Photos for zeichii
6 years, 7 months & 4 days ago
26th May 2018 00:34 Here is the list!! I dont have much photos unfortunately but i have my extras in my gallery and Inks will also be transforming into a lot of non-le\'s for a while, so i\'ll send you those photos if you need them Smile
Please let me know the price you are asking for.
Starry Limax
Starry Limax
Galaxy Mordo
Galxy Viotto
Galaxy Figaro
Galaxy Limax
Moonlight zola
Moonlight raulf
Moonlight Troit
Daylight zola
daylight quell
daylight lorious
daylight troit
nimbus zola
nimbus lorious
nimbus raulf
nimbus pucu
chibi pucu
bootleg rusty
sleepy viotto
valentine limax
valentine sindi
valentine oglue
school walee
school chibs
school addow
school deca
spring viotto
spring troit
swamp renat
swamp willa
swamp musty
swamp gobble
zombie straya
zombie limax
zombie walee
halloween pucu
nightmare raulf
nightmare mordo
killer sindi
winter walee
breeze viotto
frostfire ercuw
red azul
fancy walee
icefairy addow
cupid walee
spacefairy bolimo
armoured feliz
clown grint
wizard tantua
school jessup
minipet poera
orange gonk
galaxy doyle
yellow rofling
dragon gizmo
baby kronk
dragon raulf
angel lorious
red kaala
red doyle
zombie gizmo
swamp quell
emo quell
red basil
blue addow
pirate eyru
green murfin