My scary story ( true. )
So my mum and dad divorce. Yeah. So my dad meets a lovely lady called Sue, who, ( poor soul ) had her father, husband and son die before her. One of old age, another of a sudden heart attack, and the son because of a condition he had.
Sue went on holiday with her husband, and he had a watch, perfectly norrrmal. He died on the last day of their holiday, and the time of death was 4:45.
Sue still has the watch, so my dad wore it, trying to prove that the watch was not bad or nuffin.
My dad and sue go on holiday to Grand canaria (dont ask me.) and on the last day, my dads watched stopped at 4:45.
he reset it and then it was fine.
but dun dun duuunnn.
That can't be a coincidence, right?