16 years, 8 months & 22 days ago
24th Apr 2008 02:23 I might be back, I know I was gone for a long time, but yeah. I'm not sure though. because I really like web design, and could make templates for the marasites and such, but I don't know, I'll think about it.
17 years, 1 month & 14 days ago
30th Nov 2007 14:32 I can't get on for a while, (just a warning) I'm behind in school (just a little) and the end of the semester is coming fast. I should be able to pass things (and not flunk out), but I don't have the time to get online or work on pictures for people, I'm sorry, but college is a lot more important, and I want to stay in college.
17 years, 1 month & 24 days ago
20th Nov 2007 22:13 Hi to anyone who actually reads this, I just finished a tutorial for people who are tired of paint, it's on my marasite here:
I hope it helps!
Web Site
17 years, 1 month & 27 days ago
17th Nov 2007 10:36 Well, (somehow) my marasite is finally working. I'm going to make it about how to write code, html and css, for layouts. I will also put thing about how to make a table layout for a club, because last I checked, no css for clubs, which sucks, but I don't think that they'll ever change it. More stuff later.
17 years, 2 months & 10 days ago
6th Nov 2007 07:44 I couldn't get on for a while, but yeah. I get back on and my mouth is so messed up. I like hallween, I walked around campus as a cat-ninja, but this tick or treating thing that messed up everyone's mouth is sorta dumb, like everyone is going around looking dumb because the users who paid real money for halloween costumes are going around getting free stuff, yeah they don't have the upper hand, sure. And those costumes won't scar me, I'm 19 year old, I've been around for a while. The only things I'm scared of is things like missing exams or failing classes and flunking out of school, and don't say it's not possible. Things like a kid in a grim repeat costume don't scar me, sorry. and I've only been back one day and I'm already sick of look at my doll looking like that. I think I'll just go back to studying, instead of give the site hits.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not bashing everything that the site is doing for halloween and I like how much the staff tries to make the site awesome, but I'ld like to have my mouth the way I want now. I like the idea of dressed up pets trick or treating, and those costume (some) aren't that hard to get a hold of. I think I paid like 5-10k for the ghost one for sarila, so yeah. I guess I just want my mouth back.