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Not going to be online a lot. busy with life~

  1. Lending kickass 1.5k Statted pet ~ approx 1.6M fee
    19th Apr 2018 05:28
    6 years, 8 months & 9 days ago
  2. Val day 2018
    17th Feb 2018 03:10
    6 years, 10 months & 9 days ago
  3. Missing mags Gucci Needs
    16th Jan 2018 02:39
    6 years, 11 months & 10 days ago
  4. Job avs needed
    5th Dec 2017 18:36
    7 years & 22 days ago
  5. Scrooge items
    13th Oct 2017 23:15
    7 years, 2 months & 13 days ago
  6. Treasure chests i need:
    10th Aug 2017 22:37
    7 years, 4 months & 17 days ago
  7. Missing QB items
    3rd Aug 2017 21:40
    7 years, 4 months & 24 days ago
  8. Mags and newspapers (current month)
    4th Jul 2017 20:51
    7 years, 5 months & 24 days ago
  9. Poops needed
    13th Jun 2017 19:20
    7 years, 6 months & 14 days ago
  10. Job centre tracking
    1st May 2017 00:35
    7 years, 7 months & 27 days ago
DNA minis
7 years, 9 months & 11 days ago
16th Mar 2017 22:27

Let's start small, 5 of each: (Colours in brackets are ones I already have) - Please mail me if you can make them! I will supply Pink DNA for you

Addow + Osafo = Addafo (Brown, orange, yellow)
Addow + Reese = Addese (Black, Grey, Pink)
Addow + Bolimo = Addimo (brown, yellow)
Addow + Fasoro = Addoro (blue x2, grey, red, yellow)
Addow + Newth = Addoth (pink, purple, red)
Addow + Jessup = Addup (pink)
Arinya + Tasi = Arasi (pink)
Azul + Leido = Azeido (grey, purple, white)
Azul + Grint = Azint (blue, grey)
Azul + Zetlian = Azlian (pink)
Azul + Addow = Azow (brown, red, white)
Azul + Yakubi = Azubi (black, brown, grey, purple, yellow)
Azul + Equilor = Azulor (blue, grey)
Bolimo + Grint = Bolint (blue, grey)
Bolimo + Fasoro = Bolisoro (orange, purple, yellow)
Chibs + Lati = Chati (orange)
Chibs + Bolimo = Chibimo (purple, red, white)
Chibs + Azul = Chibzul (orange)
Chibs + Addow = Chido
Chibs + Feliz = Chiliz (yellow)
Chibs + Xoi = Choi (blue, red)
Chibs + Doyle = Choyle (yellow)
Chibs + Knutt = Chutt (purple, red, yellow)
Daisy + Gizmo = Dazmo (blue, green, grey, orange)
Doyle + Addow = Doyow (Brown, green, purple)
Doyle + Azul = Doyzul (brown, orange, yellow)
Dakota + Rusty = Dusty (blue, white)
Echlin + Poera = Echera (brown, grey, orange)
Ercuw + Yuni = Erni
Fasoro + Osafo = Fasafo (Brown, green x2, grey, purple)
Fasoro + Murfin = Fasofin (green, purple, red, yellow)
Fasoro + Azul = Fasorul (blue, green, grey yellow)
Feliz + Crindol = Fendol (orange, red)
Flab + Kronk = Flonk (black, grey, purple, red)
Gonk + Oglue = Goglue (pink x8)
Gonk + Mordo = Gordo (green, purple)
Grint + Leido = Grinido (blue, yellow)
Grint + Addow = Grinow (brown, purple)
Huthiq + Bolimo = Huthimo (purple)
Hump + Vixen = Huxen (white)
Ike + Oglue = Iklue (black, orange)
Jessup + Leido = Jessido
Jessup + Azul = Jessul
Jessup + Knutt = Jessutt
Knutt + Fasoro = Knoro (black, brown, purple)
Knutt + Azul = Knuzul (brown, green, purple)
Basil + Kujo = Kusil (orange)
Leido + Addow = Leidow (blue)
Leido + Ushunda = Leidunda
Murfin + addow = Murfow (Grey, orange, yellow)
Murfin + Azul = Murfzul (brown, purple)
Nino + Zoosh = Noosh (blue, brown, green, grey, red
Osafo + Jessup = Osafup (purple)
Paffuto + Grint = Paffint (green)
Crikey + Pucu = Pikey
Quell + Addow = Quelow (purple, white)
Quell + Chibs = Quibs
Reese + Fasoro = Reesoro (grey)
Reece + Azul = Reezul (red)
Renat + Ercuw = Renuw
Rofling + Addow = Roflow
Sindi + Snookle = Snoodi
Tantua + Chibs = Tantibs (black, brown, grey)
Tantua + Addow = Tantow (black, blue, green, grey)
Ushunda + Addow = Ushundow (brown, green, orange, purple, white)
Ushunda + Fasoro = Ushunoro (white)
Walee + Jessup = Wassup (grey, orange)
Yakubi + Addow = Yakuow
Yakubi + Newth = Yakuth
Viotto + Crindol = Viondol (blue, orange, red, white x2)
Zetlian + Walee = Zetlee (blue)
Zetlian + Fasoro = Zetoro

List I have:
Trigaro (green)
Chidow (brown, grey, orange, purple, yellow)
Zointy (blue, orange)
Kaaleus (black, green, pink, white)
spobble (yellow)
Kidala (Blue, brown, green, orange)
willafo (blue, brown, green, purple, red)
decadonk (blue)

  1. Lending kickass 1.5k Statted pet ~ approx 1.6M fee
    19th Apr 2018 05:28
    6 years, 8 months & 9 days ago
  2. Val day 2018
    17th Feb 2018 03:10
    6 years, 10 months & 9 days ago
  3. Missing mags Gucci Needs
    16th Jan 2018 02:39
    6 years, 11 months & 10 days ago
  4. Job avs needed
    5th Dec 2017 18:36
    7 years & 22 days ago
  5. Scrooge items
    13th Oct 2017 23:15
    7 years, 2 months & 13 days ago
  6. Treasure chests i need:
    10th Aug 2017 22:37
    7 years, 4 months & 17 days ago
  7. Missing QB items
    3rd Aug 2017 21:40
    7 years, 4 months & 24 days ago
  8. Mags and newspapers (current month)
    4th Jul 2017 20:51
    7 years, 5 months & 24 days ago
  9. Poops needed
    13th Jun 2017 19:20
    7 years, 6 months & 14 days ago
  10. Job centre tracking
    1st May 2017 00:35
    7 years, 7 months & 27 days ago