My pets
8 years, 2 months & 15 days ago
9th Oct 2016 10:01 At the start of keeping track on
9/10/16 I have:
Ainayr the Snow Daisy
Aria Marie the Light Fairy Dakota
Attuare the Ice Fairy Poera
Carlymaries the Easter leido
DaisyDaresYou the Poison Daisy
Detinator14 the Rainbow Kujo
Devide the Light Fairy Nino
EvanRosier the Sponge Kronk
Judaas the Pixie Huthiq
LauraRebecca the Scout Chibs
Laura_Annie the Simerian Osafo
LilDivine the Nimbus Phanty
LylaRae the Pampered Quell
Ravenclawz_32 the Dragon Gonk
Ryhla the Cupid Zoosh
Sweety_Buns the Black Zoink
Valyntine the Love Lati
bettymae the Ice Crindol
daisyXxXxX123 the Ghost Yakubi
fiz_123 the Royal Tantua
fredmercury the Madscientist Kidlet
girl_two the Sleepy Quell
lovemeXiamcute the Pixie Lati
loveya1234 the Ninja Equilor
reble the Earthfairy Nino
rhyana the Poison Zola
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October 2016:Created: JohnHamish the Vampire Sybri
Adopted: Expungement the Purple Kaala
Traded: LylaRae the Pampered Quell for Kayllin the Earthfairy Viotto
Auctioned: bettymae the Ice Crindol
Costumed: Kayllin the Earthfair Viotto to pixie
Changed: Expungement to School Jessup
Changed: loveya1234 the Ninja Equilor to Doll Gobble
Costumed: Reble the earthfairy nino to glass
Costumed: Sqeety_buns the Black zoink to Ghost
Changed: fredmercury the madscientist kidlet to silver osafo
Renamed: girl_two the Sleepy Quell to DevonRose
Changed: fiz_123 the Royal Tantua into a Christmastree Limax
Changed: daisyXxXxX123 the Ghost Yakubi into Villain Vlad
Changed: Valyntine the Love Lati into Love snookle
Now own: Aeropt the Starry Viotto
Changed: Laura_Annie the Simerian Osafo into a Starry snookle
Costumed: LauraRebecca the Scout Chibs into moonlight
Adopted: Mordamin the blue bolimo
Changed: Mordamin the blue bolimo into grey troit
Given: Nashoa the Sleepy Nino
Created: Odelias the Love Sindi
Adopted: Harry_Potter_14 the Starry Addow
February 2017As of
07/02/2017 I have:
Aeropt the Starry Viotto
Ainayr the Snow Daisy
AriaMarie the Lightfairy Dakota
Atuarre the Icefairy Poera
Carlymaries the Easter Leido
DaisyDaresYou the Poison Daisy
Devide the Lightfairy Nino
DevonRose the Sleepy Quell
EvanRosier the Sponge Kronk
Expungement the School Jessup
Harry_Potter_14 the Starry Addow
JohnHamish the Vampire Sybri
Judaas the Pixie Huthiq
Kayllin the Pixie Viotto
LauraRebecca the Moonlight Chibs
Laura_annie the Starry Snookle
LilDivine the Nimbus Phanty
Mordamin the Grey Troit
Nashoa the Sleepy Nino
Odelias the Love Sindi
Ravenclawz_32 the Dragon Gonk
Ryhla the Cupid Zoosh
Sweety_Buns the Ghost Zoink
Valyntine the Love Snookle
daisyXxXxX123 the Villain Vlad
fiz_123 the Christmastree Limax
fredmercury the Silver Osafo
lovemeXiamcute the Pixie Lati
loveya1234 the Doll Gobble
reble the Glass Nino
rhyana the Poison Zola
February 2017 - April 2017daisyXxXxX123 has been renamed Bellatrix
LovemeXiamcute has been renamed to Astorias
Laura_annie has been renamed to Rosabeth
fiz_123 has been renamed to Presleys
Harry_Potter_14 has been renamed to Roonil
Sweety_Buns has been renamed to Wotchers
DevonRose the Sleepy Quell changed to Winter sindi
Aeropt recostumed to calico from starry
harlows the blue astro created
Mordamin recostumed to floral from grey
fredmercury the Silver Osafo portaled
vanderwaal the Silver Osafo created
Ottaline created and turned Black gizmo
Colour concoction used on Ottaline now digital gizmo
eeyores american murfin created
Roonil changed to Earthfairy Nino
eeyores changed to starry Addow
Harlows costumed from blue to Camouflage Astro
Occamys the arcade willa created
Ravenclawz_32 renamed to Isadorah
Volkodlak the Werewolf Quell created
Leilahs the Camouflage Tasi created
Harlows costumed from blue to Invisible Astro
Occamys costumed from arcade willa to chibi willa
Thelmah the Pastel Vixen created
DevonRose the winter sindi turned back to sleepy quell
Ottaline costumed from digital to Bootleg gizmo
Kreachers the Christmastree Limax created
Kreachers costumed from Christmastree to fire Limax
Lorahs the checked Oglue created
Lorhas costumed to Pinata Oglue
Palomas the Party Quell created
rhyana the Poison Zola costued to doll Zola
sydelko the Minipet Quell created
Pastula the pixie lati created
Pastula costumed Fancy Lati
Bogrod the space quell created
Bogrod costumed Dragon quell
McKarty the School Kujo created
McKary costumed Bootleg Kujo
Pastula costumed from fancy to Bug Lati
Almus the Rainbow Ercuw created
Almus costumed Plushie Ercuw
Karkaroff the scout Chibs created
Karkaroff costumed Cursed chibs
Anxietys the Emo Zoink created
UPI completed and pets organised!
