Wonderland Secret Santa
9 years, 1 month & 20 days ago
23rd Nov 2015 19:29 signup now closed hello my fellow hatters and welcome to a new wonderland giveaway.
So what makes this giveaway so special?
well this time it's YOUR turn to do the giveaway!
So how do you partake in this insane giveaway, it's simple.
1). You must have at least 250+ post in the club to participate
2) comment below about wanting to participate and provide a link to your updated wish list (this is so people know what to get you).
The maximum spending limit is 500k 3) Then during the beginning of next month I will assign each person who comments a secret Santa (it will be a person who is participating) You will then have a couple of weeks to obtain an item that the person wishlist or a nice substitute if you can't afford any of their wishlist items.
Finally and this part is important. DO NOT give the item to the person straight away or tell anyone about who you've got for the secret Santa. (That would ruin the fun
A date will be assigned for when you should give the present to your secret Santa at the beginning of December on a seperate blog (which will be provided in the message).
the second blog will also include Information on prizes that I will give to people who participate in the secret Santa.
Have fun to all who participate!