Mara Goals
12 years, 10 months & 12 days ago
14th Feb 2012 08:30 Not get banned from mara [?]
Have 48,953mp in the bank [ ]
Own a red newth [x]
Complete stamp collection [ ]
Give 100 million away [x]
Give 100 le pets away [ ]
Stalk [x]
Feed my marapets [x] 8/30/12
Add some furniture to my marahome [ ]
100 million giveaway
13 years, 2 months & 12 days ago
13th Oct 2011 12:58 The money train has just left the station. To all 200 passengers whoo whoo!
Thanks to all who followed the rules. You can now post freely.
Big thanks to Tricksii who handled the payout.
Millionare Guide version 2
14 years, 5 months & 16 days ago
12th Jul 2010 13:46 It has been up for a few weeks now. Have a look and tell me how it is. Also if you remember version 1 tell me how much better this one is in comparison thanks.
Greedy Fairy
14 years, 9 months & 5 days ago
23rd Mar 2010 02:50 krawk1234 has now listened to Greedy Fairy Music. Woo I won. Thank you soo much. I got me a learnie for my pet for being greedy. So much dust in my gallery im surprized the greedy fairy could find her way to my collection of dvds stacked in the center behind some boxes
Le Giveaway
16 years, 9 months & 8 days ago
18th Mar 2008 19:49 The Giveaway has come to an end. Dont think I can manage it anymore. Maybe one day I will come back and give out 58 more pets but for now it is closed
Chibs X4
Quell X2
Rusty X3
Dakota X1
Ercuw X1
sindi X2
Troit X1
zoosh X4
Snookle X3
Kronk X2
Zoink 58 stated X1
Zoink X5
Daisy X3
oglue X5
Huthiq X3 (one reunited with its creator)
poera X3
Total: 43/100