ATM 2.0 20th Birthday Silent Auction
6 months, 22 days & 19 hrs ago

14th Aug 2024 13:05
1. The silent auction will last from now through midnight Sunday, August 18th. Items will be awarded Monday, August 19th.
2. To participate offer any item (the item's value IS NOT included in your bid; a low value item is fine as the winner will only be determined by mp) and offer as much or as little MP as you like. The highest offer when the auction ends wins the lot.
*Just a hint* Last time there were many lots that went for 10k or less mp, some as little as 1 mp!
3. You may offer on as many lots as you like.
4. THE FULL CARPENTER MAP! This is treated a little differently. The full map goes to the winner. Only offer mp on the first 8 pieces! On the next 8 pieces offer only an item. The winner will be determined by the bid on the first 8 pieces but you must offer on both sets so I can make sure you get the full map!
5. All items will be in my trades labeled ATM 2.0 20th Birthday Silent Auction.
Full Carpenter Treasure Map: PsionStar (123,456 MP)
Sea Salt Glowing Egg: PsionStar (1,234,567 MP)
Pink Summer Basket: NO BIDS
Party Pooper Plushie: PsionStar (123,456 MP)
Deci: Wellesandra (234,568 MP)
Checkered Dots Birthday Hat: Wellesandra (123,457 MP)
Butterfly Mask: Wellesandra (123,458 MP)
Pinata Costume: PsionStar (123,456 MP)
Swirly Birthday Hat: PsionStar (123,456 MP)
Baby Grand Piano: PsionStar (123,456 MP)
Ball of Teal Yarn: Wellesandra (1,234 MP)
Magic Anime Bean: Wellesandra (234,569 MP)
Magic Grey Bean: Wellesandra (123,458 MP)
Magic Purple Bean: Wellesandra (123,457 MP)
Orange Blood: Wellesandra (1,001 MP)
White Blood: Wellesandra (1,000 MP)
Dirty Magazine: PsionStar (567,890 MP)
Cactus Book: PsionStar (567,890 MP)
Frilly Book: PsionStar (123,456 MP)
Blue Addows Vol 01: PsionStar (567,890 MP)