Foxfire Pond
8 years, 9 months & 6 days ago
20th Mar 2016 11:54 Canary__123 fed Favolos Spoiled Banana
Favolos also ate Canary__123 and spat them out..
Canary__123 changed colour to Green
Canary__123 fed Favolos Brazil Nuts
Favolos also ate Canary__123 and spat them out..
Canary__123 changed colour to Space
Canary__123 fed Favolos Test Your Strength Pearl
Canary__123 gained 1 balance stat
Canary__123 fed Favolos Cajun Chicken Pizza
Favolos has rewarded you with 7 Olympic Pts!
Canary__123 fed Favolos Stamps Potato
Favolos also ate Canary__123 and spat them out..
Canary__123 changed colour to Green
MacauBeau fed Favolos Red Gummy Daisy
Favolos also ate MacauBeau and spat them out..
MacauBeau changed colour to Yellow
Ikoria fed Favolos Milk Chocolate Gumball
Ikoria gained 1 math stat
Raymundolphia fed Favolos Navy Striped Worm
Favolos also ate Raymundolphia and spat them out..
Raymundolphia changed colour to Green
MacauBeau fed Favolos Trash Potato
MacauBeau gained 1 defence stat
MacauBeau fed Favolos Callabresse
Favolos also ate MacauBeau and spat them out..
MacauBeau changed colour to Wizard
MacauBeau fed Favolos Orange Chocolate Gumball
Favolos also ate MacauBeau and spat them out..
MacauBeau changed colour to Yellow
MacauBeau fed Favolos Pine Nuts
Favolos also ate MacauBeau and spat them out..
MacauBeau changed colour to Green
MacauBeau fed Favolos White Chocolate Chibs
MacauBeau gained 1 stamina stat
MacauBeau fed Favolos Mint Chocolate Chibs
Favolos also ate MacauBeau and spat them out..
MacauBeau changed colour to Yellow
Raymundolphia fed Favolos Glass Donut
Raymundolphia gained 1 stamina stat
Raymundolphia fed Favolos Rock Gumball
Favolos also ate Raymundolphia and spat them out..
Raymundolphia changed colour to Blue
Raymundolphia fed Favolos Bronze Gumball
Raymundolphia gained 1 defence stat
Raymundolphia fed Favolos Orange Chocolate Gumball
Raymundolphia gained 1 coordination stat
Ikoria fed Favolos Christmas Tree Cookies
Ikoria gained 1 sports stat
Ikoria fed Favolos Bronze Gumball
Ikoria gained 1 history stat
Ikoria fed Favolos Rock Gumball
Favolos also ate Ikoria and spat them out..
Ikoria changed colour to Glass
Ikoria fed Favolos Rowan
Ikoria gained 2 stamina stat
Ikoria fed Favolos Yellow Heart Lolly
Ikoria gained 1 level stat
Ikoria fed Favolos Piece of Broccoli
Favolos has rewarded you with 78 Olympic Pts!
Ikoria fed Favolos Bronze Gumball
Favolos has rewarded you with 6 Olympic Pts!