7 years, 1 month & 5 days ago
10th Dec 2017 03:26 Hello you there, stalking my wishlist
Want some more info on what I collect on mara?
The items on my wishlist are for my gallery collection
I also collect any and all wardrobe items and I'm working on lots of pet goals.
The Red Equilors are all waiting to be changed, see their pet profiles for what they are going to become and what I'm still missing for them
I also have a blog with pet goals that you can stalk...
If you wanna help me with pet collections, I give all my stuff to Ringbearer, see his profile for what I am missing
Finally, I'm working on the Whirlpool map (got pieces 1 and 2 so far) and I also am saving for tons of Giftboxes (especially extra pet ones) and capsule machine tokens...
I think I have a problem there, too many goals