Plate/Photo/Magazine/Newspaper Swaps

4 years, 7 months & 26 days ago
9th Jul 2020 06:56Typically will only accept if I do not have the plate/photo, however, if the offer is UB/500k and a bit harder to come by I may a accept to re-swap.
Will accept multiple photos/plates adding up to around the same value as the one in trades. (example: my photo is 500k, you offer two 250k photos I am missing).
I treat UB photos/plates as if they are worth 500k. Just seems easier that way. I am happy to swap UB for 500k unless otherwise stated. Occasionally I get very rare UB photos that I would prefer UB in return or multiple of other missing photos.
I try to post multiples of my rarer photos, so if I do not accept your offer it may be because more than one person offered on the same lot. I will try and MT/MM anyone that this happens to and set up a reserved trade for them specifically.
If I put retired magazines/newspapers into trades, please swap one from the same year (example: 2015 for 2015) or a 400k+ photo or plate.
Will take a 100 Fake Dukka Coin (or higher if you feel generous) per current month/year magazine/newspaper.**Note**
I prefer photos for photos and plates for plates. I prefer photos in exchange for magazines/newspapers as I collect them but I don't typically go out of my way to make sure I have every single one for the month. Photos, on the other hand, I am trying to get to 3,000. If you
really need the magazine/newspaper and do not have a photo to swap, please leave a note in the trade so I know.
The photo/plate swap for the magazine/newspaper in trades can be any value as long as I don't have it. Please be 400k+ if it is one I already have so I can re-swap with it.