list of a pet that has watched the "Guide to Marasites" DVD.