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The Editorial is the only place you can submit your ideas and questions to the staff of Marapets. Do not use it for glitches or help with your account. If your question is accepted, you may be answered in the next editorial. Please make sure spelling and grammar is correct or it may be ignored.

 Level 15 or higher players can submit one question to the Editorial per day.
 KingBaspinar asked:
Could you please make searching Transformations the same way as you set up "Missing Photos"?
This has actually been on the to do list for ever but I've finally got around to finishing it now :)
4 years, 11 months & 2 days ago
 Trauma asked:
Is it possible to add the bubblegum bubble back to the dental insurance mouths?
Most of the mouth were revamped to newer artwork and have been replaced. However, I've hunted high and low for old files and added the old vampire mouth and the bubblegum mouth again.
4 years, 11 months & 2 days ago
 Palmtrees asked:
Could there be a feature where we can organize our bogs by something other than date created?
Blogs and several other features have always been able to be organised but they need the Unnecessary Perfection Instructions completed first.
4 years, 11 months & 4 days ago
 Alexander asked:
Can we please organise our decks by max BP/ battle without having to order them ourselves?
You can now sort your Battle Deck alphabetically, by newest, oldest, easiest, hardest, least battled and most battled without the need to sort it yourself.
4 years, 11 months & 4 days ago
 Cygnet asked:
When you complete a Mission for Magic Carpet, can you make it so that it automatically registers on Magic Carpet?
A while ago I added a reminder system at the top for when you have completed a level of any goals. I've added Magic Carpet and Beanstalk to this system, so you will now be alerted right away when you've passed a level of these.
4 years, 11 months & 4 days ago
 Teacup asked:
Can you add a countdown timer under the "Create a Pet" option in the Pets menu?
Sure - this has been added now.
4 years, 11 months & 4 days ago
 Thanos asked:
How often can we expect to see Limited Edition/Restricted Pet Potion/Enchanted Plushie flash sales? Preferably with different offerings to keep the rarity and value of individual items.
I like to keep everything here predictably unpredictable but usually whenever my folders of unreleased plushies and potions starts to get really big and it's been a while since the last, I'll do a random flash sale to get them released. There will be one or two this year I'm sure with different species but they'll be at random times.
4 years, 11 months & 4 days ago
 Zealous asked:
Can the evil cupcake's price be changed from 660 to 666MP?
The Evil and Devil Cupcakes are now priced at 666MP....
4 years, 11 months & 4 days ago
 Froggy asked:
Can we have an alert or notification if a trade expires?
You now receive an alert after 90 days when your trade has expired, telling you what items were returned to your Invrntory.
4 years, 11 months & 4 days ago
 Boring asked:
Would it be possible to put Price Changes on the currency page?
Sure! It's been added now.
4 years, 11 months & 4 days ago
 AmyMarie asked:
Can our Olympics points totals or a link to the Olympics points redemption shop be added somewhere on the new Olympics page(s)?
I've added the olympic points total to the top of both pages. Clicking it will bring you to the Olympics Shop and back.
4 years, 11 months & 4 days ago
 Susanna asked:
Thank you for all the changes you do here. Would you make it possible to release decadals in the AU? I was not here when they was and would like an opportunity to have one.
Decadals are extremely restricted pets and are very rare. Their name comes from the fact that they are only released once every decade. The last release was July 2014 so they will not be released again until at least July 2024.
4 years, 11 months & 4 days ago
 Juno asked:
Can there be a link to the Dukka Coin Exchange from the Scratchcards shop?
The "Two Dukka Coin" text links to the Dukka Coins shop but I've also added a link to the suggestions at the bottom.
4 years, 11 months & 4 days ago
 Olympics asked:
On individual quest pages, there used to be a link to the highscores. Is it possible to bring this back?
The link was never removed, it just shows at the bottom of each quest in the suggested links.
4 years, 11 months & 4 days ago
 Badger asked:
Could we please have a link to the Olympic Shop from the Olympics?
Sure - this has been added to the suggested links at the bottom of the olympics, olympics shop, boosters and personal trainer quests.
4 years, 11 months & 4 days ago
 KingBaspinar asked:
Could you please add Beanstalk items to search by location or Dukka Wishlist?
The Beanstalk is a shop so the items show in Wishlists in Shop category rather than location.
