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Gigantic Paradise
At the end of the rainbow in Gigantic Paradise sits a gigantic Pot of Gold filled with items. Most of these items are donated by generous players. The not so generous Scrooge also donates items here. Ever wondered what happened to those items you accidently drop around Marada? Items lost from Random Events go straight to the Pot of Gold too!

You can also view Prizes Won here and the High Scores List for those who donated the most items.

Players with fewer than 1,000,000MP can visit for FREE once every hour otherwise it's every 2 hours
Pot of Gold

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Where should items you donate/delete go?

These items were just won at the Pot of Gold
Rat on a Stick with Jam
Mutant Ushunda Photo
Enchanted Teal Ideus Plushie
Mummy Feliz Plushie
Bunions Wanted Poster
Bronze Zetlian Plushie
Scrooge Keyring
Kamilah Codes Potato
Digital Yakubi Plushie
Purple Murfin Plushie
Orange Gonk Plushie
Purple Candycane
Radioactive Equilor Plushie
Giant Gummy Rat
Millionaire Troit Plushie
Injured Kidlet Plushie
Black Vixen Plushie
Kamilah Codes Sugar Cube
Kamilah Codes Sugar Cube
Chocolate Heart Sandwich
Walee Jigsaw Puzzle
American Ideus Photo
Brown Short Worm
Kamilah Code Pancakes
Mint Chocolate Ushunda
Enchanted Blue Equilor Plushie
Tub of Dangerously Spicy Ice Cream
Green Justin Balloon
Honeycrisp Apple
Nightmare Ike Plushie
Wardrobe Fairy Tile
Organic Carrot
Mummy Ercuw Plushie
Kamilah Codes Gumball
Enchanted Party Speiro Plushie
Christmas Tree Yo Yo
Bonus Clothing 85
Snow Doyle Plushie
Pitiful Pigtails Wig
White Gonk Plushie
Xoi Jigsaw Puzzle
Blue Star Gummies
Purple Kujo Plushie
Mint Chocolate Newth
Mummy Mordo Plushie
Jenoa News Jun 2021