Help Elroy dig his way through the crust of Enpiah and see what you can find. You may also randomly find prizes as you dig towards a guaranteed prize block in the prize list below. You can win Magic Beans, Beans, RP, Pet Stats, White DNA or the jackpot of 28,824RP. You have played Extract Enpiah0 times. The last jackpot was 12,042RP won by Ghostlyhowl on 28th Feb 09:55:35
You can play Extract Enpiah for 500RP once every 45 minutes. Here is the Prize List.
If you add the Extract Enpiah Giftbox to your collection, you will be able to use Extract Enpiah
every 22 minutes instead of every 45 minutes - for life!
The Seasonal Fairy also rewards you for every giftbox that you collect