A way to contact me when I quit:
16 years, 10 months & 18 days ago
13th Feb 2008 19:47 There:
You'll recognize me as Pooh-Bear(Nickname) or Klonoa(Username) at that site.
16 years, 10 months & 24 days ago
7th Feb 2008 14:51 STAFF: My sisters Tigerodd and kira2212 have two computers so please don't freeze us.
Also Floss04 sometimes goes on our computer.
My cousins Uglynose and Uglypizza play on Mara, so please don't assume that it's one player on two accounts.
I'm staying off the forums, and about to quit.
16 years, 10 months & 24 days ago
7th Feb 2008 13:39 Argh... it's ridiculous. I mean, chatspeakers took over, newbies (I'm not saying there's anything wrong with you guys) are begging like crazy, and the older members (Most older members, not all) make a big fits if you've made small typos, mistakes, or anything related to that. What, we're not allowed to make a few mistakes? And honestly, I really want to quit Marapets, but it's just so addicting to play. I'm giving Marapets one more week, ONE MORE WEEK before I quit, and if thing won't get better, and which it won't, I'm quitting. It's not just the forums you know, it's the people who mail me as well (I'm not talking about friends).
Stop mailing me!
16 years, 11 months & 5 days ago
27th Jan 2008 09:19 Oh my God.. I hate it now! It's usually newbies that mail me, it's ridiculous! I put at the top of my profile "Don't mail me ever" and what does everyone do? Mail me. I mean, what's up with that? I'm really upset with these people.
Edit: Sure friends can mail me, but if we have never spoken, never mail me.
.:.Some of my good friends on Mara.:.
17 years, 1 month & 27 days ago
4th Nov 2007 19:14 This is in no order in particular.
I'm pretty sure that's all. Maybe I forgot someone.. Ah well.
Edit: Fiiiiine.. please tell me if I forget you or if you just want me to add you. :]
-Uglynose((I will call you Mia))
-Uglypizza((I will call you Nicole))
-Micky16((I will call you Micky))
-Sandslash767((I will call you Akela))
-XxLoyalxX((I will call you Mandi))
-Kenji101((I will call you Kenji))
-NarutoRPQueen((I will call you Sai or Naru))
-Phobmuffinandcheese((I will call you Phob))
-Blackcat879((I will call you Yukia))
-Littlepuddentater((I will call you Lemon Lily))
-Greendaysnumber1fan9((I will call you Greenday?))
-K9GIRL54((I will call you K9))
-Tigerodd((I will call you Sista [XP]))
-Kira2212((I will call you Kira))