quizz by mwa!(me)
17 years, 5 months & 6 days ago
29th Jul 2007 16:10 1.this is your first day as someones pet.
how are you gunna behave?
A.act bad to the bone
B.it depends if they treat me right.
C.act really nice and make myself look really cute!
2.your owner just made a toddler chibs.
how do u treat it?
A.be mean and push it around!im the main baby here!
B.try to be on my best behavior.
C.help out with it!
3.your owner send you off to school.but there is a bully
skater huthiq! what do you do?
A.act all tough.this is my school!
B.try to avoid him
C.tell the principal if he picks on me.
4.theres a new kid in school. its a gothic fassoro!
how do you treat her?
A.ask her to share a locker!
B.try to avoid her.gothic?so last season.
C.become friends.but not to close of friends though..
5.your owner is letting the dark bolimo to pla with your
favorite toy.OH NO! he just broke it! what do you do?
A.cry myself to sleep that night.
B.get in a fight with him at school.
C.give him a peice of my mind!that was MY favorite toy!!!
----end----go down here vvvvvvvvvv
mostly A's
mostly B's:reese
mostly c's:chibs
put this on your profile or siggie!
i took scooterchic96's quiz in her blog!