4 years, 11 months & 4 days ago
 Patrick asked:
Can you make the Ice Caves give us double worms too if we have the gift box?
It is called the "Double Worms Giftbox" so why not? If you win a worm from Ice Caves and have this GB in your collection, you'll now get double worms!
4 years, 11 months & 4 days ago
 waterlogged asked:
Is it possible to put the actual Marapets date on the clock in undying woods?
Sure - this has been added.
5 years, 4 months & 7 days ago
 TheMIL asked:
Could you arrange the Minipets on the plates page in alphabetical order.
Sure. Plates and Photos are now ordered by the Minipet/Pet in alphabetical order.
5 years, 4 months & 7 days ago
 Fartkles asked:
If an item says retired account upgrades 2007, is there a way that I can click that text and get taken to the wishlist for only AU retired 2007 items?
This was recently changed for most retired items, including AU and Event items.
5 years, 7 months & 11 days ago
 Tremble asked:
Can we have a feature in our shops that reprises all the pages at once?
Its not possible to add limitless amounts of items for every player to be autopriced and re-priced in one click. It was recently doubled though from 35 to 70 at a time after our recent server upgrade.
5 years, 7 months & 11 days ago
 Fork asked:
Is it possible donate currencies into pot of gold?
It wasn't but you can at the new Giveaways.
5 years, 7 months & 11 days ago
 Dannie asked:
Can bank interest not reset the clock when we make a deposit? I understand resetting the clock for a withdrawal but not for a deposit.
No... interest is earned in every bank for how long its in the bank for. If the clock didn't reset, it would not be rewarding you for a full day's worth of interest as you would deposit all of your currency just before its time to collect interest.
5 years, 7 months & 11 days ago
 KingBaspinar asked:
Will you please add Stock Market and Temples/Pyramids to the notifications?
All 7 temples, 5 pyramids and the Stock Market now have reminders.
5 years, 7 months & 11 days ago
 Rin asked:
Are any of the new Justin plushies or potions actually restocking at Desert Spy or are they just extremely rare? I???ve never seen a single new one in there.
I changed the way that Desert Spy and Slater Stalker shops work. They now always have items in stock.
5 years, 7 months & 11 days ago
 Shadow asked:
Instead of having to copy and paste a username to send a currency exchange, could we have an icon right on the users profile to send a CE directly?
Profiles are quite full as it is, but if you click on a player's currency on their profile, it will link to currency exchange and automatically fill out their username now.
5 years, 7 months & 12 days ago
 Juno asked:
Can there be a link to Pipe Dream from the fake dukka exchange?
Sure, its been added to the links at the bottom now.
5 years, 7 months & 12 days ago
 MommaCats asked:
It would be really awesome if there was a Delete button when you're reading an alert.
We used to have this, not sure why we don't anymore... its back now!
5 years, 7 months & 19 days ago
 Student asked:
Can we get an "Instant Sale Price Only" option on the Search Trades page?
This was added to the Trades recently. Price Checker also now shows the lowest Instant Sale Price too when an item isn't on the Shop Search.
5 years, 7 months & 19 days ago
 Jamison asked:
Can the goals be fixed for the ones about completing level 30 of a mission?
This was actually fixed recently. All missions were re-coded and all of the avatars, goals and other problems reported have been fixed. Whenever it says "complete a level" finishing the mission counts.
5 years, 7 months & 19 days ago
 KingBaspinar asked:
Could you please put our pet's Freelance Job total on Pet Profiles?
The total is actually per player but I've added to the stats page of profiles.
5 years, 7 months & 19 days ago
 badcomet asked:
Can you please fix pet weights? Creating a pet that's 40 KG ends up with a pet that's 4000 Kg on their profile.
This has been fixed. It creates them properly, the profiles just added extra 0s for some reason...
5 years, 7 months & 19 days ago
 Brit asked:
Can we get a complete quest button for Sumo Sally and Knutt Knight after winning a battle?
This was recently added. You can also finish Cosmonaut and Desert Spy from the shop page.
5 years, 7 months & 19 days ago
 Nefertari asked:
Can we please get a Drew giftbox? Double vouchers feature? :)
A Drew giftbox was released but there are no current plans for a double vouchers giftbox. The new giftbox should make it much easier to get the vouchers though!
