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Gigantic Paradise
At the end of the rainbow in Gigantic Paradise sits a gigantic Pot of Gold filled with items. Most of these items are donated by generous players. The not so generous Scrooge also donates items here. Ever wondered what happened to those items you accidently drop around Marada? Items lost from Random Events go straight to the Pot of Gold too!

You can also view Prizes Won here and the High Scores List for those who donated the most items.

Players with fewer than 1,000,000MP can visit for FREE once every hour otherwise it's every 2 hours
Pot of Gold

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Where should items you donate/delete go?

These items were just won at the Pot of Gold
Injured Zoink Plushie
Black Button Battery
Black Renat Plushie
Kidlet Jumbo Pencil
Santa Tree Decoration
Zetlian Backpack
Enchanted Lilac Zetlian Plushie
Turkey with Potato
Injured Equilor Plushie
Pink Troit Plushie
Transubstantiation Stamp
Grilled Fish Burger
Encyclopedia L
Green Jessup Plushie
Empty Sweetcorn Soda
Caroling Angel
Word Shark Keyring
Mummy Sindi Plushie
Kamilah Codes Sugar Cube
Kamilah Codes Potato
Plastic Surgery Coupon
Cherry Gummy Leg
Baspinar's Castle News Aug 2021
Used Newspaper
Chocolate Eleka
White Seasonal Present
Blue Lolzbra Plate
Mummy Crikey Plushie
BBQ Veal Sausage
Thick Eye Liner
Deluxe Strawberry Ice Cream
Blue Grint Plushie
Green Gonk Plushie
Book of Gummy Bricks
Yellow Walee Plushie
Evil Clowns Mug
Fake One Dukka Coin
Mummy Crindol Plushie
Tasi Magazine May 2022
Empty Magenta Soda
Sugar Free Ghost Lolly
Dark Tantua Plushie
Magenta Gonk Plushie
Orange Chocolate Murfin
Grey Quell Plushie
Blue Crindol Balloon
Yakubi Costume
Salmon Steak
Defying Gravity
Yuni Brows Coupon