Songebob Painting
13 years, 1 month & 3 days ago
8th Dec 2011 19:25 My art class paints murals every year for a party for kids from drug homes who dont really have Christmas so i decided to do spongebob its roughly 2x5 ft i would guess yeah ok
Goals/ acomplishments
13 years, 7 months & 16 days ago
29th May 2011 10:58 complete blitzen 1[] 2[] 3[]
complete fates1[x] 2[]
restock a LE potion []
smuggle something[]
either have all LE's or high stats on pets []
get ball dress female costume []
win the monthly checklist 1[x] 2[x] 3[] 4[]
get 10mil[x] 20mil[x] 50mil []
people i miss <3
14 years, 6 months & 7 days ago
7th Jul 2010 21:51 i miss them so much
jaimechill11- i swear i saw her online <3 but it maybe a glitch
these people either quit dont go on much dont remember me :/ or got banned <3 if you knew me from a while back tell me or if you started a new account :'( you guys were the best people on mara <3
start of my new story
14 years, 8 months & 26 days ago
17th Apr 2010 14:50 Jana Edwards was falling apart. It was only the first day of high school and she was already in detention for a week. Her mother was an alcoholic who claimed Jana was an accident and never loved her. Jana???s father was in jail for 2nd degree murder, and she had never met him. Everyone at school was afraid of her, she had no friends, and no one loved her. Girls stared at her ripped up, cigarette burned clothes, the bruises on her face, and her dirty hair. The water hadn???t run in her house for two weeks, and the rats were getting into all their food. Jana worked to feed herself and her mother, she had to work the streets, and she knew that her dangerous life would catch up with her. She also knew that her life wasn???t normal, and that she wished she was dead.
On January 7th she died. It was horrible, her house was lit on fire from the inside, and the whole house collapsed on to her. She had been smoking in her room when she dropped her cigarette onto an old newspaper, and the paper was engulfed in flames and caught onto her curtains. The smoke billowed up to the ceiling to the fire alarm, but the electricity was out, and she was helpless. Jana tried to escape at first but when the door was blocked by flames she realized this was meant to be. She was already dead inside anyway. Her life was pathetic and no one was every there for her. She lay down and her last thoughts alive were of her parents, her hatred of them, and of the life she never got to live because of them.
One year later
Caroline Ambery was walking home from school a year after Jana???s death, and she saw the old house burned to the ground. No one had offered to fix the house; they thought Jana was still haunting the place. No had ever found the body of Jana either, just her skull, bloody and smashed. It was a horrible sight. Caroline held her breath as she passed the house. In the past year four families has moved away from the neighborhood, including Caroline???s best friend Kiki. It was heartbreaking when she left and Caroline felt a part of her missing ever since. She blamed Jana for her misfortune, it was all her fault she lit her house on fire anyway. Jana was just a stupid, freak that no one loved anyway. It was this thought that put Caroline in her grave, for Jana was still alive, in the house, eating the rats, she was too evil to be killed.