5 years, 7 months & 19 days ago
 cadence11 asked:
Will there ever be a new world or just improvements to the current ones?
There are 2 new worlds fully planned and will be released in the future, but not until I have revamped and improved all of the oldest maps first.
5 years, 7 months & 19 days ago
 Red asked:
Does One in a Million really have 1/1,000,000 odds?
No it doesn't - it's far more generous than that!
5 years, 7 months & 19 days ago
 Caity1994 asked:
Could the job promotion system be changed? Currently, my pets are only offered promotions in the same order, always starting with the top left.
If you get a random event offering a job promotion, it selects any pet at random that doesn't already have a job promotion on offer.
5 years, 7 months & 19 days ago
 bentley77 asked:
Is the wonderland treasure chest ever going to be released again?
Anything retired just means its no longer on sale. Any item can be re-released at any time at random, so, some time in the future, it will.
5 years, 7 months & 19 days ago
 Bread asked:
Can the missing photos gift box sort photos by species and not just alphabetical order?
You can sort missing photos by species and costumes now. If you have the new giftbox, you can also sort by cheapest, most expensive and unbuyable.
5 years, 7 months & 19 days ago
Could we get a "check price" button for the missing spells like we do for the other missing collections pages?
This has been added :)
5 years, 7 months & 19 days ago
 cadence11 asked:
Could you add a feature where we can remove items from our wardrobe please?
Items will NEVER be able to be removed from collections.
5 years, 7 months & 19 days ago
 Dannie asked:
Can we have a link to the Spam Fairy in MT?
There is a link to the Spam Fairy at the bottom of MaraTalk, in the suggested links bar. I have also added a text link at the top.
5 years, 7 months & 19 days ago
 Bread asked:
What if on the pet stat page, you could click on the stats and it would go directly to the gym/elite gym/quests that gain the stats for quicker access?
As more and more pages of the site are updated, you may have noticed that more and more parts of the site are "clickable" now and link to relevant places. Pet profiles is one of them - clicking on each stat does link you to the Gym/Elite Gym/School etc now.
5 years, 7 months & 19 days ago
 JavannaLynn asked:
Will grave robbing ever work at 9am??
This was one of those issues that was "fixed" many times over the years but never actually. After 14 or so years though I can confirm that this was recently fixed AND I actually stayed up and made sure I was online at 9am Marapets time to confirm.
5 years, 7 months & 19 days ago
 J2THAE1 asked:
Do you think there could be a chance to have a giftbox to half the amount of time for the Fruit Machine in Biala please? :)
I think we have enough Giftboxes at the moment. There will only be new ones for extra special features.. or if enough players request for it on here. Fruit Machine isn't either one of those I'm afraid.
5 years, 7 months & 19 days ago
 CatDragon185 asked:
Could the currency page possibly include a link to buy fake dukka coins?
This is on there now. In the future, when the currency page is updated it will have a lot more information about every currency and link to all places that you can earn/spend each currency. One day!
5 years, 7 months & 19 days ago
 Bellatrix90 asked:
Will we have another battle event soon, like the Minipet Island War of '07?
Not any time *soon* but there will be a plot/war eventually, in the distant future. Too many new features and battle updates need to be made before then... and there are far too many other things on the list before the Battle Arena...
5 years, 7 months & 19 days ago
 Ease asked:
Can you please add a link to the freelance agency on the job centre page?
There is a link to the Job Agency at the bottom in the suggested links bar, on the Vortex Park map, at the 'Pets' section on the side bar and at the 'Pet Dailies' section linked at the top and bottom of every page. I have also now added a text link in the Job Centre description too.
5 years, 7 months & 19 days ago
 KingBaspinar asked:
Would it be possible to let us view all Gourmet Foods grouped together in our attic?
Good idea! This was added to Attics, along with the option to view all 'non-retired' items too. If you have the new Price Order Giftbox you can also sort your attic by cheapest and most expensive items and only items that are unbuyable on the Shop Search. To make it easier to move items from your Attic, there is also 'Attic Settings' at the bottom. You can change this at any time so that you can move multiple items from your Attic much easier/quicker.
