The Fates Mission Started Sept. 7th
17 years, 2 months & 14 days ago
6th Sep 2007 14:43 20. Tail of Halloween Fasoro, Wing of Light Ercuw------------------------10000 rp
19. Tail of Fasoro, Crindol Horn, Leido Shell--------------------------5000 rp
18. Tail of Halloween Fasoro, Wing of Radioactive Doyle, Grint Foot-----2500 rp
17. Grint Foot,Light Ecruw----Clotho Plushie
16. Leido Shell, 2 Bolimo Teeth----1500 rp
15. Red Crindol Horn-----1300 rp
14. Green Grint Foot-----1200 rp
13. Leido Shell, Broken bolimo Teeth, Tail of Blue Poera-------------1100 rp
12. Leido Shell----------Poisonous tunes
11. Green Grint Foot-----1000 rp
10. Chibs Voodoo Doll---850 rp
9. Bolimo, Addow, Fasoro-750 rp
8. Azul Voodoo Doll-----Atropos Plushie
7. Bolimo Voodoo Doll---600 rp
6. Ideus Voodoo Doll-----500 rp
5. Azul Voodoo Doll-----350 rp
4. Gonk Voodoo Doll-----250 rp
3. Feliz Voodoo Doll-----Fates T-Shirt
2. Gonk Voodoo Doll----100 rp
1. Chibs Voodoo Doll----Poison Potato