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Club:Join the ATM Club | Vote:Yes I will Vote |Pets:None are EVER for Trade/Sell

Age:Adult Player

I am an Adult Player that have been playing Marapets since July 11, 2006, 9:27 pm Marapets is my escape from the REAL WORLD which is a hard place at the moment. I joined with my sister (GutterxFlower) we run the Adult Club Addicted to Mara so if you are looking for an Adult Club where you can be as Active as you want and just relax and get the help you need then just mail me for an invite (Tell me a little about yourself) the only requirement is to be 18+.

My sister is my best friend and we raise a furbaby (Charley) together he is 14 Years young. Here on Mara I love working on ALL the Collections but my favorite has to be Wardrobe and Avatars I also collect a lot of different items for my Gallery but the main items I love collecting is my Potato Collection. I collect them in Bulk and welcome any you DON'T want :D

Things I Love in the RL are...

Reading---I love A lot of different types but read a lot of Stephen King & James Patterson...I have read The Hatchet by Gary Paulsen over 100 Times <---Not kidding love that book!

Photos---I love taking Photos of random things but mostly of My Charley and Food lol <3

Scrapbooking--- I Scrapbook with my sister we use not only real Photos but clippings from Magazines we subscribe to a lot of different type and have over 50 FULL boxes in storage of Magazines to still go through we try and use every bit we can for crafts as well NO waste!

Alice in Wonderland--- You may have noticed a lot of my Pet Names are inspired but Alice in Wonderland as well as a whole section in the back of my Gallery, here in the RW I collect Alice in Wonderland items as well it makes me happy to find something that I love to go in my collection.

Coloring/Drawing--- I like to relax by Coloring w/ my sister have SO MANY coloring books and Sketch Books.

Coffee---I splurge on coffee and love having a Frap Treat at Starbucks (Mocha Extra Ice, Extra thick with whip lol)

If you need help with anything feel free to mail me I will help if I can. I lend items from my Gallery as long as it can be returned within a Months time. I answer my mail and MT right away so if I am not responding it is because I am away from the computer.

  1. Vault Code:Book of Socks
    25th May 2018 12:00
    6 years, 3 months & 30 days ago
  2. Ugly Contest:Cold Feet
    24th May 2018 02:10
    6 years & 4 months ago
  3. Beauty Contest:I Hear The Bells
    22nd May 2018 15:59
    6 years, 4 months & 2 days ago
  4. --->Gemini TC Wardrobe Preview & More<---
    21st May 2018 16:12
    6 years, 4 months & 3 days ago
  5. Lottery Winner 5/20/2018
    20th May 2018 00:20
    6 years, 4 months & 4 days ago
  6. --->May 2018 Doll Challenges<---
    19th May 2018 15:56
    6 years, 4 months & 5 days ago
  7. Sewer Cleaner Mission:Gold Trophy
    17th May 2018 13:04
    6 years, 4 months & 7 days ago
  8. Ugly Contest:Underworld
    17th May 2018 00:51
    6 years, 4 months & 7 days ago
  9. Temple of Tableaus x30
    16th May 2018 12:05
    6 years, 4 months & 8 days ago
  10. Beauty Contest:Overworld
    15th May 2018 02:45
    6 years, 4 months & 9 days ago
ATM Club Mini Game: Freaky Friday the 13th
8 years, 10 months & 11 days ago
13th Nov 2015 01:55


--Event Closed--
Winner =Janet
Blue Unlucky has been sent to Janet

Happy Friday the 13th ATM Members here is a Mini Game to celebrate today! Don't feel unlucky get lucky winning some prizes!


This Game will last through today

-You must be an ATM Club Member
-You must complete ALL tasks
-You must have FUN!

Complete the tasks below to be entered to win the Prize

Note: All tasks that say "Post in the Comments Below" Should all be in one post and in the order of the task.
Task-2,4,5,7,8,11,13 Example in comments.

1.Donate ANY item to the Club with the #13 in it
2.In the comments bellow say something that includes the words ATM that is only 13 letters (! counts as a letter today). It can not be the same as another Members post. If it is you can repost.
3.Donate ANY Black Cat item.
4.In the comments bellow list 13 random things about you (They don't have to be to personal just like fav color, you like birds etc.)
5.In the Comments bellow Name something you are afraid of.
6.Donate ANY 13 random items to the Club.
7.In the Comments bellow name a Club Member's Username with 13 letters (and numbers) in it.
8.In the Comments bellow list 13 items you like on Mara.
9.Send ANY item with the word BROKEN in it to AbsolutNormal.
10.Bid on the Friday 13th Calendar AbsolutNormal put up in Club Auctions (10 Day Auction)
11.In the Comments bellow list 13 things you want on Mara. Does not have to be an item can be a pet/Goal.
12.Type 13 in Club Chat.
13.In the Comments below Type "I Heart Friday the 13th!'


All Participants will receive a random gift there will only be one Winner for the Main Prize below.