As of
20/04/2017 I have:
DevonRose the Sleepy Quell
Aeropt the Calico Viotto
Ottaline the Bootleg Gizmo
Bellatrix the Villain Vlad
Occamys the Chibi Willa
Kreachers the Fire Limax
Thelmah the Pastel Vixen
rhyana the Doll Zola
LauraRebecca the Moonlight Chibs
loveya1234 the Doll Gobble
Almus the Plushie Ercuw
Kayllin the Pixie Viotto
Devide the Lightfairy Nino
Nashoa the Sleepy Nino
Roonil the Earthfairy Nino
reble the Glass Nino
Karkaroff the Cursed Chibs
Odelias the Love Sindi
Astorias the Pixie Lati
Leilahs the Camouflage Tasi
Rosabeth the Starry Snookle
harlows the Invisible Astro
AriaMarie the Lightfairy Dakota
Judaas the Pixie Huthiq
Bogrod the Dragon Quell
Palomas the Party Quell
Volkodlak the Werewolf Quell
sydelko the Minipet Quell
Presleys the Christmastree Limax
Mordamin the Floral Troit
Pastula the Bug Lati
McKarty the Bootleg Kujo
Valyntine the Love Snookle
JohnHamish the Vampire Sybri
Lorahs the Pinata Oglue
Ainayr the Snow Daisy
EvanRosier the Sponge Kronk
Anxietys the Emo Zoink
wotchers the Ghost Zoink
Ryhla the Cupid Zoosh
LilDivine the Nimbus Phanty
DaisyDaresYou the Poison Daisy
Atuarre the Icefairy Poera
Carlymaries the Easter Leido
Expungement the School Jessup
vanderwaal the Silver Osaf
eeyores the Starry Addow
fredmercury the Bronze Feliz
Isadorah the Dragon Gonk
May 2017 - September 2017Nolans the Polar Limax created
Lomaxs the Detective Limax created
Expungement renamed Thisen
Isadorah the Dragon Gonk changed to Starry Echlin
LilDivine renamed to Shooketh
JohnHamish renamed to faffing
JohnHamish costumed from Vampire to nimber
Thisen changed from School Jessup to Arade Rofling
Rhyla costumed from cupid to magenta
Wotchers changed from ghost to halloween
bbqs the summer yuni created
Odsal the starry kujo created
Evanrosier renamed to templia
Lorahs changed from pinat oglue to prize raulf
AriaMarie renamed oashish
Daisydaresyou renamed tillix
Preselys changed from christmastree to prison
buttahbenxo the blue echilin created
Adopted a water rusty
rusty renamed doggos
Kaylied the party eyru is created
Gifted isadoria the bug troit
Isadoria renamed to coppiers
As of
14/10/2017 I have:
DevonRose the Sleepy Quell
Kaylied the Party Eyru
Doggos the Calico Rusty
Thisen the Arcade Rofling
bbqs the Summer Yuni
Bellatrix the Villain Vlad
Aeropt the Calico Viotto
Ottaline the Bootleg Gizmo
rhyana the Doll Zola
Thelmah the Pastel Vixen
Pastula the Bug Lati
Occamys the Chibi Willa
Karkaroff the Cursed Chibs
Odsal the Starry Kujo
Anxietys the Emo Zoink
LauraRebecca the Moonlight Chibs
Bogrod the Dragon Quell
Palomas the Party Quell
Volkodlak the Werewolf Quell
sydelko the Minipet Quell
loveya1234 the Doll Gobble
McKarty the Bootleg Kujo
Isadorah the Starry Echlin
wotchers the Halloween Zoink
Devide the Lightfairy Nino
Nashoa the Sleepy Nino
reble the Glass Nino
Roonil the Earthfairy Nino
harlows the Invisible Astro
Leilahs the Camouflage Tasi
Coppiers the Bug Troit
Astorias the Pixie Lati
Kreachers the Fire Limax
Lomaxs the Detective Limax
