Kira Song
16 years, 3 months & 13 days ago
3rd Oct 2008 04:48 Hes a Kira
Shes a Kira
And another
Corporate Kira
Thoughtful Kira
Psyco Kira
I once found a DeathNote,
I slept with a guy,
But he died of heart attack,
I pretend to cry,
I had screwed up royally,
Now Im in Limbo!
I shall rule the world alone,
L has got to go
Did you ever hear of Kira?
Kiss a Kira
Top of Kira
Kira's Kira
Chibi Kira
Half a Kira
Twice the Kira
Not a Kira
Death God
Kira's got some bod
Kid a Kira
Is that how you die now?
Doesn't that really suck?
Is this made of chocolate?
Cell Phone
Now Im getting impatient
You think I really fell?
Time for me to BS now,
And become an L
16 years, 11 months & 27 days ago
19th Jan 2008 10:05 Mission 1: Wormy Apple [X]
Mission 2: 100 MP [X]
Mission 3: Tarquin T-Shirt [X]
Mission 4: 250 MP [X]
Mission 5: Tarquin Shield [X]
Mission 6: 500MP [X]
Mission 7: 600MP [X]
Mission 8: Tarquin Book [X]
Mission 9: 750MP [X]
Mission 10: 850MP [X]
Mission 11: 1,000MP [X]
Mission 12: Tarquin DVD [X]
Mission 13: 1,100MP [X]
Mission 14: 1,200MP [X]
Mission 15: 1,300MP [X]
Mission 16: 1,500MP [X]
Mission 17: Tarquin Stamp [X]
Mission 18: 2,500MP [X]
Mission 19: 5,000MP [X]
Mission 20: 10,000MP [X]
Mission 21: Tarquin Plushie [X]
Mission 22: 25,000MP [X]
Mission 23: 30,000MP [X]
Mission 24: Tarquin Sword [X]
Mission 25: 40,000MP [X]
Mission 26: 50,000MP [X]
Mission 27: Shaved Cossie [X]
Mission 28: 75,000MP [X]
Mission 29: Neek [X]
Mission 30: Random Poera Potion[X]
Thank you for finishing my mission on time. Here is your reward..
Ghost Poera Potion and 100,000MP!!
The Candy Mountain Song
17 years & 4 days ago
11th Jan 2008 13:28 Oh, when you???re down and looking for some cheering up
Then just head right on up to the Candy Mountain Cave
When you get inside you???ll find yourself a cheery land
Such a happy, and joyful and perky merry land
We???ve got lollipops, and gummy drops, and candy things
Oh, so many things that will brighten up your day
It???s impossible to wear a frown in Candy Town
It???s the Mecca of lovely candy cave
We???ve got jelly beans and coconuts with little hats
Candy rats, chocolate bats, it???s a wonderland of sweets
Ride the candy train to town hear the candy band, candy bells
It???s a treat as they march across the land
Cherry ribbons stream across the sky into the ground
turn around it astounds it???s a dancing candy treat
In the candy cave imagination runs so free
So now Charlie please will you go into the cave!
17 years & 4 days ago
11th Jan 2008 13:16 1.Chose any number
2.Add the number that comes after it to the original number
3.add 9
4.divide by 2
5.subtract the original number from the sum
6.multiply 10,000
It will equal 50,000 no matter what number you chose
( I even treid 1,223,141,041,411 AND IT WORKED! )