16 years, 7 months & 10 days ago
26th May 2008 11:59 This just really annoys me, nothing against the site,
The experianced members are leaving, and the newbs are everywhere, thinking they know everything and complaining about people making topics in the wrong forums, when they do it themselves, and the newbs then turn out to be beggars, which is even worse, and yet because they are new everyone sticks up for them and complains when people try to tell them it is thw wrong forum.
They keep creating fashion shows which is probably the worst thing, nobody cares what pixels look like, it isnt you, it isnt some celebrity you are copying, its just a bunch of pixels, they dont get it, they just keep creating them, and then they make many topics complaining about an account that got deleted or a fashion show topic that got reported.
They never read notices around the site and never read the news, they always ask where something is and make loads of topics on one thing which has already been answered many times. It just really annoys me. Nothing against the site, just a complaint against people who dont read the rules and get upset really easily.
16 years, 9 months & 7 days ago
29th Mar 2008 08:36 I will have a question and answer session in mara mail,
Q. Can you change your font colour/size? It's hard to see...
A. No.
Q. Can you make me a siggy?
A. No.
Q. Can you host me a fashion show.
A. Never.
Q. How old are you?
A. Old enough
Q. Will you join my club?
A. Will you join mine?
Q. Can you give me your lati?
A. Will you go away?
Q. Why are you so annoying?
A. Dunno.
Q.Can you enter *instert name here*'s fashion show? It rocks!
My rules/whatever
16 years, 10 months & 12 days ago
22nd Feb 2008 11:53 Just ignore this if you want
Read the whole thing if you are gunna read it
1. Dont ask for me to make you graphics
2. Yes, you can request me to be your marapal IF I see you around quite often
3. Never send club invites, I do not wish to be in a club
4. Only maramail if we see eachother around quite often
5. Dont ask me to join a fashion show, I am not interested
7. Dont ask for free stuff as I will only give it if I want to
8. Dont ask for my pets, get your own thats exactly what I did
9. NEVER EVER ask me the same thing twice in one day using maramail as I will block you
10. And dont be rude, blah blah blah
11. I am not an expert in HTML so dont ask me how to do stuff
12. Dont ask for any of the pics I have in my profile
13. If you want to chat find me in spam, dont maramail me because it wastes my time
14. Do not bug me
15. Don't ask me why I skipped six, its because it was boring and pointless.....