Nolans the Polar Limax
Presleys the Prison Limax
Valyntine the Love Snookle
Almus the Plushie Ercuw
Kayllin the Pixie Viotto
Rosabeth the Starry Snookle
Judaas the Pixie Huthiq
Odelias the Love Sindi
Mordamin the Floral Troit
vanderwaal the Headless Xoi
Shooketh the Nimbus Phanty
Lorahs the Prize Raulf
Ainayr the Snow Daisy
Oasish the Lightfairy Dakota
Tillix the Poison Daisy
Carlymaries the Easter Leido
Ryhla the Magenta Zoosh
Faffing the Nimbus Sybri
Atuarre the Icefairy Poera
Buttahbenzo the Blue Echlin
Templia the Sponge Kronk
fredmercury the Red Tantua
October 2017:Ryhla is now a navy zoosh
Mordamin is renamed Hunger
Hunger is now a fat troit
Addictive the fat zoink is born
Vanderwaal renamed to Severed
SB gave pet named Vanderwall
Vanderwaal is now a gothic willa
Carlymaries renamed to petrify
Petrify is now a voodoo gobble
Buttanbenzo renamed tvvatsky
tvvatsky is now an inside out echlin
Rosabeth is not a galaxy snookle
Bookish the school mordo is born
Thisen is renamed station
Aeropt is renamed Swahili
Coppiers is renamed Dirts
Ainayr is renamed Haiku
Tvvatsky is now a sparkle echlin
Laurarebecca is renamed graftons
Graftons is now a seasonal chibs
Nashoa is renamed Hettie
Lomaxs is renamed Marj
Djordjevich the Nimbus Vlad is born
Templi is renamed salvation
Salvation is now a rainbow kronk
loveya1234 is renamed leta
Leilahs is now a strobe tasi
Reble is now a gothic nino
Thelmah is now a candle vixen
Pastula is renamed Sykes
Diner is gifted from Selsi
Diner is now a lilac kidlet
Odelias is now a pastel sindi
- - - - -
February 2018:Tvvatsky Given away
Isadorah Given away
Graftons, Lorahs and Rhyana traded for fairy Decadal
Fairy decadal is renamed Lisbeth
Lisbeth is accidentally costumed prison
Lisbeth is costume coral
Domenic is created
Steffy is Created
Nolans is given away
Marj is given away
Reble is renamed to Odetta
Given fairy deca from Jingo
Fairy deca is renamed to Veronika
Faffinf is templed to Party
Odelias is trader for chibi quell
Chibi quell is renamed Petti
Hettie is traded for Drought the rainy gobble
Occamys and Kreachers are traded for a Lorius
Lorius is renamed Tiesto and costumed Sparkle
Cinematic is created
Creamfields is created
Pulp is created
Pulp is now an orange xoi
Creamfields is now a rainbow zetlian
Jamming is created
Jamming is now a musical felix
Cinematic is no a cartoon mordo
Tillix is traded for Merkules the doll Echlin
Petrify the Voodoo gobble is traded for Pun the baby renat
Pun is now a toy viotto
Palomas is renamed Rhyana
Harlows is renamed Erasure
fredmercury is renamed Distort (RIP)
Kayllin is renamed Sashay
Reign gave me Wynonna
Wynonna is costumed Gothic
Reign gave me Gilded the gold troit
Bookish is created
Bookish is now a school mordo
Presleys is costumes Pirate
Judaas is renamed Perpetua
Candid is created
Candid is now a doll Kujo
Wotchers is renamed Trixabelle
Won Lit in an auction
Lit is now a fire snookle
Almus is renamed Hawley
won Pretentious from auction
Bogrod is traded for Fluvia the water Quell