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Marapets is mobile friendly
24th January 2020
4 years, 8 months & 7 days ago
When it rained in Marada, the fairies were stuck. Their wings get wet and they can't fly around. This isn't good enough! Now that the rain has stopped, the Royal Fairy has commanded all fairies to practice their flying skills and she needs your help! You can play Fairy Flight up to 3 times per day for FREE. Fly each fairy through each doughnut, without missing a doughnut, flying too high or falling to the ground and you'll earn points. If you send score, you can earn 35MP per point up to a maximum of 2,000MP per game.

Fairy Flight is the first of many new Arcade Games we have on the way to replace the Flash Games we retired beginning this year. These games can be played on any browser and on any device - including Mobile! This game will also pay 5 Score Points for each play (or 10 if you have the Arcade Giftbox). You may also win a random bonus prize whenever you send score and there is a High Scores list to compete for the top score. Score Points and the Arcade Fairy will remain as a currency and counter based on all Arcade Games, Free Games and Points to Play Games. However, a new counter for these new Arcade Games will start from now and will include all future games released, most likely with a new reward fairy.

Can you find the 'Fairy Flight' Hidden Avatar?

Over the next couple of weeks and months, more details will be revealed about changes to the Monthly Checklist, bonus prizes from the old Flash Games and all of the other exciting changes and improvements we have on the way. Once again we'd like to thank all of our players, especially those who have continued to play and support us over the past 15 Years and those who purchase Account Upgrades. Without your help we'd not be able to continue to improve and grow.

23rd January 2020
4 years, 8 months & 8 days ago
A new Rainbow Treasure Chest is on sale at the Account Upgrades Shop. It will automatically retire March 10th. You can open this item to receive 8 different, random new items, including new clothes, scenery, minipet, gourmet food, toys, holograms and hair extensions. You will not receive duplicate items inside a single treasure chest.

Can you find these new Hidden Avatars?

As soon as the rainbow appeared in Marada, all citizens rushed out to have a look. Sadly, the Contact Lenses Shopkeeper was unable to see the rainbow. All of the years he's been selling these contact lenses, he never once used them himself! He finally used a pair of today and for the first time saw how badly he looked. Thankfully he has now had a makeover!

22nd January 2020
4 years, 8 months & 9 days ago
After a week or so of rain, it's slowly stopping and the sun has come through, creating a beautiful Rainbow. The Rainbow Fairy informs us that a rainbow in Marada lasts around 6 to 24 hours usually but she thinks this time it'll be around for about 48 hours or 72 hours at the most! What happens when there is a Rainbow? Well...

All Rainbow Pets will receive FREE training at the Gym and Elite Gym and FREE lessons at the School and University.

Whenever there is a rainbow in Marada, the Operations Portal, Whirlpool, Vortex Park Reservoir and Foxfire Pond are guaranteed to change your pet's colour, species or both!

The Account Upgrades Shop has a 2 for 1 promotion on all DNA items.

With all the beautiful colours in the sky, Drew doesn't need any more colour! He will only ask for the colour white, which is default for every player. This means you can complete his quests without the Glowing Egg collection requirement.

The Leprechaun is busy chasing the rainbow. You'll have to wait until this rainbow leaves to complete his quests.

The Costumes, Contact Lenses, Eye Make Up, Face Make Up, Fake Costumes and Hair Dye Shops all have a 2 for 1 special on all items.

Complete a Farming quest and if you win a Ball of Yarn you will receive 2.

And finally, if your minipet can change colour, it will change colour when it rides the Fasoro Falls.
21st January 2020
4 years, 8 months & 10 days ago
The Simerian Costume was first released in August 2008 in Account Upgrades and the costume has been retired and forgotten about ever since. A new Simerian Account Upgrade Set has been released, with 7 new Simerian themed items, a retired Simerian Costume and either a Simerian Enchanted Plushie or Simerian Potion. This set is on sale until February 29th. You can choose if you would like the main prize to be an Enchanted Simerian Plushie or Potion. There is 1 in 3 chance you will receive a restricted Vlad instead of Crindol, Gonk, Osafo, Paffuto, Speiro, Tantua and Yakubi.

