Friend Request?: Sure add me :D
MT or MM?: sure I love to talk or if you need help?
Pets?: not for trade unless I state otherwise.
Gallery: if you need ANYTHING for missions and I have it, send a MM or MT. How ever I would need to be reinburst.
I love to draw! If you want to see any of my art please MM me! Im an adult player I'm 22 c: I love maramails! I really do ask me anything and I'll help c8 I join marapets back in 2000 had my first account banned my accident I forgot I had a 2nd account rejoined in 2002
I love to rp shoot me up a message for 1x1 or group!
I love making friends ; D I don't bite heheh
Pets never for trade
Items in gallery maybe depends on the price
Club nah I have my own but your welcome to join xD
Maramail anytime
Friends anytime
This is to see if I can get 100 people to sign/comment this and I want to see if Ian will be willing to draw a Toddler Rusty C: maybe if we get people to comment maybe he will be willing? I mean he is an awesome owner of the site