5 years, 7 months & 19 days ago
 Dannie asked:
Could items that are from events but the event is no longer happening be linked to their items page? Example Beelzebub Novel... could it link to the location page?
I have just updated the Beelzebub page and added locations to its past prizes. When other events and characters have their own special pages in the future, I will do those too.
5 years, 8 months & 7 days ago
 Lee2016 asked:
When we click 'Check Price', can it also show if we have that item in out shop? Like it shows for Attic and Gallery?
People keep asking for this but for now it can't be added. There are two reasons really... Shops work different from Galleries and Attics. Only you can make "changes" to these places so there is no issue with lag. Shops are more difficult because other player's are constantly searching these and changing prices/buying them. The second issue is that price check is already packed solid and there isn't any room. People have been asking for this for so long though that I've had plenty of time to think of a compromise! When you price check an item, if you have this item in your shop and you are showing as the lowest price, it no longer has the "Buy for 500MP on Shop Search" link but it now says "Lowest in your shop at 500MP" and if you click it, it will remove 1 of these from your shop to your Inventory. This should help when you are doing quests or buying items and your shop is the cheapest.
5 years, 8 months & 11 days ago
 Patrick asked:
There???s a lot of treasure chests I missed while on break. I know that we have had a lot rereleased this year, but can you put a random chest option in AUs?
Sorry, the random chest option will not be added but some of the older chests will be added, at random, in the future for a limited time.
5 years, 8 months & 11 days ago
 ninjasydney asked:
Can the pages in our sales history be also accessible at the bottom of the page so we don't have to scroll back to the top?
Sure - this has now been added.
5 years, 8 months & 14 days ago
 Popcornwolf asked:
The Seaso Plushie is actually Pleon!
Haha you're right. They do look very similar... fixed that!
5 years, 8 months & 14 days ago
 Neko asked:
Can you break up the Fish at the Aquarium into two sections with the price check in the middle/bottom?
It's now been added to the Aquarium, Robot Repair, Knutt House, Hump Racing and Eleka Prison.
5 years, 8 months & 14 days ago
 JessyBastet asked:
Can you make club quizzes case insensitive? It is frustrating to lose when something isn't the right capitalisation.
I looked into it and can see that it is already case insensitive. I think maybe the reason people may not get it right is if there was any blank space or spaces in the answers when they enter. This has now been fixed now.
5 years, 8 months & 14 days ago
 GarmauSucks asked:
I'm not sure if this is on purpose but you spelled "Appetizer" as "Appetiser"
You're playing a UK based site and it is spelt "Appetiser" in English. We do not use the American version of English.
5 years, 8 months & 14 days ago
 PoisonIvySaur asked:
Would you ever considering making a "Swaps" feature? Or perhaps an add on to trades?
This was planned as a feature for Trades where you could allow your Photo or Plate only trade to automatically accept an offer for any Photo or Plate missing from your collection. The reason it never went ahead was simply because different Photos and Plates have different values and I didn't want the Trades cluttered with them. Instead we have a Swap feature for Clubs. Find a good club/create a good club and the swap feature will work because you can trust the other club members to be honest.
5 years, 8 months & 14 days ago
 Pichu asked:
Can we have the banks show what the interest on that currency is?
All 3 banks now tell you how much MP, RP or BP you will collect on the countdown. Remember, the 24 hour countdown resets every time you make a deposit to the bank!
5 years, 8 months & 14 days ago
 GiratiBoo asked:
Could you make the autopricer not change any prices of items if they havent changed since last check?
Sure! Now when you autoprice, if you are currently showing as the lowest price on the shop search, it will no longer automatically increase or decrease the price by 1MP.
5 years, 8 months & 15 days ago
 Uhtred asked:
When we go to the minipet page, when we click on a minipet can it take us directly to that minipets profile? It works for some but not all. Thank so much!
It should have already worked for all pets, this was a glitch I didn't know about. It has been fixed now though! You can also click your minipets at the Ferris Wheel and Resort to visit their profiles.
5 years, 8 months & 15 days ago
 Haydus asked:
The Grave Keeper is said to fall asleep every 3 hours, yet there is a period in the morning where he is awake for 5 hours straight. Is this a glitch?
Yes it was glitch but was fixed. It seems that 09:00 MST was being strange at the Grave Robber, Bank and Knutt Knight since forever but it was fixed yesterday and confirmed fixed today.