The Crindol, Gobble, Gonk, Ike, Paffuto, Pucu, Rofling, Sybri, Tantua, Vlad, Yakubi and Zoosh can now wear the Simerian Costume.

The Simerian Addow, Osafo, Speiro, Yuni and Zoink have been updated to match the new style.

17th January 2020
4 years, 8 months & 14 days ago
There are 8 new species of DNA Minipet that can now be cloned at the Laboratory. The Fasafo and Azow have also been updated.



Brown DNA

Brown Remax



Blue DNA

Blue Doxen




Red Eysup



Yellow DNA

Yellow Newstin



Green DNA

Green Gobro



Purple DNA

Purple Speiya



Grey DNA

Grey Tromax



Orange DNA

Orange Vladeus
16th January 2020
4 years, 8 months & 15 days ago
We've had 6 days of Rain in Marada and some residents are getting used to being under water. For a limited time only, the retired Underwater Treasure Chest from 2012 is back on sale at the Account Upgrades Shop. It will automatically retire again January 31st.

There are other ways for your pets to wrap up in this Rain. Twelve more Mummy Pets have been updated. This means all 77 pets now have the updated design!

13th January 2020
4 years, 8 months & 18 days ago
Day 3 of Rain in Marada and poor old Gladys from the Charity Shop almost blew away trying to tell residents all about the changes at her shop. She now restocks much more items each restock and she can stock items that are up to Rarity 20 now instead of 10. Be sure to check by and grab a bargain!
Much like Gladys' umbrella, these pets are now Defective.

12th January 2020
4 years, 8 months & 19 days ago
There are new Profile Settings to give you greater control over what you allow/share. You can now hide the time/date on your Activity Log so that it only shows for your friends or best friends (or no one if you set it to best friend and have none of these). You can do the same for comments on your Blog and comments on your activity, which is coming soon.

You also have much more control over each player contacting you. You can click on the friends icon on any player's profile and change the ways that this player is able to contact you. For example, you could have your default MaraTalk setting at 'Best Friends Only' but still visit the new 'friendship' page on a player's profile to always allow or always block a specific player from contacting you.

The Ercuw, Eyru, Oglue, Phanty, Pucu, Tasi, Troit and Zetlian can now wear the Recycled Costume.

10th January 2020
4 years, 8 months & 21 days ago
Borak has had such a negative response from the residents of Marada, he has stopped trying to change the weather. Hours after he stopped, the Rain has returned. The Rainy Account Upgrade that was supposed to retire today has been extended by a week. The Chibs, Decadal, Hump, Leido, Renat and Xoi can now wear the Rainy Costume.

For those who missed it last time it was Raining in Marada, the following is happening again...

Heatwave items are not retired but now that it's raining and not a heatwave in Marada, they are not currently available. If you haven't already noticed, Marapets has a new rainy layout and the Cleaning Products shop also has a new shopkeeper!

Completing a level on any Mission during this rain and you'll win one of these new Umbrellas for your Wardrobe.

The Books, CDs, DVDs and Video Game Shops all have a 2 for 1 special on all items to help you keep your pets entertained inside while it rains.

The rain has made the Lake in Lush Lake flood. For your own safety, you cannot currently visit.

With Lush Lake flooded from the rain, the Coffee, Contact Lenses, Hair Dye, Lipsticks and Olympic Shops are all closed.

With the miserable rainy weather outside, pets are concentrating better at School, the Gym, Elite Gym and University and earning Double Stats.

Pets are all working harder at their jobs as it rains outside. This means there is TRIPLE the chance of receiving a Job Promotion random event and DOUBLE the chance of the promotion actually being given by your pet's boss!

This rain has the residents of Marada doing a lot more indoor activities, like Shopping. But it also is a chance for Shopkeepers like you to increase your shop sales and the amount of items you have on sale! Upgrading your Shop Size is currently Half Price!

