In Memory of Traded Pets
15 years, 8 months & 30 days ago
28th Mar 2009 21:13 Vivehra (Orange Zoosh)- Traded 3/28/09 For SportySocks a Zombie Mordo
SportySocks (Zombie Mordo)-Traded 3/28/09 For Snazelli Mummy Zoosh
Snazelli (Mummy Zoosh) -Traded 4/4/09 For cutiepie10534 Bronze Mordo
cutiepie10534 (Bronze Mordo)- Traded 4/5/09 For Maraduke Pink Rusty
Maraduke (Pink Rusty)- Traded 4/6/09 For Bai Zombie Zoink
Bai (Zombie Zoink)- Traded 4/9/09 For foxymccool (Firefairy Ercuw)
foxymccool (Firefairy Ercuw)- Traded 4/9/09 For Bonjaa Glass Dakota
Bonjaa (Glass Dakota)- Traded 4/10/09 For Casaundra Cowboy Lati
Casaundra (Cowboy Lati)- Traded 4/10/09 For Deviliece Eleka Mordo
Deviliece (Eleka Mordo)- Traded 4/10/09 For Maelae Vampire Tasi
Maelae (Vampire-Red Tasi)- Traded 4/10/09 For Yrea CottenCandy Sindi
Yrea (CC Sindi)- Traded 4/11/09 For Sapoa Blue Mordo and Xariysa Pink Mordo
Sapoa (Blue Mordo)- Traded 4/11/09 For Iylah Red Troit
Xariysa Red Mordo- Traded 4/12/09 For Hamtare Punk Sindi
Hamtare (Punk Sindi)- Traded 4/11/09 For Gaberriel Ghost Mordo & Harigate Goblin Mordo
Gaberriel Ghost Mordo & Harigate Goblin Mordo- Traded 4/11/09 For Jenni Valentine Lati
Jenni Valentine Lati- Traded 4/12/09 for Viera Zombie Lati
Viera Zombie Lati-Traded 4/15/09 For Kanan Glass Snookle
Kanan Glass Snookle- Traded 4/16/09 For Adrio Snowman Dakota
Adrio (Snowman Dakota)-Traded 4/17/09 For Jiroux Vampire Tasi
Jiroux Vampire Tasi- Traded 4/18/09 For Waft Cottoncandy Snookle
Waft Cotton Candy Snookle- Traded 4/19/09 For Xecasian Prison Zoosh & greenday111 Love Lati
greenday111 Love Lati- Traded 4/20/09 For Snookii Cottoncandy Snookle
Snookii CC Snookle- Traded 4/26/09 For Luvur Valentine Arinya & Homicides Midnight Xoi
Luvur Valentine Arinya- Traded 4/26/09 For Demvato Emo Mordo
Xecasian Prison Zoosh- Traded 4/26/09 For GaGaGremlin Green Nino
GaGaGremlin Green Nino- Traded 4/26/09 For Morte Blue Rusty
Morte Blue Rusty- Traded 4/29/09 For Virnel Yellow Troit
Virnel Yellow Troit- Traded 4/29/09 For Allyci Goblin Nino
Demvato Emo Mordo & Allyci Goblin Nino- Traded 4/30/09 For Izdihar Prison Sindi
Izdihar Prison Sindi- Traded 5/2/09 For Dercius Emo Ercuw
Cassidy Burnt Jessup- Traded 5/2/09 For Violance Black Arinya
Violance Black Arinya- Traded 5/3/09 For Celesteine Ghost Snookle
Celesteine Ghost Snookle- Traded 5/3/09 For Sufilling Valentine Lati
Sufilling Valentine Lati & Dercius Emo Ercuw- Traded 5/7/09 For Ariallea Vampire Quell & Tanyabum Rotten Sindi
Dameon Midnight Chibs was given to me on 5/7/09 by one special friend. ****** Not posting user because I dont want that person to be harrased
Ariallea Vampire Quell & Tanyabum Rotten Sindi- Traded 5/11/09 For Khyli Furry Yuni
Khyli Furry Yuni- Traded 5/14/09 For Osandra Devil Chibs
Osandra Devil Chibs- Traded 5/20/09 For Cursti Hobo Mordo
Cursti Hobo Mordo- Traded 5/20/09 For Taneer Balloon Zoosh & Unessa Icefairy Yuni
Dameon Midnight Chibs- Traded 5/23/09 For Leishi Starry Mordo
Leishi the Starry Mordo- Traded 5/24/09 For Itaik Toddler Yuni
Itaik Toddler Yuni- Traded 5/25/09 For Juggernaut Slime Ercuw & Pursuits White Quell
Juggernaut Slime Ercuw- Traded 5/30/09 For Honestly Cottoncandy Sindi
Unessa Icefairy Yuni & Honestly Cottoncandy Sindi- Traded 5/31/09 For Zugot Rotten Sindi
Zugot Rotten Sindi- Traded 6/4/09 For Kalilda Mutant Viotto
Kalilda Mutant Viotto & Taneer Balloon Zoosh- Traded 6/5/09 For
Revengeful Zombie Quell & Resented Anime Quell
Pursuits Blue Quell, Resented Anime Quell, & Revengeful Zombie Quell- Traded 6/6/09 For Elyssie Rainbow Viotto
Elyssie Rainbow Viotto- Traded 6/6/09 For Antile Starry Viotto
Antile Starry Viotto- Traded 6/6/09 For Lasee Anime Quell & Age Ice Viotto
Age Ice Viotto- Traded 6/7/09 For Chup Vampire Tasi, Liark Punk Sindi, & Sungara Firefairy Ercuw
Lasee Anime Quell- Traded 6/7/09 For Aztaria Pixie Snookle, Gertii Sketch Poera, & Mena Undyingfairy Nino
Sungara FireFairy Ercuw- Traded 6/25/09 For Bob899 Balloon Zoosh & Kayain SpaceFairy Ercuw
Mena UndyingFairy Nino- Traded 6/26/09 For Lysithae Undyingfairy Phanty & Bitian Black Arinya
Oryina Shaved Sindi- Traded 6/28/09 For Whisperwinds Witch Lati
Whisperwinds Witch Lati- Traded 6/28/09 For Arukae Love Lati
Bob899 Balloon Zoosh- Traded 6/29/09 For Kruel Halloween Tantua
Aztaria Pixie Snookle- Traded 7/7/09 For Marribella Baby Huthiq
Marribella Baby Huthiq- Traded 7/8/09 For Emilly Burnt Chibs
Lysithae Undyingfairy Phanty, Apliik Punk Dakota, & Bitian Black Arinya- Traded 7/8/09 For Chidori Nefarious Mordo
Emilly Burnt Chibs- Traded 7/9/09 For Arriela Slime Chibs
Chidori Nefarious Mordo- Traded 7/9/09 For Annelia Yellow Mordo
Khrst Prison Yuni- Traded 8/21/09 For Acilia Chocolate Chibs & lunella Mummy Lati