Missing Avatars
1 year, 4 months & 1 day ago
26th Aug 2023 21:04 Anlur - Attach a Anlur minipet to a Vixen then view the minipet.
✓ Have Anlur
× Need Vixen pet
Fatty - Attach 5 Fattys (red, pink, green, blue and yellow (original) to your pet and then view your pet.
✓ Blue & Ori
Fluffy - Attach a Fluffy to your pet for 200+ days then view the minipet.
× Need to change Fluffy colour.
Gumball Addict - Refresh in your inventory when you have all original 43 Gumball in it.
Almond Gumball
Apple Gumball
Banana Gumball
Blue Gumball ✓
Bronze Gumball ✓
Burnt Gumball ✓
Chocolate Chip Gumball
Cola Gumball
Dark Chocolate Gumball
Devil Gumball
Digital Gumball ✓
Festival Gumball
Flowery Gumball
Glowing Gumball
Gold Gumball
Green Gumball ✓
Haunted Gumball
Heart Gumball
Icy Gumball
Invisible Gumball ✓
Lemon Gumball ✓
Milk Chocolate Gumball ✓
Mint Gumball
Mouldy Gumball
Multi-Coloured Gumball
Orange Chocolate Gumball ✓
Orange Gumball ✓
Pear Gumball ✓
Pumpkin Gumball
Purple Gumball ✓
Red Gumball ✓
Rock Gumball ✓
Silver Gumball
Smiley Gumball ✓
Snowy Gumball
Spotted Gumball
Starry Gumball ✓
Strawberry Gumball
Water Gumball
White Chocolate Gumball
White Gumball ✓
Wooden Gumball
Yellow Gumball ✓
Heart - Attach a Heart to a Love pet then view the minipet.
Lovebug - Attach a Lovebug minipet to a Love per for 10+ days then view the minipet.
Lubadore - View Lubadore when attached to a Love pet.
√ Love pet
× Need Heart, Lovebug & Lubadore
Lucky - Attach a Lucky to a Christmas pet for 99+ days then view the minipet.
✓ Lucky & Christmas costume
Patrick - View Patrick minipet attached to a Leprechaun pet.
✓ Patrick
× Need Leprechaun pet
Plague - Attach Plague to a Basil then view the minipet.
Popo - Visit the Loyalty Prizes page located in the Baspinar's Castle once your account has received the Popo prize. (2,530 Days)
Turkiye - Attach a Turkiye to a Gobble pet then view the minipet.
✓ Have Turkiye
× Need Gobble pet
Crafly - Win a Crafly from Burple during Thanksgiving event 2016.