My thoughts exactly for this ridiculous pool party

9 years, 7 months & 25 days ago
11th Jul 2015 16:15Written for me by Rubythief.
Five hundred Maradans all dripping wet
The pool party raged, all the plans had been set
And what could destroy this wicked good fun?
If they were smart all the partiers would run
For deep in his pit, Lord Beelzebub stirred
The party, the merriment, how dare they the nerve!
Such noise and water and umbrellas so drab
Poor thing, not a single nap could Beelzebub nab
From under the ground he let such a bellow
He looked at me, at you, at that unfortunate fellow
The party should end, right this moment it must
Let it rain, let it storm, let everything bust
The beach balls should pop, the hotdogs have sand
The drinks should be watered, pluck the strings from the band
As long as Beelzebub desires some more sleep
Let us all be warned, make not the slightest of peeps