For posion pit
9 years, 10 months & 27 days ago
17th Feb 2015 10:02 Rarity 1 - Yellow Gumball, Hawthorn, Juneberry, Medlar, Pear, Pomegranate, Quince, Rowan
Rarity 2 - Milk Chocolate Gumball, Orange Chocolate Gumball, Crabapple, Loquat, almost all of the non-retired vegetables are rarity 2
Rarity 3 - Rock Gumball, Chokeberry, Double Chocolate Hearts
Rarity 4 - Starry Gumball, Dark Chocolate Walee
Rarity 5 - Bronze Gumball, Dark Chocolate Knutt
Rarity 6 - Lemon Gumball, Chocolate Bat, Dark Chocolate Leido, Dark Chocolate Murfin
Rarity 7 - Orange Gumball, Chocolate Cherries, Dark Chocolate Reese, Milk Chocolate Addow Tablet
Rarity 8 - Lightning Gumball, Red Gumball, Wormy Apple, Dark Chocolate Tantua
Rarity 9 - Chinese Gumball, Green Gumball, Chocolate Dakota
Rarity 10 - Invisible Gumball, Chocolate Dip, Orange Chocolate Bolimo
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