5 years, 8 months & 15 days ago
 Ambzillius asked:
Could we get a cool-down timer/ time left to complete on the Quests page like there is for Missions and points to play so we don't have to go into each quest to see how long is left for timers to time out?
This has been planned for a long time and we're happy to say that it was just released today!
5 years, 8 months & 16 days ago
 Camarie asked:
Will there ever be a phone app for marapets?
There are no immediate plans for one but maybe in the future! We are always trying to make the site more "mobile friendly".
5 years, 8 months & 17 days ago
 Kam asked:
Could you please make it so we see our missing stamps by which page they are on?
These can be found on
5 years, 8 months & 17 days ago
 Sleighbell asked:
Could we have it so the elite stats also show up in pet trades?
Wow - how have I never noticed they were missing? They're added now!
5 years, 8 months & 17 days ago
 Yantle asked:
Would it be possible to allow the Magic Carpet feature to skip pyramid levels also?
No, the Magic Carpet will only ever be for missions.
5 years, 8 months & 17 days ago
 Valak asked:
Can we have a Job Center link added to the Marapets homepage, like where we have links for school, university, gym, etc?
The Job Centre has been added there now.
5 years, 8 months & 17 days ago
 KingBaspinar asked:
Can you please put the Fake Dukka Exchange in the Currency Menu like we have the Dukka Exchange?
Sure - its been added!
5 years, 8 months & 17 days ago
 rumor asked:
Could you add a timer to the Eleka Fountain?
The timer has now been added to the Eleka Fountain.
5 years, 8 months & 17 days ago
 Kyreecie asked:
Is there any chance we could have the option to search "Missing Transformations" by costume, as well as pet species?
Sure! When you view your Missing Transformations there is now the option to sort by costume or species.
5 years, 8 months & 17 days ago
 Alisha asked:
Can we get a link to the Dukka Coin Exchange on the shops that use dukkas?
If you click on the Dukka Coin icon next to the price, this links you to the Dukka Coin Exchange. The same goes for Fake Dukka Coins and Account Upgrade Credit Shops.
5 years, 8 months & 19 days ago
 Gaycation asked:
Can rules be updated for referencing alcoholic beverages since we have wines and beer as items on marapets?
No, the forums are PG13. These items were renamed and were added in poor taste in the first place.
5 years, 8 months & 19 days ago
 ScrappingGirl asked:
Is there any chance you could add a counter to the gumball machine like the one now on the plushie machines?
Its not really possible unless it just started counting from now, which isn't really necessary. The Plushie Machine just started counting from day one... no idea why!
5 years, 8 months & 19 days ago
 Ghibli asked:
Is there any way to add a "show instant priced only" feature within trade searches, like the tick box for online trades only?
I have actually been working on this for quite some time and it has now been added as a feature.
5 years, 8 months & 19 days ago
 Amantoriya asked:
Will pets ever be able to wear clothing, or is that an overly-ambitious road?
This will never, ever happen.
5 years & 11 months ago
 Chilkat asked:
Could we possibly have more length options for Auctions? I.e., 11, 13, 14, 16 hours..
Sure, I have added 11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23 hours and 14 days to Auctions and Pet Auctions.
5 years & 11 months ago
 Violin asked:
Could we be allowed more selfies, 100 just isn't quite enough..
I have made the Wardrobe Selfie Giftbox stackable now. The first time you use one it allows 100 selfies instead of 3. Each additional Wardrobe Selfie Giftbox you use will allow another 100, to a maximum of 1,000 selfies.
5 years & 11 months ago
 Selection asked:
When we search for something in shop search, can there be a count of how many of that item is in that user's shop?
Sure, this has now been added to Shop Search. It cannot however be added to 'Quick Search' or Price Checker.
6 years, 2 months & 30 days ago
Can we have the option to buy multiple Lottery tickets like we can with Raffle?
Sure! You can now buy 1, 5 or 10 Lucky Dip Lottery tickets at a time.
6 years, 2 months & 30 days ago
 Bellatrix90 asked:
Could we get a double scholarships giftbox for the aquarium please?
Sure, why not. I'll get one made today.