Blue Unlucky

ATM is a fun club
1) love all animals
2) was docent at zoo
3) petted a sloth
4) born in California
5) love the ocean
6) hate the taste of coffee
7) love flea markets
8) visited Petra...magnificent city
9) love to dance
10) am going to help paint the roof in a few minutes
11) like growing orchids
12) like stained glass
13) was a teacher
Am afraid of heights
NUMBER 8 Thirteen Items
1) Baby costume
2) Rainbow costume
3) Chibi costume
4) Spring costume
5) Valentine costume
6) Autumn costume
7) Weiji
8) Sprite
9) Foxicle
10) Fluffy
11) Silkie
12) Charley
13) Adorab
1) more friends
2) two baby costumes
3) a pucu maker
4) completing all Goals
5) completing all Missions
6) statting up Vedal
7) getting my pets through school and university
8) completing the temples & pyramids
9) a raulf maker
10) TwilightMyst will never finish her collections and that's not important to me, but I'd like to keep adding to what she has
especially learnies
11) a rainbow costume
12) finding more avatars
13) completing all the events
"I Heart Friday the 13th!'
18 years, 10 months & 11 days ago 13th Nov 2015 04:53
II.ATM club is cool.
1. I like to watch cartoons. (anime as well)
2. Favorite color is green.
3. Favorite animals are bunnys and tazmanian devil
4. My gf is KittyM15
5. From Croatia.
6. Studying to be a vet.
7. Have 2 sisters and a brother.
8. Love cola
9. Favorite game: Pokemon
10. Favorite movie: Paprika
11. Listen to Vocaloid (Kitty <.<
12. For some reason i really like mushrooms (not so much as food)
13. Never ever liked liver in any way as food.
V. Im afraid of spiders
VI. demonfan4life
VII. 1. Green gumball
2. Lief charm
3. Spring Nino plushie
4. Daylight costume
5. Giant pitcher
6. Green flow
7. Jar of mushrooms
. Cupcake stamp
9. Elegant martite
10. Mato (if minipets count as items)
11. Autumn scythe
12. Clover potato
13. Ball of gem yarn
XI. 1. Collect all the stamps
2. Write stories for all of my pets
3. Get all the dream pets
4. Collect all the GF for Twistlar
5. Buy Neon costum from Games shop
6. Collect plushies
7. Get all the rewards from moonlight fairy
8. Win some cool costumes from weekly quest challenges
9. Get lots of transformations on Twigsen
10. Complete every mission at least once.
11. Buy spring costume for Lileaf
12. Buy all the giftboxes
13. Have fun
XIII. I "Heart Friday the 13th!"
18 years, 10 months & 11 days ago 13th Nov 2015 04:11
02.ATM is Awesome!

-1.Born in Japan
-2.Collect Alice in Wonderland in Real life too.
-3.Love Potatoes
-4.Loves Hazelnut Coffee
-5.Wants to ride in an Air Balloon even when afraid of heights.
-6.Loves Star Wars!
-7.Eats on Poultry {as a meat) and sometimes Shrimp.
-8.Has 3 older sisters.
-9.Met Blossom
-10.Has a crush since a Corey Feldman.
-11.Never has own a Bird but thinks they are wonderful.
-12.Loves Chocolate but Mint Chocolate the MOST.
13.Use to hate corn but love it now as an adult.



-02.Wonderland Chest
-03.Heart items
-07.Any Wardrobe items
-08.Dukka Coins
-10.Glowing Eggs
-13.Enchanted Plushies

-01.Collect at least 1 of each potato item.
-02.Own a Basil
-03.Pastel Costume
-04.Gwt Gold in All Mission Trophies.
-05.Eas all GF
-06.Get Every Avatar
-07.Taurus Pants
-08.Own a Vixen
-09.Have at least 1 Username Change
-10.Get a Witch Costume for GreatOz
-11.Get a Superhero Costume for MyCharley
-12.Win the Monthly Checklist this Month.
-13.Own every GB

13."I Heart Friday the 13th!"

18 years, 10 months & 11 days ago 13th Nov 2015 03:24
  1. Vault Code:Book of Socks
    25th May 2018 12:00
    6 years, 3 months & 30 days ago
  2. Ugly Contest:Cold Feet
    24th May 2018 02:10
    6 years & 4 months ago
  3. Beauty Contest:I Hear The Bells
    22nd May 2018 15:59
    6 years, 4 months & 2 days ago
  4. --->Gemini TC Wardrobe Preview & More<---
    21st May 2018 16:12
    6 years, 4 months & 3 days ago
  5. Lottery Winner 5/20/2018
    20th May 2018 00:20
    6 years, 4 months & 4 days ago
  6. --->May 2018 Doll Challenges<---
    19th May 2018 15:56
    6 years, 4 months & 5 days ago
  7. Sewer Cleaner Mission:Gold Trophy
    17th May 2018 13:04
    6 years, 4 months & 7 days ago
  8. Ugly Contest:Underworld
    17th May 2018 00:51
    6 years, 4 months & 7 days ago
  9. Temple of Tableaus x30
    16th May 2018 12:05
    6 years, 4 months & 8 days ago
  10. Beauty Contest:Overworld
    15th May 2018 02:45
    6 years, 4 months & 9 days ago