17 years, 2 months & 30 days ago
18th Oct 2007 08:00 Sold an Angel Poera Potion for 1.25 mil!
PunkyPie at Level 10 for Bagpipe, Bell, Bongos, Castanets, Cello, clarinet, Claves, cymbals, drums, flute, French horn, guitar, mandolin, Panflute, piccolo, recorder, and triangle!
Bought a Banjo from the Millionaires Lodge!
Bought an Ocarina from Hiyaa for 1.2 mil! Thanks!
Recycled 150 cans
Reached 120 Stamps
Reached 15 Photos
Reached 60 Eggs
Reached 160 avatars
Reached 30 Battle Opponents
Reached 100 Pieces of Clothing
Completed Trotter's mission once
Completed Ublish's mission twice
Completed Tarquin's mission twice
Completed Trunx's mission thrice
Completed marapets section in stamp album
Collected all voodoo dolls!
Reached 2 million Mp *August 5, 2007!*
Reached 2.5 million Mp *August 21, 2007
Reached 3 million Mp *August 24, 2007*
Reached 4 million Mp *August 25, 2007*
Reached 5 million Mp *August 26, 2007*
Got Chubbles_06 on Oct. 18, 2007!