17 years, 3 months & 1 day ago
15th Oct 2007 14:30 Yes, Aronea can complete Trotter's. If you want to trade for her, understand that alone with DVDs she's worth a good 3 million. By keeping her for a month you make over 1 million MP, keep her for a year, you've made over 15 million. Your badly-named yellow bolimo is NOT worth her.
If you want to borrow her to complete a single level, just mail me. =) If I'm on I'll be happy to lend her to you. The only think I ask if I do lend her to you is that you return her, pay a small tip depending on the DVD, and pay my fees, which are only 11K
You can also borrow her for a few days, I charge 85K for 5 days. It seems like a lot, but it really isn't. You can do 10 levels in that time, so you would only have to borrow 3 times. That's 255K. That's less than buying Xoi in Black once!
Here are the DVDs, along with the costs if you don't believe she's worth 3 million:
Xoi in Black (over 400K)
Valentines Day (120K)
Undying Tombola
Undying Minipets (450K)
Undying Graveyard (600K)
Undying Festival (60K)
Underwater Treasure (250K)
Ublish (250K)
Trick or Treat (70K)
Theres Something about Doyles
The Musical Phanty
The History of Candyland
Tarquin DVD
Rotting (over 250K)
Recycling (190K)
Learn to Talk
King Feliz
How to be Loyal
Home School Musical (75K)
Elekas Tombola
Blitzen (250K)
About a Zetlian
A Snowman Halloween
101 Azuls (400K)