And finally, Queen Eleka will be giving out extra FREE Loyalty Raffle Tickets for players who fill up and price their own Shops. While she won't reveal her secret formula, the more new items you add and price in your Shop, the more extra tickets she will give out!
9th January 2020
4 years, 8 months & 22 days ago
Major changes have happened with our Friends and Feeds features. There is now an Activity Log on each player's profile. It's a page that puts together some of the public features of Marapets, like your topics and blogs with a few other things you acheive, such as complete a goal, find an avatar, complete a mission or take a selfie and shows this in a timeline. The old feeds feature allowed you to subscribe to a certain player's trades, topics, blogs etc and be notified whenever they used these.

Feeds are now a News Feed based on what your friends are doing and what you subscribe to. You can now click on the friendship icon on any player's profile and change the settings for each player. You can allow or block them from contacting you from certain features and you can also subscribe to their activity, just like before.

By default, what your friends are doing will show on your brand new News Feed. This will be expanded over the next few months with much more options on what you would like or not like to share with other players. There will also be more options to allow any player, just friends (or totally disable) comments on your activity.

You have total control over what shows on your News Feed. You can click on any friend from your News Feed or click on the Friendship icon on any player's profile and change what you follow, what you don't, if they can contact you or not and many other options.

This is a brand new feature and is obviously very complex. If you have any issues, please report them so that we can fix and improve this right away. Once we're happy this all works as it should, we will start to add more features to it.
What is the point of the new News Feed?
Our Maramail/MaraTalk features allow you to contact players in private and our Alerts keep you notified of any game related notifications. News Feed is and will be for more social parts of the site. If you create a topic, notifications will go here rather than popup and bother you as you play.

One of your best friends just started a mission and has 30 minutes to go and may fail. You will see this on your news feed and you may have the item they need to be able to help them pass.

A new Hidden Avatar is released - 4 or 5 of your friends have found it. You can see this now on your news feed and ask them for the solution. Or a friend finds an avatar you've been stuck on - you can see this and ask to borrow their pet.
There are many different benefits (or not for some people) to these new news feed to see what your friends are doing. If you don't care or don't want to see these, you have total control over what you see or don't miss!
8th January 2020
4 years, 8 months & 22 days ago
As much as we'd love to never have any errors or bugs, sometimes these can happen. We've updated our Error page - if you ever find any errors or problems around the site, please let us know about it at the Errors or Bugs Forum so these can be fixed right away.

The Justin, Kujo, Lorius, Mordo, Newth, Vlad and Zoosh can now wear the Recycled Costume.

1st January 2020
4 years, 8 months & 29 days ago
Happy New Year
It's 2020 and we have a fantastic year ahead of us at Marapets! Sadly, it also means the end of our Flash Games. If you did not already know, on December 31, 2020, Adobe Systems will officially stop updating and distributing Adobe Flash. It had already had limited or no support on most browsers and all mobile devices.

As flash will be totally obsolete by the end of 2020, we decided to start 2020 without it. This sadly means that all of our Flash Games no longer award any MP, Score Points or item prizes.

The 2 levels of Candyland Goals and the level of Undying Woods Goals and the City of Marada Goals have both been changed to remove the flash game requirements.

The Monthly Checklist also does not require you to play these games this month either. Other changes will be made later this year.

The Azul, Crindol, Dakota, Decadal, Echlin, Fasoro and Kidlet can now wear the Recycled Costume.

27th December 2019
4 years, 9 months & 3 days ago
It seems that now Christmas is over, the citizens of Marada have stopped bringing Borak enough frozen items to keep making snow! While it's raining, Carol Singing obviously can not continue.

The Arinya, Fasoro, Gonk, Kidlet, Kronk, Osafo, Phanty, Rusty, Troit, Viotto and Zoosh can now wear the Thunder Costume. This costume has joined the growing list of costumes that ALL 77 pets can now wear! This costume is a prize from the Greedy Gertrude mission.

For those who missed it last time it was Raining in Marada, the following is happening again...

Heatwave items are not retired but now that it's raining and not a heatwave in Marada, they are not currently available. If you haven't already noticed, Marapets has a new rainy layout and the Cleaning Products shop also has a new shopkeeper!

Completing a level on any Mission during this rain and you'll win one of these new Umbrellas for your Wardrobe.

The Books, CDs, DVDs and Video Game Shops all have a 2 for 1 special on all items to help you keep your pets entertained inside while it rains.

