If you believe, I need the power of prayer
10 years, 1 month & 26 days ago
17th Nov 2014 14:09 My daddy has been fighting cancer for 3 years now and has gone into remission twice.
In the past few months he has been in and out of hospital with various ailments with no definitive answers. Today I receive the final diagnosis.
My father's cancer did return we did know, however what we did not know until today is that it spread. His stomach, lungs and esophagus is riddled with cancer.
They are to the point they can only make my daddy comfortable. I just talked to him and he is in good spirits. I cannot see him until this Saturday as I am 1500 miles away from him. I plan on spending every waking minute I can with my daddy.
As of Friday I will no longer be home and my time on Mara will be very limited IF I am on at all.
All I ask is please say a small prayer for my daddy. Prayer that his last days no matter how many there are that they are peaceful and painless....