6 years, 3 months & 1 day ago
 Frigid asked:
Thanks for adding the Mutant Skin to the AU Trick or Treat Costumes. Could the Mutated Costume possibly be added as well? It retired from the same place as the Mutant Skin.
6 years, 3 months & 1 day ago
 Zosyn asked:
Can we get random stats for our pet while battling?
There are actually new random events being added to Battling and Restocking soon... so... maybe :P
6 years, 3 months & 1 day ago
 Gummi asked:
Can you have it so that trade lots can hold 16 or 20 items? So a trade lot can hold an entire treasure map set.
10 is and will always be the maximum.
6 years, 3 months & 1 day ago
 Gummgumm asked:
Will the slot machines ever come back?? :/
Yes, but nothing like they were before...
6 years, 3 months & 1 day ago
 Ghibli asked:
Could we have a link somewhere on the bootleg pyramid page to the fake pirate ship please?
6 years, 3 months & 1 day ago
 Blitzen asked:
Can we have a link to the light fairy on the university page please?
6 years, 3 months & 1 day ago
 Juno asked:
Can you fix the countdown for Dukka Dash on the "points to play" page? It shows the normal time, even if you have the giftbox.
Fixed :)
6 years, 3 months & 1 day ago
 Seiko asked:
When scrolling through the premium hair styles, can the preview be with the hair style on your current doll instead of a default doll? That would make it a lot easier to figure out if a hair style looks good on your doll!
You just click on any hair style and it'll load the preview above on your current doll.
6 years, 3 months & 1 day ago
 kittykat100 asked:
Will there ever be a Foxfire Pond Goals?
The artwork has been ready for them for months now but we have a few new features for this world I want to release first.
6 years, 3 months & 1 day ago
 FadedLynx asked:
Can Dress 4 Less Vouchers be tradeable? Not everyone has, wants, or can ever afford an expansive wardrobe of retired/AU clothes. Also not everyone with a big wardrobe wants to change their pets. This could make both groups happier!
This will never happen.
6 years, 3 months & 1 day ago
 Shan2016 asked:
Can you make a feature when viewing other people's pets, the fee to borrow/ lend each pet is there
It only shows for your pets. A lot of people would not want this information public and not everyone wants their pet to be traded/borrowed.
6 years, 3 months & 1 day ago
Can we get a tick to tell us which plushies/clothes/other collectibles we have when we select them? We have them for stamps and cards, but not many other collectibles
All collections have this but *SOME* require a specific Giftbox to work. For more information visit the Giftbox Shop or the Help Forums.
6 years, 3 months & 1 day ago
 Jokar asked:
When flash ends, will we still be able to play our favorite games ? Are you going to redo any of them so we can still have them?
No plans to re-do them, I think they've served us well for the past 13 or so years BUT its time for them to go. They current plan is to move them to a Museum in Simeria.
6 years, 3 months & 1 day ago
 Juno asked:
Can you add a feature that allows you to test club layouts in the actual club setting without leaving your current club or tampering with your current club layout?
You can do this by creating an extra page in the club to test with.
6 years, 3 months & 1 day ago
 MommaCats asked:
Is there a way to use UPI to organize our blogs?
This has been on the to-do list for a long time now but I finally have added it to Blogs today :)
6 years, 3 months & 3 days ago
 Leirissa asked:
Will there be a gift box for Capsule Machine?
There is one but it is retired. It was won from the Capsule Machine. One day in the future it may be re-added.
6 years, 3 months & 7 days ago
 Gummi asked:
When you cancel a trade, can you make it so that it goes back to the page you canceled from instead of page one?
I'm surprised it didn't already do this! This has been done for Trades and Wanted Ads now.
6 years, 3 months & 7 days ago
 spottedcalf asked:
I saw where you said in April there were plans in the works for the Volcano, but it was needing to be put on hold. Are there any new updates/changes of plan/spoilers you're willing to share with us? :)
The world has been planned for years and so have many other features and new content. It was basically put on hold to focus on older worlds. All new features to be added right now will be improvements or enhancements to older features. The only spoiler really is that Eleka's Castle is most likely the next world we will focus on.
6 years, 3 months & 7 days ago
 Nerdfighter asked:
Why can't we change the colour of wigs?
You can but you must use Hair Dye items in your Wardrobe.
6 years, 3 months & 7 days ago