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04:54:39 MST
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Gigantic Paradise
At the end of the rainbow in Gigantic Paradise sits a gigantic Pot of Gold filled with items. Most of these items are donated by generous players. The not so generous Scrooge also donates items here. Ever wondered what happened to those items you accidently drop around Marada? Items lost from Random Events go straight to the Pot of Gold too!

You can also view Prizes Won here and the High Scores List for those who donated the most items.

Players with fewer than 1,000,000MP can visit for FREE once every hour otherwise it's every 2 hours
Pot of Gold

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Where should items you donate/delete go?

These items were just won at the Pot of Gold
Plastic Surgery Coupon
World Famous Skyscrapers
Ant Hill Ice Cream
Candy Grapefruit
Injured Xoi Plushie
Apple Green Eyebrow Tint
Mummy Gonk Plushie
Used Newspaper
Pirate Wallop Plushie
Chewed Yellow Gumball
Yellow Renat Balloon
Empty Diet Orange Soda
Invisible Fairy Balloon
Eleka Tombola Book
Pink Hump Plushie
Yellow AAA Battery
Mint Chocolate Equilor
Green Leido Plushie
Prison Azul Plushie
Kidlet Action Figure
Purple Gizmo Plushie
Jar of Banana
Blue Eyru Pinata
Orange Chocolate Gumball
Waffle Stacking Techniques
Chewed Orange Gumball
Mummy Mordo Plushie
Circus Ticket
Cheese Poera Plushie
Bell Tree Decoration
Raspberry Heart Cake
Watermelon Gummy Liver
Pineapple Smoothie
Violet Red Eyebrow Tint
Yellow Nine Balloon
Empty Ghost Brew
Kamilah Codes Sugar Cube
Black Renat Plushie
Viotto Jigsaw Puzzle
Mummy Troit Plushie
Double Chocolate Swirl Soft Serve
Black Troit Plushie
Midnight Blue Hair Dye
Green Star Gummies
Gigantic Paradise Potato
Purple Poera Egg