The rain has made the Lake in Lush Lake flood. For your own safety, you cannot currently visit.

With Lush Lake flooded from the rain, the Coffee, Contact Lenses, Hair Dye, Lipsticks and Olympic Shops are all closed.

With the miserable rainy weather outside, pets are concentrating better at School, the Gym, Elite Gym and University and earning Double Stats.

Pets are all working harder at their jobs as it rains outside. This means there is TRIPLE the chance of receiving a Job Promotion random event and DOUBLE the chance of the promotion actually being given by your pet's boss!

This rain has the residents of Marada doing a lot more indoor activities, like Shopping. But it also is a chance for Shopkeepers like you to increase your shop sales and the amount of items you have on sale! Upgrading your Shop Size is currently Half Price!

And finally, Queen Eleka will be giving out extra FREE Loyalty Raffle Tickets for players who fill up and price their own Shops. While she won't reveal her secret formula, the more new items you add and price in your Shop, the more extra tickets she will give out!

27th December 2019
4 years, 9 months & 4 days ago
The Chibs, Doyle, Flab and Osafo can now wear the Recycled Costume and the Addow, Bolimo, Crindol, Daisy, Nino, Oglue and Vixen can wear the Defective Costume

25th December 2019
4 years, 9 months & 5 days ago
Merry Christmas
The staff at MaraPets would like to wish you all a safe and Merry Christmas. We hope you all have an amazing day with your family and friends, get everything that you want and if you don't celebrate, enjoy a quiet and less busy day on Marapets.

Don't forget the Advent Calendar has prizes for each and every day of December. Remember to visit today for your £1 Account Upgrade Credit gift from us!

The Seasonal Fairy has 18 new prizes - one for each giftbox you may have in your collection.

23rd December 2019
4 years, 9 months & 8 days ago
Marapets is now... Mobile!!!
Turning 10 Years Old (back in August 2014) was a huge milestone. A DECADE of Marapets. The internet had changed a lot since we started in 2004 but the way most things were done here had hardly changed since we opened.To survive another decade, we needed to make a lot of changes. One of the hardest things for us to do was to explain what Marapets even was! If you had no idea about pet sites, it was confusing. So we gave Marapets a story, goals, rewards, collections.. and just made the site easier for everyone. We started to update our old artwork, trying to make everything more consistent. We changed or removed features that no longer made sense. We started to migrate away from flash (which will no longer work on most of the internet from next year). And finally, we started to go through every part of Marapets, section by section and start again. Rather than have a site built for desktops, we started to build it for the smallest Mobile Devices.

We're now pleased to announce that Marapets is fully Mobile Friendly and the whole site responds to the device you are playing on. If you are playing on a Mobile or Tablet, this new design will automatically load when you are in portrait mode. Rotate the device to landscape mode and the normal, Desktop Mode of Marapets will automatically load. We understand that not every one wants a responsive design - you can switch between Mobile and Desktop by clicking the Switch to Desktop Mode link at the bottom of every page of the site.

We've had months of testing but with so many different devices and browsers out there, we can never be 100% perfect first time. If you experience any issues, please let us know at this Mobile Errors topic. Thank you for all your patience over the past year or so with places changing and constantly updating - it should finally now all start to make sense!
22nd December 2019
4 years, 9 months & 8 days ago
The Blitzen Costume was first released in December 2010 in Account Upgrades and the costume has been retired and forgotten about ever since. A new Blitzen Account Upgrade Set has been released, with 7 new Blitzen themed items, a retired Blitzen Costume and either a Blitzen Enchanted Plushie or Blitzen Potion. This set is on sale until January 31st. You can choose if you would like the main prize to be an Enchanted Blitzen Plushie or Potion. There is 1 in 3 chance you will receive a limited edition Vixen instead of Equilor, Kidlet, Reese or Xoi.

The Dakota, Grint, Reese, Straya, Yuni and Vixen can now wear the Blitzen Costume.

Seven pets have been updated to the new Blitzen style. The Blitzen Basil, Chibs, Fasoro, Figaro, Flab, Justin, Kidlet, Limax, Snookle, Willa and Xoi will be updated to the new style shortly.

21st December 2019
4 years, 9 months & 10 days ago
All Elf, Rainy and Enpiah pets will receive FREE TRAINING at the Gym and Elite Gym and FREE LESSONS at the School and University for the rest of 2019!

Can you find these new Hidden Avatars?

The Astro, Chibs, Daisy, Decadal, Gizmo and Justin can now wear the Elf Costume.

19th December 2019
4 years, 9 months & 11 days ago
We all know how much Scrooge hates to give away his wealth but the residents of Biala Mountain have shamed him once again into giving away more! He now has 17 new prizes that he donates at random throughout the day, all year round! Remember, you can pick up any item Scrooge donates to the Pot of Gold once every 2 hours.

18th December 2019
4 years, 9 months & 13 days ago
The Puchalla Inn was opened in in May 2009 by Claude the bartender. Sadly, he has retired after 10 years of great service and was replaced by his daugther, Claudia.

Eight more pets can now wear the Invisible Costume.

18th December 2019
4 years, 9 months & 13 days ago
The Elf Costume was first released in November 2006 in Account Upgrades and the costume has been retired and forgotten about ever since. A new Elf Account Upgrade Set has been released, with 7 new Elf themed items, a retired Elf Costume and either a Elf Enchanted Plushie or Elf Potion. This set is on sale until December 31st. You can choose if you would like the main prize to be an Enchanted Elf Plushie or Potion. There is 1 in 3 chance you will receive a limited edition Vixen instead of Bolimo, Crindol, Fasoro, Kidlet, Murfin, Newth or Osafo.

The Vixen can now wear the Elf Costume and the older pets have all been updated to the new design.

16th December 2019
4 years, 9 months & 14 days ago
The Gobble, Poera and Troit can now wear the Enpiah Costume and the Bolimo and Crikey can now wear the Recycled Costume.

14th December 2019
4 years, 9 months & 17 days ago
Krampus has been edited to make pets sick 50% less often and will instead reward MP. Ice Fairy pets are now included in all Christmas events.

The Advent Calendar and Krampus have been added to the site reminders box. You won't be able to turn these off but they will disappear once these events finish.

All completed School and University lessons will receive DOUBLE STATS until December 31st for all pets wearing Advent, Angel, Blitzen, Christmas, Christmas Tree, Elf, Gingerbread, Ice, Ice Fairy, Polar, Seasonal, Snow, Snowman, Tundra or Winter Costumes.

The Elite Gym and Gym has just started DOUBLE STATS until December 31st for all pets wearing Advent, Angel, Blitzen, Christmas, Christmas Tree, Elf, Gingerbread, Ice, Ice Fairy, Polar, Seasonal, Snow, Snowman, Tundra or Winter Costumes.

A new set of limited edition Elfember items are now on sale at the Account Upgrades Shop. They will all automatically retire December 31st. The Christmas Overalls are an approved Carol Singing Costume for this year and all future events.

13th December 2019
4 years, 9 months & 18 days ago
Elfember is the season for giving but not every Marapet may deserve to be rewarded. Krampus is back and will be here until January 1st.

High above Biala, in the cold and frozen mountain ranges, lurks the Krampus. Leering down upon the village, he waits every year for his chance to kidnap naughty Marapets! He watches pets all year, keeping a list of the naughty and the nice. As Christmas draws closer and closer, the Krampus reveals himself in the month of December. He offers gifts to especially well behaved Marapets. If you're feeling brave, you can ask him for gifts for your pets. If your pet has been naughty, he might just punish them...

Pets wearing an Advent, Angel, Blitzen, Christmas, Christmas Tree, Elf, Gingerbread, Ice, Polar, Seasonal, Snow, Snowman, Tundra or Winter Costume can visit Krampus every 15 minutes. All other pets can visit every 30 minutes.

12th December 2019
4 years, 9 months & 18 days ago

Santa now has 16 new Christmas Presents to give out from his Secret Santa Event. Complete any Secret Santa Quest and a random player online will be sent a Christmas Present item from you. If he is feeling more generous, you will also receive a Christmas Present! Remember, this event ends December 25th. Open one of these new Christmas Presents and you will win one of these 36 new prizes. If you wait until December 24th or 25th to open them, you will win double prizes!